Cliven Bundy Sues Federal Judge Gloria Navarro, Senator Harry Reid, Rory Reid And President Obama For Violating His Constitutional Rights....
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 3:57 PM
Subject: 5-10-16
Date: Tue, May 10, 2016 at 3:57 PM
Subject: 5-10-16

Cliven Bundy Sues Federal Judge Gloria Navarro, Senator Harry Reid, Rory Reid And President Obama For Violating His Constitutional Rights
Media Advisory
Cliven Bundy Sues Federal Judge Gloria Navarro, Senator Harry Reid, Rory Reid And President Obama For Violating His Constitutional Rights
Media Advisory
Press conference to follow detention hearing at 10:00 a.m. in Las Vegas federal court (held on court house steps)
Cliven Bundy Sues Federal Judge Gloria Navarro, Senator Harry Reid, Rory Reid And President Obama For Violating His Constitutional Rights
Asks For Dismissal Of Indictment And Release From Solitary Confinement
Media Advisory
Press conference to follow detention hearing at 10:00 a.m. in Las Vegas federal court (held on court house steps)
Cliven Bundy Sues Federal Judge Gloria Navarro, Senator Harry Reid, Rory Reid And President Obama For Violating His Constitutional Rights
Asks For Dismissal Of Indictment And Release From Solitary Confinement
(Las Vegas, Nevada, May 10, 2016). Today, Cliven Bundy filed a complaint against U.S. District CourtJudge Gloria Navarro, U.S. Senator Harry Reid, the son of Harry Reid, Rory Reid and President Barack Obama for allegedly violating his Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel and For Speedy Trial, Eighth Amendment Right Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment (Mr. Bundy is currently being held in solitary confinement), Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms in Self-Defense, and First Amendment Right to Assemble in Self-Defense. The complaint can be found at
The complaint asks the Court to dismiss the indictment against Cliven Bundy and release him from prison and solitary confinement.
Cliven Bundy's attorneys will discuss the complaint following the hearing at 10:00 a.m. on the courthouse steps.
Discovered at this link:http://bundyranch.
Many Blessings,
Crystal River
Many Blessings,
Crystal River
For more information, contact or (424) 274 2579.
View complaint:
Cliven Bundy is suing then in the same manner that I am!
I am filing suit against the Fed court as well as the state. The Fed court is an accomplice to conspiracy with the state kangaroo courts operating in a Demonstration Court Process created in 1995 right here in Michigan.
I Am Not A Law Your
What ever title you sue them under, many people forget or do not know to find out the elements you have to prove.
The Jurisdictionary course teaches how to sue, and gives really good tips for dealing with claims, and the courts and moving the court.
The best way to find the ele-ments is to see prior court cases where the opinions of the judges mention the elements and even says first element, second element or numbers the as (1), (2), (3), and so on.
For instance if someone wanted to get someone for aggravated identity theft, they'd have to prove they 18 USC 1208A(1)(a) which has a section c, and most people prove up parts but can't prove up section (c) in any way, even if it means section (c)(4) which puts you into 18 USC 1208 and specific things in there like 18 USC 1208(d)(4) or something.
So just suing is not enough. You gots-ta state a claim [ knowing the elements help ] for which relief can be granted, and if you can find some case law to support your statements and the definitions in prior case law and use them 'later' - not in the original complaint, but as you build the case, you'll get pretty far.
They will enter a Motion to Dismiss for dumb reasons, just to see if you fail to respond to it; and failing to responds will give them the dismissal.
I hear anyone doing a federal lawsuit should have one of the NCLC books that give basic instructions on how to begin a court case, and what to do at each stage of the suit so you don't mess up motions, and schedules and procedure.
I also hear people use O'Connor's Rules of Federal Procedures.
Many cases are dismissed because people do not state all the elements, they read a few, put them in the case, but do not know how the convoluted code is connected and they miss one.
Looking at district and supreme court cases that deny people their suit, teach you what they were missing that made their suit get denied so you don't miss the same things in yours.
Municipalities are persons and can be sued under title 42 USC 1983, but some states have in their code, if you are going to sue a municipality, you have to send them a tort letter first and give them 60 days to respond before initiating a suit.
So much to know, and we are right and will prevail if we put our heads together and team work our way to victory.
Suing the individuals in Federal court opens their eyes.
The corporate body they hide behind has no mouth and cannot speak, no hands and cannot sign documents that oppress, no feet and cannot move to make us move, it's the people using it, hiding behind it.
I would not waste my energy suing a fiction.
I would use my energy to sue the real.
Individual accountability for Corporate Wrongdoing
Hang em all after they are sued!!
ANON 4:27 Thank you for the information and taking the time to help someone.
THIS IS ALL PIE IN THE SKY! These so called authorities are criminals.There is only one way to deal with these scum. If you don't know what that is you will all remain the slaves you are.
Their lawyer is Larry Klayman. Research this name. If anyone can get this case to stick, it is him.
By reading the suit, the claims are all listed in the same brief. They should be separate. What the attorner is doing could lead to disbarment! He is brave to go against the system.
Only one way... bang bang?
Dude pulled them all into the corporate fiction to fight.
He's not going against the system.
[???] is an individual, natural person who, at all material times, was and is a citizen of the state of [???]
Individuals, natural persons/human beings, have no rights except those given to them by the code, whether it is US Code or their state Code and the
was an is a citizen of the state of
is the fiction state.
For example if you look at the state of Washington code, it's called RCW
Go to Chapter 1 - General Provisions
then 1.20 General Provisions
1.20.010 State flag -- don't let the capital S of that word State fool you.
The official flag of 'the state of' Washington ...
Look at 1.20.080
The seal of 'the state of' Washington shall be,
The Seal of the State of Washington
but that doesn't mean it's for the State of Washington, it's for the state of Washington and is merely written with the first letter of each word as a capital letter.
Confused yet?
Now look at the State of Washington constitution
Specifically for We, [comma is significant and needed]
the people of the State of Washington.
The above State of Washington is not just writings on a seal for the state of Washington.
That attorney is still in the system and not bucking it.
At best he'll supposedly get them a lenient sentence and a lower fine.
He's not their get out of jail card. By no means, n my opinion
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