Putin: Deploying military force is last resort, but we reserve right
Published time: March 04, 2014 10:49 Edited time: March 04, 2014 11:32

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Alexey Nokolskiy)
There was an unconstitutional coup and an armed takeover of power in Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated. Russia is puzzled why there was a need for it at a time when Viktor Yanukovich had conceded to all opposition demands.
The assessment was voiced at a media conference in Moscow.
Putin stressed that the Ukrainian people had a legitimate reason to protest against Yanukovich’s power, considering the overwhelming corruption and other faults of his presidency.
But he objected to the illegitimate way his ouster took place, because it undermined the political stability in the country.
He said that while he personally was not fond of months-long streets protests as a means to pressure the government, he sympathized with the Maidan demonstration members, who were genuinely outraged with the situation in Ukraine.
But at the same time he warned that what happens in Ukraine now may be a replacement of one group of crooks with another, citing the appointments of certain wealthy businessmen with questionable reputations.
Yanukovich is certainly powerless in Ukraine, but legally speaking he is the legitimate president of the country, Putin said. The way the new authorities in Kiev replaced him did not enhance their credibility.
Putin, who was given a mandate by the Russian senate to use military force to protect civilians in Ukraine, said there is no need for such an action yet.
He assured that the surprise military drills in Russia’s west which ended on Tuesday had nothing to do with the Ukrainian situation.
Putin cited the actions of radical activists in Ukraine, including the chaining of an official to a stage as public humiliation and the killing of a technician during an opposition siege of a parliamentary building, as justification for Russia to be concerned for the lives and well-being of people in eastern and southern Ukraine.
(Reuters / David Mdzinarishvili)
Incidents like those are why Russia reserves the option of troop deployment on the table.
The Russian president stressed that Russia wants to see equal participation of all citizens of Ukraine in defining the future of the country. The resistance to the authorities in Kiev, which is evident currently in the eastern and southern Ukraine, shows clearly that currently Kiev does not have a nationwide mandate to govern the country.
Asked about criticism of Russia over its stance on Ukraine, Putin dismissed the accusations that Russia is acting illegitimately. He stated that even if Russia does use force in Ukraine, it would not violate international law.
At the same time he accused the United States and its allies of having no regard to legitimacy, when they use military force in pursuit of their own national interests. He cited the campaigns in Iraq and in Libya as examples of such behavior.
As for the sanctions Russia faces over Ukraine, Putin said those threatening them should think of the consequences to themselves if they follow that path. In an interconnected world a country may hurt another country if it wishes, but it would be damaged too.
Threats are counterproductive in this situation, Putin warned. He added that if G8 members choose not to go to Sochi for a planned G8 summit, that would be up to them.
Putin dismissed the notion that the uniformed armed people without insignia who are currently present in Crimea are Russian soldiers. He said they are members of the Crimean self-defense forces and that they are no better equipped and trained than some radical fighters who took part in the ousting of Yanukovich.
Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych arrives for his press-conference in southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, on February 28, 2014. (AFP Photo / Andrey Kronberg)
Russia is not planning to go to war with the Ukrainian people, Putin stressed, when a journalist asked if he was afraid of war. But Russian troops would prevent any attempts to target Ukrainian civilians, should they be deployed.
Asked about the presence of snipers during the violent confrontation in Kiev last month, Putin said he was not aware of any order from the Yanukovich government to use firearms against the protesters. He alleged that the shooters could have been provocateurs from one of the opposition forces. He added that what he was sure of is the fact that police officers were shot at with lethal arms during the confrontation.
Putin does not see any political future for Yanukovich, which he told the ousted Ukrainian president himself. He added that Russia allowed him to come to its territory for humanitarian reasons, because if he remained in Ukraine he could have been summarily executed.
Russia will be watching the planned presidential election in Ukraine, Putin said. If it is conducted in an atmosphere of terror, Russia will consider it unfair and will not recognize its results, he warned.
