Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Drake's Upcoming Radio Show Wed 6-20-12

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

DRAKE's Upcoming Radio Show

Listen to internet radio with Global Voice 2012 Radio on Blog Talk Radio

Wed 6/20/2012 - 7PM Eastern Drake's Mid-Week Update

Drake's official mid-week update program on Global Voice Network. Tune in for the latest updates.

Drake will speak and then we will open the lines to questions.  Tune in for the very latest news on our path to freedom.

Patience is gold.
(Chinese saying)

SUNDAY's Show:

Drake will be giving "vital" updates concerning our freedom.
Blasting the voice of freedom worldwide.

Visit website 2 LISTEN at



Anonymous said...

Guess he's going to have a lot of explaining to do since no arrests were made this Monday of the bad guys. He's really going to have a problem if the Et's don't show up Thursday to start killing the bad guys. Ha, Ha! What a joke!

Anonymous said...

i wont be listening to that fraud!!!

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, Iceland arrested a few bankers. Hardly anything I'd label a "mass" arrest though.

Pete L. said...

Anonymous said...


I was just listening to part of the interview with Lady Dragon. If Drake wishes to be taken seriously....he should get rid of this person!
She can hardly get the words out of her mouth...her accent interferes with what she is saying and I think that she is on an ego trip big time! You know...this is serious stuff that these people are dealing with and has a great factor on what is happening and what we are to expect from our Galactic federation and allies.

Anonymous said...

drake fulford and wilcocks are all a joke. these people just keep on showing up and you people are buying in to all there bull crap. whos the latest one cobra now you guys are gonna put all your faith in this guy what the hell is wrong with you guys...wake up people please.................................

Jake said...

We're not putting all our faith into these guys, we're gleaning information relevant to our situation and watching the crooks who are taking our freedom and money while accepting that most of the military must be on the side of the people and are taking the appropriate action from within. What are they (the military i.e.) stupid traitors who just do as they are told ? I believe that most Americans are good people who believe in their constitution, this should be enough to save the US.

Jake said...

I think Drake's being manipulated by these insiders. We're all being told what we want to hear. The Cabal can see that many people are onto them, we know their methods and they fear a mass uprising. What better way to calm down the people than to tell them that the cavalry is coming. Unfortunately you still have a dumb assed majority who still believe what they are told. If there was some way of getting them to join a general voting strike then that would be it, over and done with the message to the criminals would be clear and concise. The people would make it clear that they won't comply. Ah but I'm just dreaming it will never happen.