Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day as blog reaches 30 million views

This is a personal wish to all in this country and the world for a very Blessed and Safe Independence Day. This blog was spirit led from the beginning to assist in making us all aware of the latest 'real news' in our charge for true freedom and independence.

May the cry for Independence reach all in all countries and let USA lead the way.

Now as this blog reaches the magical 30 million views all I can say.

Thank you all for your support and thank our team of patriot contributors. 

Thank You LORD for your guidance.

John MacHaffie   HIS humble servant


Anonymous said...

John thank you so much for this blog. You have done a great thing here and I thank you May God bless you

Anonymous said...

looks like Egypt has the 'balls' to gain their independence... here's hoping we Americans can 'shake- off' all the poisonings from aspartame, flouride, GMO's, vaccines, [and all the rest that cloud our reasoning], to finally gain our true independence here at home. Wake the hell up people... please. And as far as the USA leading the world in this , looks as though Egypt has, let's follow suit. God bless America.

Anonymous said...

John, thank you for what you have done to "serve" WE THE PEOPLE! I believe that you should be in the new history books as one of the significant "FREEDOM FIGHTER"!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations John, thanks for all you work.

Anonymous said...

No. John thank you for allowing us to see the world of possibilities through this humble blog. Through this medium you have allowed us to express ourselves as we grow in true awareness toward a better spiritual self. Through our anger, happiness, indifference, love and Amy other expression we may feel toward thus blog, we have grown internally and no one can return us back to that state of ignorance even if we wanted to. We are now better for it. And from this point forward it can only get even better as we grow together toward our long sought out freedom. God bless you John! And although this day really means our slavery system, its going to get better. We are already witnessing this day by day. Hang in there all!

Anonymous said...

Congrats John, this is a really big achievement!
Thank you and the team to help us grow and understand...
If only we could follow Egypt in its steps and throw the stinking government
for the betterment of the People!!!

God Bless You.


Anonymous said...

Thank you John for the blog!! Honestly if we don't see major events between today and the weekend we all are being played. You are in the position to reach millions of awake Americans. We need to put action on the ground if we continue to be manipulated. I am more than ready to fight for our republic. It is time to organize and unite America against the cabal and globalist satanic scum running our country. Thanks again!!

1Luv* said...

Eternal Gratitude John for creating this site to KEEP THE TRUTH FLOWING for all who resonate with 1Luv* !!! NESARA flowing$$$$ for CREATE CREATE CREATING WITH LOVE FOR ALL !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a short note of appreciation to John and his site contributors. Stay real, God bless all y'all and God Bless America during this coming year!
Dan on Michigan