Date: Feb 4, 2014 2:52 PM
AngelQuest Recorded CC and Thoughts from I4U Tuesday PM
AQ CALL FOR THE WHOLE REASON THE GCR IS BEING HELD UP..... THIS IS THE RECORDED CALL FROM ANGELQUEST..... RECORDED NUMBER 530-881-1499 644902# [Papa Bear] AQ -Congress refusing RV [Papa Bear] 2010 accord and our Congress non agreement [misskitty05] AQ: there must be an agreement among relevant countries with each signing on the dotted line before the GCR can move forward in her opinion [mbillions] AQ The IMF is trying to get more power than what they need... [Papa Bear] Very enlightening on stall of GCR [Robertprofessor] Comes down to the US willing to give up its dominant voting position on the IMF..... Read More Link on Right
[Papa Bear] mbillions We have the majority of power because we have most voting rights
[misskitty05] OKCRN yes.. she's saying all relevant countries must come to an agreement first before congress will move forward [Papa Bear] 2010 accord not approved by Congress [mbillions] Papa Bear I think she was saying that congress didn't approve payment for those voting rights... not sure.. .came in at the end... [Papa Bear] mbillions Yep [misskitty05] she said something about all other countries wanting to have an equal say. Right now, USA has a very significant say in what goes on... US not willing to give that up and that's why congress hasn't done what it needs to do to finalize this [#2sister] mbillions what voting rights? [mbillions] #2sister Within the IMF [..SweetQueen] THIS IS FROM ANGELQUEST..... OKAY HERE IS THE LINK TO THAT ARTICLE........ THIS IS BLATANTLY TELLING US THEIR IS A VOTE FOR POWER IN THE WORLD GLOBAL GOING-ON...........OUR CONGRESS HAS REFUSED TO AGREE TO THE 2010 ACCORD PER THE IMF POWER....AT PRESENT WE DO HAVE SOME POWER AND REGARDLESS OF ALL GURUS TELLING YOU IT IS THE AMOUNT YOU GET THEY ARE WRONG THIS IS A BIGGER PICTURE THE VOTING POWER OF THE USA.............. [Robertprofessor] Somehow there must be a compromise agreement that satifisfies the USG and the rest of the world. [Robertprofessor] The US has held the dominant position since Bretton Woods agreement that was made in NH (Washington Hotel) in 1944 because we were the country that was to emerge from WW2 with the strongest economy. According to AQ unless we give up our dominant voting position within the IMF, there will be no GCR. [sooner84] Robertprofessor Sounds like that will drag this out a long time sandytob] Robertprofessor sounds like a no win situation. [Papa Bear] misskitty05 Because we have majority of voting rights [misskitty05] Papa Bear yes [Digs] Robertprofessor highly unlikley that we would give up Voting rights... IMHO [sooner84] It sounds like the IMF is not able to push this whole thing through like they said they would do if the US doesn't. [Robertprofessor] Whatever the final agreement will look like, I'm convinced that China and the US need each other equally. The voting power on the IMF board must reflect that in some fashion so both giants have what they need. [#3sister] Robertprofessor How do you know its real? we have been lied to so many times its not funny [Robertprofessor] #3sister Know what is real? What AQ said today? What Tony is saying? Or that this funny money will someday secure your financial future? [Robertprofessor] #3sister I go to the most basic things about the investment for assurance: the dinar was artificially devalued as part of a war. That's normal in warfare. Also normal that in time the value of the currency is reinstated. Iraq has amazing wealth in the ground. [Robertprofessor] #3sister What is not normal with Iraq's currency is that so many other things have been tied to it, which has caused the reinstatement or revaluation to take much longer than normal after a country has lost a war. [Robertprofessor] #3sister The hold up is non agreement as Angel Quest explained. And how to get agreement maybe as impossible as squaring a circle, but AQ also said they could agree today. [Papa Bear] I say NICE JOB AQ. TY |
The USA is a rogue mafia private corporation - cabal owned and operated - the rest of the world HATES this nation and its rogue banana republic 'government' for all the illegal atrocities it commits against nations worldwide - it is no wonder the other nations don't want this cabal group to control the rest of the world's financial affairs - remove the traitors and re-instate the TRUE REPUBLIC government and THEN work an agreement for the release of the GCR - the cabal is moving to install and TOTALLY CONTROL the one world government financial system - they will not allow anything, as long as they remain in power of votes, to interfere with their plan for global control of all finances and assets - PERIOD
Why the heck should I care about this voting nonsense and die from being poor, while Congress has already gotten rich and cashed out?! Angel quest is delusional if she thinks that it is the obligation of all of poor folks to worry more about world issues and the place of America in the scheme of things when our own government is getting rich and doesn't care a wit about this topic. I think Angel Quest discovered some miss info and is misguidedly carrying the water for the PTB that want us to stay poor.
I respect what AQ is saying, however the US has caused many problems for the world and are now causing even more problems by cashing out all their elite, family, friends, and whomever else they know. There must be consequences for such actions. And as much as you like or dislike gurus, the fact of the matter is that 3 people can't be wrong and now saying the same thing. It's just way too much of a coincidence when Okie, Tony and Mountain Goat are giving out information with great detail and almost exact. Hmmm. I like AQ but this time I disagree. We wait and wait, and wait and the good guys never come around. Maybe they are not as good as we think they are...
None of this surprises me. "Our" government is the biggest collections of liars, cheats, thieves, drug dealers and perverts on the face of the planet. The major media not only avoids the truth, they actively support these disgusting assholes to further their own careers. And the American people are so dumbed down by the Public Fool System and the media that they keep voting for these people, and supporting them with tax money. We need to take a lesson from some foreign countries and march several million people into the streets and take our country back, but that will never happen because we're all too busy watching American Idol or Dancing with the Stars. I haven't watched TV for four or five years, except when I accidently see it at a friends home or in a public place. Unless people wake up soon we will all be living in FEMA camps, or dead.
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