Sunday, May 15, 2016

NC Lt. Governor to Obama: Constitution Grants Education Decision Authority to States and Localities, not the President

Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest blasted Obama over his mandatory bathroom policies stating, "North Carolina will not stand by and let our locker rooms and high school showers be used for social experimentation at the expense of the privacy and protection of our young boys and girls."


North Carolina has been embroiled in controversy for the last month or so due to the debate over transgender bathroom policy; now the debate has been escalated by the Obama administration. Earlier this week we learned that the Obama Justice Department would be pressing forward in an effort to cow North Carolina into submission. However, that process was slowed when North Carolina replied by defiantly countersuing the administration for their oppression.
Now, President Obama himself has stepped in with his unlawful, unconstitutional order that every public school across the nation comply with his immoral transgender policies.
Thankfully, it seems that some politicians retain the backbone to fight back.
From North Carolina Lt. Governor Dan Forest’s Facebook Page:
Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest released the following statement in response to President Obama’s bathroom policy directive:
North Carolina will not stand by and let our locker rooms and high school showers be used for social experimentation at the expense of the privacy and protection of our young boys and girls. I do not think it is appropriate for teenage boys and girls to share the same bathroom. I don’t think it appropriate for teenage boys and girls to shower next to each other. I don’t think it is appropriate for male coaches and male teachers to have access to girls’ locker rooms and showers while the young girls are naked and exposed. I feel confident, the vast majority of North Carolina parents feel the same.
The President needs a reminder that the United States Constitution grants education decision authority to the states and localities not to the President of the United States. Our current state policy protects our children by maintaining bathrooms and restrooms consistent with the biological sex of the child and already gives schools, should special circumstances arise, the freedom to grant private single stall – single shower bathroom accommodations to individuals who might not otherwise be comfortable using the bathroom of their biological sex or a bathroom shared with other people. This is the only reasonable response to the situation that exists today. Opening all showers and all restrooms to all sexes at all times as the President is suggesting, is not a reasonable solution, but an invitation for violations of privacy and personal safety.
North Carolina public schools in receipt of the President’s letter are reminded that there is a binding state law on the books governing bathroom policy and the President’s non-binding directive is merely his attempt to push his version of a social policy on our state with no Constitutional authority to do so. It should be rejected as a matter of principle and policy.”
Article posted with permission from Eagle Rising.


Anonymous said...

Just more "divide & conquer" tactics by the dark ones. Can we just remove them from the planet already?! Tired of this group of psychopaths.

Anonymous said...

F*** Obama up the *$$ with a flagpole!