Secret Military Maneuvers, Foreign Mercenaries, Civil War Drills - Will There Be An Election?
Hey Dave! Thank you so very much for your vigilant pursuit of the truth and to get the information out to all of us !! God Bless you for that. I was just giving you some FYI information. Here in Wheatland, Wy we have seen a huge amount of what looks like military caravans in the area. Was driving to Laramie, Wy on a back road and met a possible 75-100 vehicles of some sort in a few convoys!! I will attach video below.
Also saw this truck with AMES on it. Armed Mobile Emergency & Safety. Do you know anything about these…government, military, UN etc.? Have seen a couple more but no pictures of them.
Thanks again if you can help identify the truck pictures, or a good guesstimate would be great also! J
Secret military movements in Wyoming
For years, Ames has been the glue that would tie together several first responder agencies, intelligence operations and on-scene military. They have been used at critical shooting events. However, in recent years, my source tells me that they have been involved with coordinated drills with foreign troops in high profile activities such as Jade Helm 15 and now UWEX 16.
This is also happening in conjunction with the presence of foreign mercenaries in nearby Northern Colorado.
Ames is the perfect coordinating group from which to fight a guerrilla war against 'rogue American units'.
Also In Nearby Northern Colorado
Gurkha’s in training
Weeks ago, I received this email from a person about UWEX 16 and I have to confess that I did not understand the message in the proper context until I started connecting these dots.
This was sent on 4/11/16
Dear Mr. Hodges,
My son is in a branch of the military that is part of the drill you write about called UWEX. He has told us of foreign troops who train with the soldiers when they are fighting guerrilla war battles. He told us of a group of for-hire soldiers he calls berka or gerkas and soldiers from Singapore as well. He said they fight with the Brits and they are highly trained in guerrilla war strategies. My son said that they are using these soldiers to train to fight against American tactics and weapons in a guerrilla war Texas. My son is freaked out because he said he will not fire on American soldiers or citizens. He says he won't have to. The foreigners will do it for the 'government'…
My fellow Americans, there is not going to be an election and it is going to get very, very ugly.
We live in the area. This is absolute garbage and fear porn.
I see this just about every day in my area.. Want me to send you pics of the fear porn?
In fact, I can send you pics of the fenced in areas where they practice! There are signs all over the place warning of unexploded ordinance!
I can hear them firing their artillery most days. Sometimes it makes the dishes in my cupboards vibrate.
Screw it! I'll post a few pics of your fear porn practice area in the bottom of this post!
Anon 9:40 AM - Hey 'fear porn'! That's YOUR name from now on. You show up frequently now. This must be how you get your jollies! Got nothing better to do?! Very sad. The only words you know are 'fear porn'. GROW UP!!!
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