In his most recent release of information, Poof/Zap made a rather startling statement...
The Urantia Book, eh? This tells us a lot about what Zap's agenda is.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Urantia Book (which can be read here), it is a very long and complex channeled work that was apparently produced by a member of the Kellogg family and his mental hygienist, a Dr. Sadler (articles on its origins can be read here and here). After reading several sections of it over the last few years, I've come to view it as an exceedingly elaborate piece of science fiction, and it has the feel of a Bible that has been rewritten by a Scientologist. It is also possible, though, that it might be a manual that describes the false-light reality of a creator-god type of being.
One of the online hubs where the adherents of the Urantia Book hang out is abundanthope.net, and if you go tothis page of their site, you'll notice something interesting...
"We, of The Spiritual Hierarchy, The Galactic Federation of Light, being also in cooperation and partnership with THE ELOHIM in this matter, have now reached the point where all celestial councils and officers of administration have all agreed and signed off on an approved acceptance of there being an unavoidable state of war with these unrepentant and overzealous adversaries of God and Christ."
So, in tying himself to the Urantia Book, Zap has indirectly identified himself with the Galactic Federation of Light (a.k.a. the Galactic Federation of Lizards). This immediately brought to mind a number of questions...
Are Zap, the GFL, and many other characters we encounter here "in the rabbit hole" nothing but frauds meant to distract our attention from taking conventional action against the plans of the international bankster families?
Are both of them real and therefore aligned with the false-light side of the problem/reaction/solution scenario that seems to be ongoing? Is this the old left/right paradigm raised to a planetary/galactic level, with the Luciferians playing the Left Hand and "Christ Michael" (the "Universal Sovereign" of the Urantia Book) playing the Right Hand?
...And also, taking note of the fact that it's July 4th, a date around which many Event expectations have been raised...
Has the expectation of a big, transformative "Event" been engineered into our psyches through such alternative disinfo sources and their endless repetition of propaganda?
In pondering the last question, consider the "Dinar Gurus"...
...who are rumored to have been hatched in underground labs and genetically programmed to say only three things:
1) "Finally! The RV is going through tomorrow!"
2) "We're just waiting for the new rates to show up on the bank screens."
3) "Wells Fargo blocked it again!"
Also, consider Sheldan Nidle (shown here at his day job)...
...and the refrain he's been repeating for decades:
1) "Hosanna in the Highest! Mass landings are imminent!"
2) "We are currently completing a series of legal steps that will lead to First Contact!"
3) "We continue to await the green light from Mother/Father God."
While many of us eagerly listen to these broken records over and over and over again, and while many debate which disinfo source is the "real deal" (Fulford? Keenan? The OPPT? Casper? Zap?), the noose continues to tighten ever so gradually around the population's neck with each new fascist law, executive order, and court decision.
Personally, if I don't see any big Event this year, I'm putting such thinking out of my head completely. And whether there is to be a transformative event or the same creeping gradualism, what I must do remains the same: I must take each step I can to disengage myself from the control mechanisms of the globalist system and build a strong local community.
Thus endeth my rambling for today.
Love always....
The Urantia Book, eh? This tells us a lot about what Zap's agenda is.
For those of you unfamiliar with the Urantia Book (which can be read here), it is a very long and complex channeled work that was apparently produced by a member of the Kellogg family and his mental hygienist, a Dr. Sadler (articles on its origins can be read here and here). After reading several sections of it over the last few years, I've come to view it as an exceedingly elaborate piece of science fiction, and it has the feel of a Bible that has been rewritten by a Scientologist. It is also possible, though, that it might be a manual that describes the false-light reality of a creator-god type of being.
One of the online hubs where the adherents of the Urantia Book hang out is abundanthope.net, and if you go tothis page of their site, you'll notice something interesting...
"We, of The Spiritual Hierarchy, The Galactic Federation of Light, being also in cooperation and partnership with THE ELOHIM in this matter, have now reached the point where all celestial councils and officers of administration have all agreed and signed off on an approved acceptance of there being an unavoidable state of war with these unrepentant and overzealous adversaries of God and Christ."
So, in tying himself to the Urantia Book, Zap has indirectly identified himself with the Galactic Federation of Light (a.k.a. the Galactic Federation of Lizards). This immediately brought to mind a number of questions...
Are Zap, the GFL, and many other characters we encounter here "in the rabbit hole" nothing but frauds meant to distract our attention from taking conventional action against the plans of the international bankster families?
Are both of them real and therefore aligned with the false-light side of the problem/reaction/solution scenario that seems to be ongoing? Is this the old left/right paradigm raised to a planetary/galactic level, with the Luciferians playing the Left Hand and "Christ Michael" (the "Universal Sovereign" of the Urantia Book) playing the Right Hand?
...And also, taking note of the fact that it's July 4th, a date around which many Event expectations have been raised...
