Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - June 12, 2012 ‘Choosing the Nest’
The television you are watching, even though you think this technology is new and state-of-the-art is actually very old and outdated. Even the couches you sit on, although the concept has remained the same, many things about it too have changed. These are just a sampling of everyday things that you take so for granted that will change radically in the days ahead for you. There is not too much about the future many of you will be entering that will remain the same for you. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, do not wish to rush any of you into these changes that in many areas will be great. We instead wish to gently escort you out of the current paradigm you are experiencing into a new reality which we feel you will agree is far more rewarding, enjoyable and educational than the current lives you are living.
There are many of you who are ready and some of you who are even looking forward to these changes in your experience, though there are just as many of you, even more so, that are not at this time ready to experience such upheavals to their reality and therefore are not looking forward to these changes as some of you are. Please try to keep this in mind as you continue your efforts to share your truth and share what you know of the coming of events for you, as these events may not be in the future for all of those that you speak to. This is the way it must be, as a choice has to be made here to either experience a new beginning or to continue experiencing what some have become used to and what some believe, at least at this time, to be their one reality.
Please respect and honor their choice, and allow them the comfort and the apparent safety of their current nest within the home of their reality to remain undisturbed as much as you can. This is the best thing you can do for them. Shaking them out of their nest before they are prepared to fly away on their own is not in anyone's best interest. These souls are not yet prepared for such a journey and require more schooling and experience right here where they are. Do not feel badly for them as there is no reason for this. Be happy for them that they understand what it is that they need for their own soul’s advancement, and extend to them the courtesy of accepting their choice as the better choice for them as, if they could understand your choice, they may not see it as the best choice, at least for them.
Our choices are a personal one, and each and every choice that we make is sacred and should be honored. Please honor and respect their choice, for it is the choice that they feel is best for them at this time. For those of you who are choosing a new adventure with new challenges, joys and triumphs, we say to you that this is also a choice that we of the higher realms have made in what you know as our past. There was a time when all of us who have already made this choice, and all of you that are now making this choice, chose instead to remain within the familiar confines of our lower dimensional homes and selves. There will come a day for each and every soul to make the choice to leave the old and experience the new, so do not feel it is your task to shake awake everyone and pull them out of their current reality because you feel it is best for them or that they will be missing something so great and rewarding.
‘All things in good time for all beings when it is their time’ are words we would like you to think about today. We have observed some of you feeling it is your duty to ‘disturb the nest’ of those still asleep here in their 3rd dimensional home. This is not anyone's duty or task at this or any other time. What your task entails is to be a beacon of light for those who are awakening and are choosing to follow the light up the path that will lead them out of here and open into a new world of beauty and experience. It should not be hard for any of you to recognize the telltale signs of when someone is demonstrating an interest to leave this current reality for newer horizons.
There are and will be families that are divided by those who wish for a new start and those who wish to remain behind. This may be considered a painful experience for some of you who understand that there will be a departing and a time when you will have to say goodbye, at least for now. This is only natural, and we will not say to you to bottle up your emotions, but we do suggest to you to understand that there never has to be a permanent goodbye as there will always be opportunities for you to reunite once again with those that are today your family and our today your friends. Many of us here within the higher realms stand today with friends and loved ones who in the past have gone our separate ways as well, only to reunite in joy and sometimes great surprise when it was time for those who remained back in the lower dimensions to make the choice to step in and begin their new lives where we call home.
There will be other opportunities for all that choose to remain here within your current dimension to ascend into the higher realms of possibility. Please do not feel you need to rush these souls as it is important they be allowed to continue their experience right here where they are, and only they know best what they need or wish to experience. Thank you for understanding this and thank you for allowing these souls to continue their journey as they see fit, and please do try not to unnecessarily ‘shake the cradle’ of their current reality, as this will do them no good and may even lead to problems that will further delay the day they choose to leave here and the day you will be blessed with a joyful reunion with them.
Try to see all the things you do for them today as preparing them for their ascension to one day come, even if it is to let them be and allow them to continue on in their current dream without learning all the details of your dream. This may be the best thing for some of these souls who are not yet prepared for such life-changing revelations. The human psyche is a delicate flower and must remain shielded from storm and adverse weather and allowed to bloom in the warm and nurturing sun with a little rain from time to time, as both are necessary for its growth. Remember this always and do your best not to trample upon the seedlings, and let them take in a little sun and a little rain while they continue to grow and to flower into the powerful immortal being of light that you are now blossoming into.
Thank you for your time today and thank you for considering the feelings and the choices of all other souls, even if they are so very close to you and you feel that they are going to miss something and you are going to miss them. This is the way it must be for now, as we all must be left alone to nurture and to grow in the garden of our choice, no matter where that garden may grow.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
1 comment:
I'm honored to leave the first comment. Being a gardener, it all makes perfect sense.
Thank you for helping to ease my transition.
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