Monday, May 16, 2016

‘WE NEED A MEDIC!’ Hillary, Bernie delegates clash at NV Dem convention

Supporters of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed in Las Vegas on Saturday and it got so out of hand, cops descended on the ballroom and threatened arrests.
Convention attendee and YouTube user Anie H. posted several photos of the action, as announcements were made over the loud speaker to leave the Paris Hotel or risk being arrested.

She said Las Vegas Metropolitan police entered from the back of the room and went to the front, and “they are literally going to force us to leave the room.”
As she spoke, people could be seen shouting and waving their fists and signs.
“So much for unity,” she said, as a man could be heard yelling, “Sit down!”
Meanwhile, another video showed a man lying on the floor near the front of the room.

“Stay back,” a person shouted.
“We need a medic in the front, we need a medic in the front,” a woman could be heard saying.
RELATED: VIDEO: Nevada Hillary supporters register AFTER voting?
In another cell phone clip, Anie H. said, “They’re threatening us with arrest if we do not leave the convention site right now.”

“Bernie or bust!” a man shouted over the loud speaker.
“Everybody please leave out of here peacefully,” another man said, “and I promise you, we will pursue any and all remedies available under the law. Please leave!”
Attendees could be seen filing out, while others milled about.
“Shame on you Nevada Republican — oops — Democratic party,” Anie H. narrated.
Ashley Ector tweeted a photo of the police lining the front of the room. She referred to them as “brown shirts.”
The Las Vegas Sun reports there was “palpable tension” in the room.
“I think this was of course the fault of the party,” Sanders supporter Angie Morelli tells the paper. “We would’ve been able to do more democratic things, but the way they decided to do it messed us up.”
Sanders supporters were demanding a recount and were alleging a number of their delegates were not recognized at the convention.


Freewill said...

Everything that evil B!t@h is involved with is a friggin disaster!

Anonymous said...

I witnessed, first hand, Democratic/union political corruption when I worked at one of the large hotels in Las Vegas. A month prior to the 2008 election, the Culinary Union, and others, had representatives inside the hotel where employees came in, a violation of law, handing out literature, in Spanish and English, and telling employees they would be provided free transportation to and from the polling place, a free lunch, and pay for the time off to vote. The pay is already required by law, but the union made it sound like they were paying the employee. They were told they did not have to be a citizen to vote, as long as they had a driver's license. Of course, they were told who to vote for, too. If that happened in some Banana Republic, the USG would be screaming, "election tampering." But it got Obama elected and that little weasel Harry Reid reelected. So, as in the videos above, I hope the Dems beat each other to a pulp.