The Russian government is currently engaging with the self-proclaimed govern of Ukraine with the goal of preserving economic ties between the two countries. However, any normal relations would only be possible after Ukraine has fully legitimate branches of government, Putin said. He considers that he has no counterpart in Kiev now, so he personally has no partner to communicate with.
Putin commented on the issue of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, which Russia committed to preserve. He said that Western powers reject Russia’s assessment of the events in Ukraine as a coup and insist on calling it a revolution.
Some Russian experts, Putin warned that if Ukraine had undergone a revolution, then the nation that came out of it is not the same that it was before, similarly to how Russia transformed after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
If this is the case, Moscow may consider itself no longer bound by any treaties it has with Ukraine, Putin warned.
IZAKOVIC http://www.deepspace4.com
Everyone knows governments and war just a game ,a game of illusion to distract the people from the truth of what is really going on around them in a dysfunctional world.Where forces of Political Power engage in tactics of false flags,stripping of rights ,WAR mongering,Governments under the false flag of fighting the greatest illusion of fighting Governments when all along they are ONE UNION,UNITED UNDER ONE CAUSE, to bring in and unto the people their slaves the system they want in the end
game when the final chess piece is placed. All players quiet play along Government ,Bankers, organizations,outside
influence,etc. Its business as usual the game goes on .False conflicts arise, false flags freely flying everywhere in the world
,mass confusion.Army Engage Army, countries against countries, meanwhile under the mega mounting mountain of of all
confusion the innocent people suffer ,cities,countries, homes, families, torn apart. Meanwhile the false face of Governments smiles at their achievement when one war is over they place the government political figure they want in power.Followed by war after war political figure after political is placed ,another chess piece is dropped in position. Meanwhile placing false flags all
along the way to confuse the masses. Control media, the greatest game of illusion. Meanwhile they leave the people dazed
and confused, Governments control the masses, what a better way to start the the grand illusion with mass confusion , wave
after wave a grand ripple effect in many countries, have governments falsely inflate everything,take jobs away, get people
against people ,people against Governments, leaves the final mixture in boiling pot and when the temperature gets to the right
degree bring in the troops another war torn country,displaced homes families,etc.Then the Political figure placed.The final piece is placed, GAME OVER, the masses finally see, they bow down to the Government controlled system, because they were to
confused and dazed in the true ripple effect that flows around them. No one knows the real truth behind the iron curtain.Yet the conflict issue of Ukraine's territorial integrity is just another ripple effect,another piece of the chess game played by the governments,bankers,organizations,outside influence,etc.All in the game until governments have what they want, played their final chess piece.GAME OVER.Call it what you like NWO or NWG, whats the difference.If governments can't get a NEW WORLD ORDER,PLAN B deceive the masses,give then a NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT.Either one works as long as government controls it and the masses,But don't tell them they are the same.(JUST AN OPINION NO LESS NO GREATER,JUST AN OPINION)(THE GREATER OF THE TWO BECOMES NO LESS THAN ONE, ONLY AN OPINION SEEKING TRUTH WITHIN THE RIPPLE EFFECT OF ILLUSION WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF CONQUER AND CONTROL)
AS STATED JUST AN OPINION.Maybe as far off as off as one can be.Still its ONLY AN OPINION.
Just the opinion of one person can't change the world,it's the people of the people for the people of the world to choose the governments they want in a world they want to live,governments can't and never will do it for you. Governments control their own interest, not interest of the people.If the people don't control their own interest of who they are and how they wish to live among each other ,don't expect a controlled system to change it for you.For that system of control will never change.May have a different face, same name GOVERNMENT.Depends on what government you want, a honest GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE run by people they can trust, OR GOVERNMENT FOR THE GOVERNMENT run by GOVERNMENT you can't trust.THE HONEST PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO STAND FOR THEMSELVES FOR NO ONE ELSE WILL.
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