SDR’s and the
New Bretton Woods – Part Three
The Real Global Currency Reset
By JC Collins
Have no doubt about it, the so called Global Currency Reset is
already happening, and it’s happening by the International Monetary Fund
restructuring the world’s wealth through the emerging markets.
Sovereign debt is at a 200 year high. Fiat currencies are on the
verge of collapse. Stock markets are hovering over nothing but the
illusionary ether from which they climbed. And if you listen
carefully you’ll notice that all countries are speaking from the same
So how did we get here?
Though this is a multi-part series, all the other essays on
have something to do with the process which has come to be called the
Global Currency Reset or the Great Consolidation. Such a complex
process is not easily understood or easily explained.
Revolutions are ideal methods to exact transformation upon a
civilization. The banking powers which still control the world today
gained that control through revolutions such as the French Revolution, the
Bolshevik Revolution, etc. They are working within the same methodology
![french revolution](
We are seeing mass protests against governments for the sovereign debt
problem which is threatening the world with total collapse. What is
little understood by the majority of the people is that the sovereign debt
problems are being caused and facilitated by the very same banks that will
stand to gain from any global currency reset. The reset will be the
solution offered in response to the reaction of the people, being the
protests and revolutions, which stems from the problem of sovereign debt
and currency collapse.
Can we not see through the smoke and mirrors too observe the obviousness
of the Hegelian Dialectic at play? The banks take control of most of
the countries of the world through revolution, war, famine, economic
sanctions, and then set up central banks in these countries. The
central bank of each country quickly gets to work on lending the government
of their respective countries the debt money it needs to function and
maintain the carefully engineered economic equilibrium of the population.
Eventually sovereign debt becomes too large and the whole system is
threatened with collapse.
Once again, how did we come to be here?
What we are witnessing is a carefully worded script to effect the
problem, reaction, solution of the Hegelian Dialectic. This script is
being written by the Bank for International Settlements. The B.I.S.
decides and disseminates all central banking policies and regulations for
the central banks of each country in the world.
Today’s “problem” began, for the most part, with the 1988 Basel Accord.
This accord was engineered by the B.I.S. through its main location in
Basel, Switzerland. The Basel One regulation set minimum capital
requirements for the central banks of the world. This policy was
trickled down to the chartered banks within each country. On the
surface Basel One appeared harmless.
It wasn’t until the Basel Two regulations came out many years later that
the first red flag should have been noticed. This regulation, along
with the minimum requirements of Basel One, allowed the banks to increase
their risk by way of leverage and investments. It can be argued that
Basel Two regulations were directly responsible for the subprime mortgage
crisis of 2008. Therein the “problem” is given full birth.
From then on the “problem” develops into corporate bail-outs and
eventually onto the sovereign debt crisis we are facing today.
The solution is found in the Basel Three regulations. In brief,
these regulations force banks to increase liquidity and lays out the
structure for currencies to become asset supported. It is in this
regulation that the Bank for International Settlements puts forth the final
stage to the great consolidation, of which the global currency reset is but
one part.
It’s interesting that many on the internet are saying that the banking
powers of the world are about to be overthrown because of the Basel Three
regulations and the economic reset which will come as a product of its full
implementation by 2018. Isn’t it recognized that the Basel Three
regulations are a product of those same banking powers? They’re
certainly not overthrowing themselves.
What is happening is the tightening down of the bolts, the closing of
loopholes, and the streamlining of processes. When it’s all said and
done, the Bank for International Settlements will have more control than
they do today. Period.
With that being said, there is evidence of negotiations taking place
behinds the scenes. Let’s not rely on rumor and internet conjecture for
this evidence. Let’s go directly to the International Monetary Fund
In the I.M.F. press release dated January 23rd, 2014, it
states the following:
“The Executive Board reiterates the importance and urgency of the
2010 Reforms for strengthening the Fund’s effectiveness and legitimacy.
This includes ensuring that, as a quota-based institution, the Fund has
sufficient permanent resources to meet members’ needs and that its
governance structure evolves in line with members’ changing positions in
the world economy.”
What they are saying here is that the implementation of the new
Executive Board, which includes China and other BRICS countries (See SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods – Part One) needs
to happen as soon as possible. These new members will make much
needed capital injections into the quota fund to meet overall member
needs. Here we need to consider the sovereign debt of all the
countries of the world and the consolidation of this debt through the
I.M.F. as it was designed to be. It also makes clear that the
governance structure of the Executive Board will reflect the “members
changing positions in the world economy”.
Let’s continue with the press release.
“The Executive Board proposes that the deadline for the completion of
the Fifteenth Review be moved from January 2014 to January 2015.
Furthermore, the Executive Board recognizes that the immediate priority is
the effectiveness of the Fourteenth Review and Board Reform Amendment.
Accordingly, the Executive Board proposes that the Board of
Governors adopt a Resolution expressing its deep regret that the
Fourteenth Review and the Board Reform Amendment have not become effective
and urge the remaining members who have not yet accepted the Fourteenth
Review quota increases and the Board Reform Amendment to do so without
further delay”.
So in the first sentence the I.M.F. is clearly suggesting that the
deadline for the economic reset be pushed out to January, 2015. On
top of that, it’s calling for a “resolution” expressing their
disappointment that some members have yet to accept the new quota
regulations and are pushing those members to implement the changes “without
further delay”.
Don’t let the “quota increases” term fool you. What they are talking
about here is surrender of the economic sovereignty of member
countries. In this simple term will be found the passage of ownership
over the Federal Reserve System to foreign powers. And remember, as
we learned in Part One of this series, Jack Lew of the Treasury is pushing
Congress to pass legislation which will support what the I.M.F. is
As we move through the year and get closer and closer to the Great
Consolidation it will be important to remain focused on what is really
happening. The Great Consolidation will be the relinquishing of
sovereignty and the Global Currency Reset will be one of the major steps
towards this end.
We will hear more of the sovereign debt issue. We will witness the
turmoil of the currency exchange markets. Revolutions will take place
on the television right before our eyes. The people of the world will
be told daily that the collapse of the whole system is imminent. At
some point, the negotiations hinted at above will be concluded. The currencies
of the world will be revalued and the debts of the world consolidated.
Make no mistake about it, the Global Currency Reset and the Great
Consolidation will mean the end of sovereignty, including the sovereignty
of the United States.
And at the same time, all the countries of the world continue to develop
police state procedures along with the implementation of technologies to
ensure successful management of the “reaction” stage of the Hegelian
Dialectic Triad.
This is the real Global Currency Reset. Order out of chaos.
![riot police](
There were other matters which I wanted to cover in part three of this
series. But I felt it was important to set a few things straight
about the reset first. In the next installment we will get back on
track and delve once again into the structure of SDR compositions. We
will take a closer look at specific regions, including Canada and the
Keystone XL Pipeline, agreements between Iraq and Iran on oil strategies
(hint: so called “dinarians” are not going to be happy), and how all
sovereign debts, including historical bonds, will be included in the Great
Consolidation. – JC Collins
End Note: There is so much involved in the
creation of this “New Bretton Woods” that I will not limit the amount of
expected installments in this series. I will keep writing and
providing info until such a time as the system is in place or all processes
and structures have been clearly defined, whichever comes first.
SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods – Part One
SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods – Part Two
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So what you saying is no matter all the talk about the overtrowing of the bankink cabal because the banksters are going to get even more power??
None of the posted links are working.
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