Excerpts From "Deeper Perspective on Fed Reserve to a New Republic via a GCR"
Posted by TaTa:
Deeper Perspective on Fed Reserve to a New Republic via a GCR
Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset
A Summary on a Deeper Perspective 5-14-2016
Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking standard began with creation of Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families.
Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive off ledger private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though have been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since the late 1600s.
Posted by TaTa:
Deeper Perspective on Fed Reserve to a New Republic via a GCR
Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset
A Summary on a Deeper Perspective 5-14-2016
Nearly 450 years ago the Anglo-Saxon world banking standard began with creation of Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
These funds of sovereign countries were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families.
Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive off ledger private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though have been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since the late 1600s.
By 1694 this global monetary system overseen by the Cabal was being run out of a central bank in England controlled by the Rothschilds family. Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild once declared, "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
In the mid-to-late 1700's of Eastern Europe these dark forces were in complete control of the planet's wealth. The Cabal had secretively taken over world assets and affairs in an invisible web of usury and fiat finance. Gradually they were dominating the world's banking, military, diplomacy, education, science and media organizations.
By 1871 the Cabal had created the Corporation of the US to control the world monetary system. They discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe and eventually formed the US Federal Reserve to continue their plunder of global assets.
Influential world leaders and their country's monetary systems functioned under orders of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Bank of International Settlements, North American Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300 and the Trilateral Commission. These Cabal organizations including their Khazarian Mafia, commonly laundered monies through the Vatican Bank.
The privately owned US Incorporated, US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were expected to conform to dictates of these organizations membered by adherants to Masonic Orders such as Skull and Bones, or London's Crown Temple, the Vatican and private families such as European Royality, the Bilderbergs, George Soros, Rothschilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers.
The most influential of their organizations was the privately owned US Federal Reserve. The Fed has functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference at the end of World War II.
The Federal Reserve practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money, plus allowing easy credit soon led to a fiat US Dollar and thus a global economy that functioned on currency backed by nothing.
By the year 2000 and to avoid a global monetary crisis, an urgent need for a reset of world currencies became apparent. Beginning in 2007 and running through 2015, all countries of the globe except for the US, had joined asset-backed currency of a newly-formed BRICS Alliance.
BRICS was an acronym representing the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In retaliation to the world's main reserve currency of the fiat US Dollar, the BRICS system supported a country's currency through it's natural resources, oil, gold, silver, copper and other precious metals.
This led to the Global Currency Reset of 2016 - a complicated process concerning a revaluation of world currencies, removal of the Federal Reserve and certain global elites, along with their Khazarian mafia, from control of the global monetary system.
The reset included restoration of a new US Republic that functioned within the original Constitution. US citizens would finally be given their own gold-backed currency, along with needed changes in the US tax and banking systems.
On April 26 2016 the Global Currency Reset process began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard through the BRICS system. Expected completion of the GCR rollout across the world was sometime in May 2016.
By this same time the Cabal had bankrupted themselves, plus their privately owned US Federal Reserve Dollar was no longer being accepted for trade worldwide.
The history of that process included formation of the new US Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the US Treasury, changes in the US tax system and release of 800 exchange appointment numbers for buyers of the first basket of revalued currencies: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Zimbabwe Zim, Indian Ruphia and Iranian Rial. Other world currencies were expected to quickly follow.
Higher rates were said to be available during the initial exchanges, especially if a good percentage of monies were dedicated to Humanitarian Projects. These projects were said funded in part by gold of the Chinese Royal Dragon families and by $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during a 1992 Federal Reserve Audit.
Another source of funds was $3.8 trillion gained through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union that also had been illegally held and used by the Federal Reserve.
Repeated attempts to use these monies to pay off the national debt had been thwarted by the Cabal.
At present the funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.
In the mid-to-late 1700's of Eastern Europe these dark forces were in complete control of the planet's wealth. The Cabal had secretively taken over world assets and affairs in an invisible web of usury and fiat finance. Gradually they were dominating the world's banking, military, diplomacy, education, science and media organizations.
By 1871 the Cabal had created the Corporation of the US to control the world monetary system. They discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe and eventually formed the US Federal Reserve to continue their plunder of global assets.
Influential world leaders and their country's monetary systems functioned under orders of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Bank of International Settlements, North American Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 300 and the Trilateral Commission. These Cabal organizations including their Khazarian Mafia, commonly laundered monies through the Vatican Bank.
The privately owned US Incorporated, US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were expected to conform to dictates of these organizations membered by adherants to Masonic Orders such as Skull and Bones, or London's Crown Temple, the Vatican and private families such as European Royality, the Bilderbergs, George Soros, Rothschilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers.
The most influential of their organizations was the privately owned US Federal Reserve. The Fed has functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference at the end of World War II.
The Federal Reserve practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money, plus allowing easy credit soon led to a fiat US Dollar and thus a global economy that functioned on currency backed by nothing.
By the year 2000 and to avoid a global monetary crisis, an urgent need for a reset of world currencies became apparent. Beginning in 2007 and running through 2015, all countries of the globe except for the US, had joined asset-backed currency of a newly-formed BRICS Alliance.
BRICS was an acronym representing the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In retaliation to the world's main reserve currency of the fiat US Dollar, the BRICS system supported a country's currency through it's natural resources, oil, gold, silver, copper and other precious metals.
This led to the Global Currency Reset of 2016 - a complicated process concerning a revaluation of world currencies, removal of the Federal Reserve and certain global elites, along with their Khazarian mafia, from control of the global monetary system.
The reset included restoration of a new US Republic that functioned within the original Constitution. US citizens would finally be given their own gold-backed currency, along with needed changes in the US tax and banking systems.
On April 26 2016 the Global Currency Reset process began playing out when China formally launched a return to the gold standard through the BRICS system. Expected completion of the GCR rollout across the world was sometime in May 2016.
By this same time the Cabal had bankrupted themselves, plus their privately owned US Federal Reserve Dollar was no longer being accepted for trade worldwide.
The history of that process included formation of the new US Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the US Treasury, changes in the US tax system and release of 800 exchange appointment numbers for buyers of the first basket of revalued currencies: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Zimbabwe Zim, Indian Ruphia and Iranian Rial. Other world currencies were expected to quickly follow.
Higher rates were said to be available during the initial exchanges, especially if a good percentage of monies were dedicated to Humanitarian Projects. These projects were said funded in part by gold of the Chinese Royal Dragon families and by $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during a 1992 Federal Reserve Audit.
Another source of funds was $3.8 trillion gained through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union that also had been illegally held and used by the Federal Reserve.
Repeated attempts to use these monies to pay off the national debt had been thwarted by the Cabal.
At present the funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.
See this soon-to-be released trialer of a documentary about corruption in the Federal Reserve, "Eagle One to Wanta": http:// eagleonetowanta.com/
And a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and it's relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as the first Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assasination of President Kennedy, who was attempting to close the Federal Reserve right before he was murdered:
https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=U1Qt6a-vaNM
And a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and it's relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as the first Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assasination of President Kennedy, who was attempting to close the Federal Reserve right before he was murdered:
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