Wednesday, May 18, 2016

WUA – Don’t Blame BOB - emailed by a reader

Description: SnipImage(9)….Are we NUTS!
New Report Shows That The U.S. Air Force Is Dying Before Our Eyes
 By Michael Ware  May 14, 2016

Many films have been made, documenting the rise and fall of great military forces. The Romans, the Greeks, the Nazis, and many others have been shown to have won significant victories, then lose. This is the way it seems that the world works. Great beginnings, then great tragedy.
But, there is something else that these great militaries have in common. The people that they were fighting for never thought that they would have to face defeat. No Roman ever dreamed at the height of their power that the Visigoths would so cripple them.
We have the same problem, even as our Air Force is reduced to near inoperability.
The U.S. Air Force is now short 4,000 airmen to maintain its fleet, short 700 pilots to fly them and short vital spare parts necessary to keep their jets in the air. The shortage is so dire that some have even been forced to scrounge for parts in a remote desert scrapheap known as “The Boneyard.”
Who would have ever thought ten-years-ago that our Air Force would be reduced to scraping for spare parts? But, here we are. Operations and training exercises not fulfilled. On top of this disgrace, there are fewer airmen and pilots to do the same jobs.
This is wearing on these people. They are being stretched to the point that many are giving up and going back to civilian life. And this leaves us with less and fewer men and women with experience. Which makes our Air Force weaker and less likely to fight efficiently.
We are seeing the administration taking its quest from the second worst president in history, as the last time our military was in such dire straits was when Jimmy Carter was president.
If Obama is doing an imitation, I am impressed.

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