Sunday, September 14, 2014



Bluwolf : Our focus is not on the guru's but on the realities that are transpiring.  We have a host of envious rich people financing chaos in order to maintain the evil power, versus a changing world who is expelling them out so that progress can arrive to each household in the world.

 Only the puppets in politics be it US or UK are defending these rich bastards by permitting them to keep financing there elections and by that they wish to keep control over the country and it's resources and people.

It is now up to all to take your finger out of your a****s and do the correct thing and that is to cleanse all governments, not for you but for our grandchildren. Bluwolf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Did I say AMEN loud enough? AMEN - what the heck are Americans waiting for???? Live free or die folks - the choice is ours and we haven't done a darn thing to LIVE.