Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Look at the drops of water. It’s incredible! What A Picture!

What a picture ....

Look at the drops of water. It’s incredible!
To those of you that do not speak or read French, We will translate it at the end.

Regardez la goutte d'eau, c'est incroyable !...

> Une photo étonnante est devenue un message de foi en Espagne.
> Cette photo a été prise au baptême de Valentino Mora, le fils d'Erica, une maman de 21 ans qui a demandé au photographe
> de prendre une photo de son fils gratuitement.
> La photo du baptême de Valentino Mora se trouve sur l'Internet,
> parce qu'au moment ou le prêtre verse l'eau baptismale sur la tête de l'enfant, on voit les flux d'eau en forme d'un chapelet (voir la photo ci-dessus).
> Cette histoire a commencé à la Paroisse de l'Assomption de Notre Dame dans Cordova, l'Espagne, où le baptême d'un bébé du mois a eu lieu.
> Au moment où Valentino est venu pour recevoir le baptême, Erica a demandé au photographe Maria Silvana Salles, qui a été embauché par d'autres parents baptisant leurs bébés, de prendre une photo de son fils comme une faveur, puisque la jeune mère n'avait pas les moyens de payer.
> La photographe, à la demande d'Erica, accepte
> de prendre une photo de Valentino.
> Maria Silvana avec une caméra traditionnelle a envoyé le film
> à être développé à un magasin dans Cordova.
> Quand elle a reçu les photos,
> elle a remarqué avec la surprise
> que l'eau versée sur la tête de Valentino était un chapelet parfait.
> La photo du baptême de Valentino a éveillé la foi des gens de Cordova qui viennent à l'humble maison d'Erica et Valentino Mora pour le toucher.
> La vérité est que ce signe de foi a mobilisé cette ville dans Cordova,
> dont les voisins vont au magasin de Maria Silvana acheter la photo
> comme si c'était une carte de prière.


This picture has become a religious message of faith in Spain.

It was taken at the christen of Valentino Mora, son of Erica, a 21 year old mother that asked a photographer to take her son's picture for free.

When the priest poured the water over the baby’s head, you can see the form of a rosary beads. ( see the picture above )

The photographer was hired by other parents. Erica asked her as a favor, because she couldn’t afford to pay.

Maria Silvana has a traditional camera and send the film to be developed in a store in Cordova. When she received the pictures, she was surprisedto see the water poured over Valantino’s head was a perfect rosary beads.

This picture woke the neighborhood faith. The people of Cordova go to Erica’s house to touch the baby.
This sign of faith mobilizes the town of Cordova, neighbors go to Maria’s store to buy the picture like a prayer card.


Anonymous said...

When I first looked at the picture, before I even knew what the translation said, I thought that the priest had put rosary beads into the bowl, and it was hanging down on the outside of the bowl. This is an amazing picture, and probably signifies that there is something special about that baby who is being baptized.

Anonymous said...

Probably signifies that person holding the camera knows how to use photoshop.

Anonymous said...

Probably signifies that some people don't believe in supernatural events, and signs and wonders.

Anonymous said...

I saw this picture too. There is no indication found by those who have examined this photo and would know if it was photoshopped, that it has been tampered with.
Water is a very strange. Look at frozen water in a snow flake. I don't know if this was just the dynamics of just how the water was poured, a chance in a million or something else was in play. I would like to believe something else in in play here.
Even if I am wrong, it is not a bad thing.