which are being perpetrated daily by their fiendish, greedy, ruling
elite. We Americans are also ruled by a fiendish greedy elite, among
whom are our diabolical pharmaceutical merchants of mass murder.
Apparently "the marketplace" always finds a way to supply "demand".
Welcome to the world of the unspeakable corruption of “human sacrifice”!
In the name of "medical progress" - and "organ transplants", several
criminal syndicates are operating and engineering a HOLOCAUST of
exponential proportions -- and who are “the victims” ????
Society is witnessing the unspeakable crime of "sacrificing children” to
satisfy “a market”. And what better cover than "Child Protective Services"
and officially endorsed international "Child Rescue Services".
The open, and unanswered question remains: "Why are these children
never seen again?
“Rescuing children” from their parents is now “Big Business” .
American "Child Protective Services" permanently snatches approximately
143,000 children per year, and these are children that never see their
parents again.
This number is now exploding exponentially as parents are forced to
surrender custody of their children for “criminal non-compliance” with
the mandates of the Medical Mafia – (Public Health mandated vaccines,
psychotropic drugs, chemotherapy, etc.etc. )
Apparently, the depravity of man knows no bounds! Even though the
planet is witnessing more than ONE simultaneous "holocaust", none of
them are ever officially investigated. They remain buried, and/or are
never revealed in the media - because the Powers that control
“officialdom” want to conceal their crimes, of course.
The cutting out of children's organs, both prenatally and postnatally, to
satisfy "a market niche" has to be the most unspeakable “crime against
humanity' imaginable!
There is MORE than JUST ONE “market niche" being "served".
But as you see, the "Transplant BUSINESS" is not primarily about "saving
lives". It is about "MONEY" - BIG MONEY - it is a VERY lucrative BUSINESS.
How long is humanity willing to “See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil”
to obfuscate the reality that "children's lives are being sacrificed" to satisfy
an insatiable 'market niche' - to save “the few with the money", and to fill
the pockets of crime syndicates?
The Transplant Business and associated anti-rejection Drug Business is
about BIG MONEY - and in this BUSINESS “the organs of innocent children
are viewed and treated as “market-essential Commodities”.
As long as we “stand by” and view and promote the “Transplant Industry”
as “THE medical miracle”, without investigating the WHOLE PICTURE, we
become equally complicit in this “sacrificial crime against humanity.
I have remained silent for far too long. Is your voice going to be heard,
too, once all the dots are connected?
[Posted by cdsapi@telus.net]
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