Friday, May 13, 2016

BREAKING: House GOP announces IMPEACHMENT hearings…

Many of us were angry and stunned — though actually not totally surprised — when Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) announced there would be no charges against IRS official Lois Lerner for targeting Tea Party and conservative groups during both the 2010 and 2012 elections.
Instrumental in the obstruction of the investigative process was IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Remember this guy?
Well, this guy isn’t off the hook yet. Today, House Republicans announced they will hold impeachment hearings to investigate “misconduct by Koskinen — specifically, whether misled Congress and violated a subpoena.
impeachment hearings
Via Washington Times:
House Republicans on Friday announced hearings to investigate whether IRS Commissioner John Koskinen misled Congress and violated a subpoena, taking the first steps that could ultimately lead to his impeachment over the tax agency’s tea party targeting.
Impeachment is still very unlikely, particularly given the short amount of work days left in this Congress and in the Obama administration’s tenure overall.
But conservatives are intent on exploring Mr. Koskinen’s actions after the IRS was ordered to preserve and turn over documents related to targeting of tea party groups — and particularly emails from former senior executive Lois G. Lerner.
Mr. Koskinen’s accusers say he failed to comply with a congressional subpoena on those documents, and instead he allowed backup tapes of the emails to be destroyed.
He also said his agency was unable to find the backups of some of Mrs. Lerner’s emails — but the IRS’s own internal auditor was able to discover thousands of them with little effort. The internal auditor concluded that the agency erased 422 backup tapes that should have been protected by the subpoena.
The IRS did not have an immediate comment on the move to hold hearings.
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte has scheduled two hearings, inviting members of the House Oversight Committee, which issued the initial subpoena and which has been pursuing Mr. Koskinen for years. And Mr. Goodlatte said he will invite Mr. Koskinen himself to testify.
“Our government is supposed to work for all Americans, not for a particular partisan agenda,” Mr. Goodlatte said in a statement announcing the hearings.
Though the IRS scandal has largely faded from the headlines, it is certainly not over. In addition to impeachment hearings for Mr. Koskinen, the agency is in court in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, where a panel of judges is trying to determine whether the tea party targeting is going on. It was this court who, just last month, dropped the following truth bomb:
“It’s hard to find the IRS to be an agency we can trust,” said Judge David B. Sentelle.
To those who say give it a rest already — this is old news — one might suggest they tell that to the groups still awaiting tax-exempt status after five years and those still being targeted with special monitoring.
And, hey Republicans, while you’re in the impeachment groove, you might want to take a look at that guy currently occupying the White House. Not even sure where to tell you to start…
[Note: This article was written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor]


Lovely Critters said...

Throwing us a bone so we will shut up about Obama and Hillary...lets not get distracted. IMHO

Anonymous said...

NoConfidence Talkshoe - He's suing the IRS

Anonymous said...

Dreaming of the IRS' permanent demise
is the reason I get up every day;
more accurately, the realization of
how much they have taken from us and
gotten away with for so long.

Stunning, how well the secrets were
structured to deceive us.

Savvymom said...

On May 17, 2013, "IRS Executive Director, Steven Miller," tesified, live, under oath to the Ways and Means Committee as a result of the IRS (Lois Lerner debacle), Investigatory Congressional Hearings, into the scandal of the IRS corruption. How do I know this you ask? I personally watched this specific live testimony!

After swearing an oath to tell the truth, Director, Steven Miller did the honorable and told the truth after being turned over by Chairman, Trey Gowdy for questioning by Representative Xavier Becerra, [D-CA34], CA 34th congressional district.

Steven Miller's disclosure in testimony, "TAXES ARE VOLUNTARY", aired live, nationally on CNN. Rep Becerra's immediate response of surprise was accompanied by animated arm gestures (He threw his arms out and up in the air as he tilted his head back exclaiming: "Well, finally someone admits it. Taxes are voluntary", which Rep Becerra repeated numerous times during Steven Miller's testimony. The next 2:32 were Rep Becerra's expounding with repeated questioning and addressing of the undisclosed 'voluntary nature' of (unconstitutional) taxes.

The IRS is a private for profit corporation, the (non-government) collection arm of the private-for-profit, unconstitutional Federal Reserve. NO tax law was ever ratified as has been exposed and confirmed by awakened former, high level, IRS agents (among other learned, honorable people) who are educating Americans. Sheesh, Rush Limbaugh exposed this back in the '90's on his then, talk radio show.

An insurmountable amount of 'FRAUD' has been perpetrated against America along with the continuously attacked and conditioned Americans by the evil, usurping foreign agents posing as our government. They secretly sold us out, but 'fraud' nullifys contracts, agreements, etc. with facilitation being a prosecutory felony with a mandatory federal 5yr sentence.

This continued theft of the working Americans' money, property and resources is fueling their corruption, funding select, non-working, while the world is awakening and saying, no more! We must unify in non-violence as provided in our Bill of Rights and restore Common Law, common sense and the rule of our land, our organic Constitution, signed Sept 17, 1787, inclusive with the ratified, original, power-terminating 13th Amendment! God blessed America and we must unify to keep her as there are evil-doers 'hell-bent' on division and civil war. America - the world awaits us!