Monday, May 16, 2016

Note from Judge Anna about the next week or so.

Anna wrote this note late last week, and I thought you should all know so you don't worry.


We are working on finding answers ---good, simple, reliable-in-all-states answers--- for the next week.  Please stand by. In fact, all those who are waiting for more news and updates from me, please be advised that our research is ongoing and for the next week we will be heavily and deeply engaged in historical and legal research related to these questions. Be patient and check back in about one week, when I should begin to download this kind of practical information and updates again.  I have to have time to consult and collect information and do a lot of work besides just communicating so down-time with communications means up-time doing the actual work that results in expanded knowledge and more information coming to light.


In the mean time here are some documents to study.

If you would like to help us continue and expand this work of Anna's:

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