Democracy Spring
2,000 People Pledge Arrest in D C
Huge Protest Civil Disobedience
This is an Awareness Blog to consider the future of your world. Actions are being done now to restore our freedom. County, State, and National Assemblies are forming across our world nullifying the corrupt corporations. Watch and become AWARE! Participate and be a part of making history! 62 MILLION VIEWS PER MONTH Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
What the flock are only 2000 sheeple going to do when the FEMA camps are set up to house millions? All these 2000 sheeple will either end up in a camp or dead period! It will take millions to wake up and raise up over night and start hanging all these treasonous puppet bastards there in the District of Criminals..
This "spring" stuff is instigated and paid for by George Soros the instigator of all unrighteousness! Don't go along with his setups and traps. He should be arrested for inciting riots and violence!
Have thes 11 milloin illegal immigrants showup to be arrested.
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