publicized programs that are being foisted upon us by the diabolical
old men in the shadows who pull the puppet strings of our presidents
and other officials. Come on. Think! I'll give you a few clues.
Clue #1: Here we have a lame duck president who is completely useless and
ineffective. Therefore, why would he try to impose upon us such an
offensive, onerous program? Don't you even suspect that there is
a secret agenda behind this outrage? Do you just react emotionally
without even suspecting that you're being played?
Clue # 2: Trump started out pretending to be an outsider, and the deceitful
ruling elite blared out upon the public this brainwashing message:
"The Powerful Establishment (e.g. the GOP) is afraid of Trump's Forthright
Determination to Abolish Political Abuses and Political Chicanery."
However, from day one I knew that Trump was just a plant, a stooge of the
diabolical ruling elite, and I posted numerous commentaries showing that
"Bre'r Rabbit (the Ruling Elite) is craftily begging Bre'r Fox and Bre'r Bear
(the angry but naively dumb American public) NOT to throw (the Ruling
Elite) into the (President Trump) Briar Patch. Yet, obviously, that is
what the Ruling Elite want: to be thrown into the President Trump Briar
Patch, because Trump is the obedient stooge of the diabolical Zionist/
NeoCon war-mongers who were double-crossed when their previous
stooge, Obama, refused to attack Iran and trigger nuclear World War
III with Russia. However, Pres. Trump will obey Netanyahu's order to
attack Iran.
Well, have you figured out the Ruling Elite's (not Obama's) trick of
forcing males and females to go to the toilet together?
Okay, I'll tell you. Some of you will figure it out, but others will be
so myopic that they won't even believe the reason that I'm about to
give you.
The reason is to provoke such an inflammatory, emotional, outrage
from the many Americans who are already fed up with the abuses
of our federal government . . . that the undecided voters will swing
over to support Trump, thus putting this stooge of the joint Zionist/
House, so that he can win by a LANDSLIDE. You see, Trump must
win by a landslide in order get the popular mandate to react to
Netanyahu's next alleged "Muslim" 911-style attack on America,
designed to justify an alleged "retaliatory" attack upon Iran.
John DiNardo
Read and Weep for America's Future!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dee Nicholson <>
Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 18:39:33 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Subject: Obama now dictating bathroom etiquette....
Being a small female, I'm not going to thrash a transgendered male
in a women's bathroom... but neither am I going to USE that bathroom
until He/She leaves. Sorry, but I will not be told what level of privacy
I can have, nor will I be told with whom I have to share a bathroom. If
someone can't handle who they are, just as God made them, that cannot
be my problem.... so I will stand conspiculously against the wall and
wait for this person to leave. How they can enter a women's washroom
and pee through a penis is beyond me.... they aren't fooling anyone, any
more than Bruce (yes, BRUCE) Jenner does... he's still a guy in a
dress.... and I don't want him in my bathroom!
You know, there are people who have limbs amputated because they are fixated on amputees. That, they call a mental illness. But attach (or rather, DEtach) genitalia to that argument, and all of a sudden it's not a mental issue? Guess it depends on what you want amputated, right? IF THINE EYE OFFEND THEE, PLUCK IT OUT? Not on my nickle, OR my nerves. Go pee somewhere else, thank you very much. Transgendering was their choice, but does not have to be mine.
And to the gay person who wrote in, below, THANK YOU for putting some sense on the table.
#BREAKING: Pres. Obama to order public schools to allow transgender students to choose own bathrooms
President Obama “ORDERS” Schools to Allow Transgender Students to Use Whatever Bathroom They Want
| Piper McGowin | The Daily Sheeple | 854 views
So this is happening.
Via ABC7 News:
AG Loretta Lynch earlier this week announced that the DOJ is suing
North Carolina and threatening to withhold federal funding over the
state’s new bathroom law, which forces public schools, colleges, and
government agencies to — prepare yourself for this — designate bathrooms to be used by people based on their biological sex.
I know. I know. Crazy right?
Well Lynch thinks so; she compared the new law to Jim Crow laws.
Meanwhile, the DOJ has the time and inclination to sue North Carolina for being sooo evil as to force the potential 0.37 percent of transgender North Carolinians to use the bathroom designated for their biological sex, but the department just can’t seem to get around to indicting Hillary for, well, any of the laws she’s broken, of which there are many and that affects everyone (especially if she becomes president).
And that’s the country we live in.
This whole thing reeks of obedience training. Social engineering and bullying via politically correctness to get the 99.63 percent of everyone else to bow down, no matter how uncomfortable it might make them, to the will of the 0.37 percent…
Again, please refer to this comment left on an article where people were arguing about these laws:
Via ABC7 News:
The Obama administration is telling public schools that they must allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity. The directive is in formal guidance being sent to school districts Friday by the departments of Education and Justice.Notice that “the letter does not impose any new legal requirements” because the president can’t impose legal requirements directly onto schools like a dictator or a king, but that didn’t stop ABC7 from Tweeting “Pres. Obama to order public schools to allow transgender students to choose own bathrooms.”
The letter does not impose any new legal requirements, but federal officials say the guidance is meant to clarify school districts’ obligations to provide students with nondiscriminatory environments.
“President Obama, in the dark of the night – without consulting Congress, without consulting educators, without consulting parents – decides to issue an executive order, like this superintendent, forcing transgender policies on schools and on parents who clearly don’t want it,” Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told NBC 5.Throw aside the bathroom issue for a second wholesale. How can Obama really order schools to do anything? This kind of thing violates the separation of powers in just the way you know Obama loves to do. And inevitably this will get tied to the funding at these schools, which is really all most schools actually care about these days anyway. This new development comes on the heels of this:
#BREAKING: Pres. Obama to order public schools to allow transgender students to choose own bathrooms 1ZLfOUd
ABC7 News San Francisco
The Obama administration is telling public schools that they must allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.I know. I know. Crazy right?
Well Lynch thinks so; she compared the new law to Jim Crow laws.
Meanwhile, the DOJ has the time and inclination to sue North Carolina for being sooo evil as to force the potential 0.37 percent of transgender North Carolinians to use the bathroom designated for their biological sex, but the department just can’t seem to get around to indicting Hillary for, well, any of the laws she’s broken, of which there are many and that affects everyone (especially if she becomes president).
And that’s the country we live in.
This whole thing reeks of obedience training. Social engineering and bullying via politically correctness to get the 99.63 percent of everyone else to bow down, no matter how uncomfortable it might make them, to the will of the 0.37 percent…
Again, please refer to this comment left on an article where people were arguing about these laws:
I’m gay. I know a man when I see one. A woman who cuts off her breasts and grows a throat beard is not a man, she is a woman with a psychological disorder, known as gender disphoria. And I do not want to share a locker room or a shower with a woman. And YES, sorry libs, gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. That is the only reason insurance will cover the surgery–as treatment for a mental problem.
People with the disorder known as gender disphoria deserve love and compassion, but that does NOT mean that the rest of us will be bullied into showering with hairy women, or men with breast implants.
Sex is biological and cannot be switched. Neither can gender. Gender ROLES or gender NORMS may be a social construct, but gender itself is BIOLOGICAL and IMMUTABLE.
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