Sunday, July 1, 2018


DEMAND (CRAZY) MAXINE WATERS RESIGN! 583355&utm_source=ial&utm_campaign=maxine&utm_medium=rev_ial&red=list%2fial%2fmaxine%3finitiativekey%3dl2ksucoqrevp

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Because Trump is not a minority and is trying to help America, the democrats are trying everything they can to hurt America. America has had 8 years of BS and now it is time to turn the tables around. Maxine Waters needs to be put in jail for treason and sedition. She is corrupt in that she was on the committee that approved the bailout of her husbands bank. Can you say conflict of interest. As has been quoted, she is a low IQ person. She is only worried about the bribes and kickbacks that are not going to enter her pocket. She is not worried about the people she is suppose to be representing in her district. Heck she does not even live in the district she represents. Either support the president or sit down and shut up.