Has the expectation of a big, transformative "Event" been engineered into our psyches through such alternative disinfo sources and their endless repetition of propaganda?
In pondering the last question, consider the "Dinar Gurus"...
...who are rumored to have been hatched in underground labs and genetically programmed to say only three things:
1) "Finally! The RV is going through tomorrow!"
2) "We're just waiting for the new rates to show up on the bank screens."
3) "Wells Fargo blocked it again!"
Also, consider Sheldan Nidle (shown here at his day job)...
...and the refrain he's been repeating for decades:
1) "Hosanna in the Highest! Mass landings are imminent!"
2) "We are currently completing a series of legal steps that will lead to First Contact!"
3) "We continue to await the green light from Mother/Father God."
While many of us eagerly listen to these broken records over and over and over again, and while many debate which disinfo source is the "real deal" (Fulford? Keenan? The OPPT? Casper? Zap?), the noose continues to tighten ever so gradually around the population's neck with each new fascist law, executive order, and court decision.
Personally, if I don't see any big Event this year, I'm putting such thinking out of my head completely. And whether there is to be a transformative event or the same creeping gradualism, what I must do remains the same: I must take each step I can to disengage myself from the control mechanisms of the globalist system and build a strong local community.
Thus endeth my rambling for today.
Love always....
Well said
Are Zap, the GFL, and many other characters we encounter here "in the rabbit hole" nothing but frauds meant to distract our attention from taking conventional action against the plans of the international bankster families?
if no action is taken...nothing will ever happen.....Period......
One day the people will realize this.....most are too lazy to anything but complain
We the people are the answer.....
nothing posted on the internet will ever be an answer....
The internet is just a way to complain about things
Totally agree with this post. Zap aligning himself with the Urantia Book tell us a LOT, if you have the eyes to see... Much of the modern new age movement has its roots in MKULTRA mind control ops.
That is NOT Sheldon Nidle.
Neither was that a picture of the dinar gurus. It's called a joke. But a telling one.
Especially sheldon nidle or Louie Anderson wake up
why are you fallowing anyone , why can you think for yourself , and stop blaming those who put information out there , thats a cop out , if you like the information that is out there and can relate to it then use it and go on your way , .what you cannot find from others you will find within your self .. oh yea of little faith who cannot trust yourself , always depending on others to show you the way ...... you are responsible for your self ,dont expect other to show you the way ...look within the kingdom of god in within all . deep in your heart you will find what your looking for .....
I surmized this pretty quickly. Disinformation and nothing than a difference of opinion. You inside know the truth and that what really matters. But I do have to admit that I found it pretty odd that Poofness crossover almost a few days or so before they announced that an elder from the White Dragon society did as well. It was just odd to me. And since we never know who to believe anymore we mustn't rely on anybody's word as fact. An open mind is all that's needed.
Great point! I made a comment a few months ago regarding the fact that all this "Gurus" are saying the same thing! Did you notice that one of them say something and ALL of them run with it? but nothing EVER comes thru!! and don't even get me started with the Dinar rumors, every day is tomorrow, today, in one hour, blame Wells Fargo, blame the Cabal, blame my Dog :-) is ridiculous!!
but entertaining at the same time ;-)The sad reality is all this gurus are paid to keep us in a state of anticipation feeding us their lies week after week but because the people in charge of this bloggs give them a plattaform to continue with their lies and none of us make them accountable the show goes on. Those waiting for the RV are convinced the Cabal is going to allowed that to happend just like that, tomorrow they are going to wake up and are going to be millionares it goes to tell you just how gullible we are. I applaud people that have the courage to confront this "gurus" I myself send an email to Susan questioning the information she's been bringing forth and 3 weeks later she has not responded.
Who cares if it's DRATZO ( Nidle ) or not ? It's a perfect shot of what I always call Dratzo now, MASTER USED CAR SALESMAN. Same type of sales pitch, same greasy promises that never happen, his declaration that he is our ' ascended master,' soon - soon - soon, light chamber BS, etc. Almost ALL the evidence any of us have is text on a screen regarding RV's, channelers, Aliens, gods, good guys, bad guys, hell, which one of us could even PROVE Obama is the president ? I mean actually prove ? All we really have is various levels of trust/belief/evidence. Some resonates with the individual, some doesn't. I don't think I would be surprised one day if someone turned off the holographic projector and we found we were actually living in one of those giant ant farms. The Earth seems set up to be a bizarre play, where each participant must kill SOMETHING to survive, whether we kill bacteria, ants, carrots, trees or cows. What could we really expect from a system designed with killing and death at every level ? A happy ending ? I can hope my ass off for peace, love, ending the killing and some kind of Heaven. As we read this, thousands of children starve every day, thousands of people are killed every year, and we are numb to it, perhaps because death and predation is essentially how Earth works. Can we change it ? Light up the hopium pipe and do a shot and a beer, we'll see what really happens. TYJM frj
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