Sent: 8/24/2016 9:56:43 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Obama Admin. Forced FBI to Stand Down & Stop Investigating Clinton Foundation
Subj: Obama Admin. Forced FBI to Stand Down & Stop Investigating Clinton Foundation
Everything we've learned about the Clinton Foundation corruption was presented to Loretta Lynch and the DOJ and they told the FBI to stand down
Obama Admin. Forced FBI to Stand Down &Stop Investigating Clinton FoundationWhen Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she met with two different categories of people: US/foreign government employees and private individuals working outside of government. Pretty common sense... The people she met with were either working for a government or not. All in all, Hillary met with 154 people who were not associated with any government entity. At least 85 of them - which is 55% - had donated to the Clinton Foundation. At least 40 of them donated at least $100,000 to the corrupt Clinton charity and at least 20 of them donated in excess of $1,000,000. When you factor in the foreign governments that donated to the Foundation and then got access to Clinton as Secretary of State, we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars. That is how much it costs to influence US policy. As you remember, FBI Director James Comey was asked point-blank whether the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation. For the first time that day, James Comey clammed up and said he could neither confirm, nor deny, the existence of an investigation. We have since learned that the FBI did bring evidence of corruption forward and Loretta Lynch’s DOJ told the FBI to stand down. Unacceptable! FaxBlast Congress and demand they use every tool at their disposal to FORCE the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Clinton Foundation! For goodness sake, this is corruption on top of corruption on top of corruption. The FBI brought evidence of criminality to the DOJ and asked them to authorize a full ethics investigation. They were told to stand down. There have been reports that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York has decided to go rogue and defy Loretta Lynch by investigating the Clinton Foundation anyway. If these reports are true, then this attorney’s days are numbered… There is no way that Lynch allows this to go forward. We will likely never find the ‘smoking gun’ of pay-for-play, quid pro quo corruption at Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Hillary Clinton deleted more emails than she turned over. But what we have is an abundance of evidence pointing to impropriety. Hillary Clinton signed an ethics agreement and swore to create a wall between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. We’ve now learned that “wall” was as porous as the Southern Border. We know for a FACT that the State Department left 148 voicemails on Cheryl Mills’ State Department answering machine. That’s just the times they played phone tag. That doesn’t include all the times that Mills picked up and talked with them. We know for a FACT that the Clinton Foundation reached out to Hillary’s top aides by email insisting that top donors be given access to Clinton. And now we know for a FACT that the majority of non-government individuals who met with Secretary Clinton also happened [to be] Clinton Foundation donors. Hillary testified before Congress that she would not allow the Clinton Foundation to influence her work in government. She signed an ethics agreement with the White House asserting the same. She lied. Don’t let Loretta Lynch and the Obama administration cover up another Clinton crime! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND the appointment of a Special Prosecutor! Like always, the Clintons are claiming that what they did wasn’t technically illegal. They may be right. This is coming from the same political family that put a price tag on the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House and rented it out to top donors to sleep at the White House overnight. This is the same political family that was caught stealing $200k of furniture, china and artwork from the White House when they left. This is the Hillary Clinton who, in the words of the FBI Director, may have violated the Espionage Act, but there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Hillary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act – the law that mandates government employees preserve their documents – no less than 14,900 times. But she can’t be prosecuted for that because only current government employees can be punished. Now, we have evidence that Hillary Clinton violated an ethics agreement she signed by allowing the Clinton Foundation and its donors to influence her work in government. Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General and long-time friend of the Clintons, told the FBI to stand down when they brought evidence of corruption forward. You need to get loud and DEMAND a Special Prosecutor right now! Send your FaxBlast to Congress here! We saw a huge swell of support yesterday in both the House and the Senate in support of a Special Prosecutor. Even many within the Democrat party are calling for the Clinton Foundation to shut down over this. This is doable. Congress has still yet to pass a number of government spending bills. They have the power to force the appointment of a Special Prosecutor. Congressman and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) - the same person who is forcing a vote to impeach Obama's IRS commissioner - is leading the charge to force the appointment of a special prosecutor. But he can't do it alone. It is just up to YOU to convince Congress to push for a Special Prosecutor! Loretta Lynch’s DOJ told the FBI to stand down in its investigation of the Clinton Foundation! FaxBlast Congress and DEMAND the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by any means necessary! Sincerely, Joe Otto Conservative Daily There have been reports that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York has decided to go rogue and defy Loretta Lynch by investigating the Clinton Foundation anyway. If these reports are true, then this attorney’s days are numbered [Ed., pray for his safety and success in doing this.]... There is no way that Lynch allows this to go forward. |
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