REPORT No. 94-755
1. Project CHATTER
5. The Testing of LSD by the Army
a. Background
b. The Experiment
c. The Treatment
d. The Death
e. The Aftermath
Under its mandate, the
Select Committee has studied the testing and use of chemical and biological
agents by intelligence agencies. Detailed descriptions of the programs
conducted by intelligence agencies involving chemical and biological agents
will be included in a separately published appendix to the Senate Select
Committee's report. This section of the report will discuss the rationale for
the programs, their monitoring and control, and what the Committee's
investigation has revealed out the relationships among the intelligence
agencies and about their relations with other government agencies and private
institutions and individuals. b. The Experiment
c. The Treatment
d. The Death
e. The Aftermath
Fears that countries hostile to the United States would use chemical and biological agents against Americans or America's allies led to the development of a defensive program designed to discover techniques for American intelligence agencies to detect and counteract chemical and biological agents. The defensive orientation soon became secondary as the possible use of these agents to obtain information from, or gain control over, enemy agents became apparent.
Research and development programs to find materials which could be used to alter human behavior were initiated in the late 1940s and early 1950s. These experimental programs originally included testing of drugs involving witting human subjects, and culminated in tests using unwitting, nonvolunteer human subjects. These tests were designed to determine the potential effects of chemical or biological agents when used operationally against individuals unaware that they had received a drug.
The testing programs were considered highly sensitive by the intelligence agencies administering them. Few people, even within the agencies, knew of the programs and there is no evidence that either the executive branch or Congress were ever informed of them. The highly compartmented nature of these programs may be explained in part by an observation made by the CIA Inspector General that, "the knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activi-
ties would have serious
repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to
the accomplishment of its missions." The research and development program, and particularly the covert testing programs, resulted in massive abridgments of the rights of American citizens, sometimes with tragic consequences. The deaths of two Americans3a can be attributed to these programs; other participants in the testing programs may still suffer from the residual effects. While some controlled testing of these substances might be defended, the nature of the tests, their scale, and the fact that they were continued for years after the danger of surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting individuals was known, demonstrate a fundamental disregard for the value of human life.
The Select Committee's investigation of the testing and use of chemical and biological agents also raise serious questions about the adequacy of command and control procedures within the Central Intelligence Agency and military intelligence, and about the relationships among the intelligence agencies, other governmental agencies, and private institutions and individuals. The CIA's normal administrative controls were waived for programs involving chemical and biological agents to protect their security: According to the head of the Audit Branch of the CIA, these waivers produced "gross administrative failures." They prevented the CIA's internal review mechanisms (the Office of General Counsel, the Inspector General, and the Audit Staff) from adequately supervising the programs. In general, the waivers had the paradoxical effect of providing less restrictive administrative controls and less effective internal review for controversial and highly sensitive projects than those governing normal Agency activities.
The security of the programs was protected not only by waivers of normal administrative controls, but also by a high degree of compartmentation within the CIA. This compartmentation excluded the CIA's Medical Staff from the principal research and testing program employing chemical and biological agents.
It also may have led to agency policymakers receiving differing and inconsistent responses when they posed questions to the CIA component involved.
Jurisdictional uncertainty within the CIA was matched by jurisdictional conflict among the various intelligence agencies. A spirit of cooperation and reciprocal exchanges of information which initially characterized the programs disappeared. Military testers withheld information from the CIA, ignoring suggestions for coordination from their superiors. The CIA similarly failed to provide information to the military on the CIA's testing program. This failure to cooperate was conspicuously manifested in an attempt by the Army to conceal
their overseas testing
program, which included surreptitious administration of LSD, from the CIA.
Learning of the Army's program, the Agency surreptitiously attempted to obtain
details of it. The decision to institute one of the Army's LSD field testing projects had been based, at least in part, on the 'finding that no long-term residual effects had ever resulted from the drug's administration. The CIA's failure to inform the Army of a death which resulted from the surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting Americans, may well have resulted in the institution of an unnecessary and potentially lethal program.
The development, testing, and use of chemical and biological agents by intelligence agencies raises serious questions about the relationship between the intelligence community and foreign governments, other agencies of the Federal Government, and other institutions and individuals. The questions raised range from the legitimacy of American complicity in actions abroad which violate American and foreign laws to the possible compromise of the integrity of public and private institutions used as cover by intelligence agencies.
Project CHATTER was a
Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Responding to reports of
"amazing results" achieved by the Soviets in using "truth
drugs," the program focused on the identification and testing of such
drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research
included laboratory experiments on animals and human subjects involving
Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their
speech-inducing qualities. Overseas experiments were conducted as part of the
project. The project expanded substantially during the Korean War, and ended shortly after the war, in 1953.
The earliest of the CIA's major
programs involving the use of chemical and biological agents, Project BLUEBIRD,
was approved by the Director in 1950. Its objectives were :
(a) discovering means of
conditioning personnel to prevent unauthorized extraction of information from
them by known means,
(b) investigating the possibility of control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques,
(c)memory enhancement, and
(d) establishing defensive means for preventing hostile control of Agency personnel.
As a result of
interrogations conducted overseas during the project, another goal was
added-the evaluation of offensive uses of unconventional interrogation
techniques, including hypnosis and drug's. In August 1951, the project was
renamed ARTICHOKE. Project ARTICHOKE included in-house experiments on
interrogation techniques, conducted "under medical and security controls
which would ensure (b) investigating the possibility of control of an individual by application of special interrogation techniques,
(c)memory enhancement, and
(d) establishing defensive means for preventing hostile control of Agency personnel.
that no damage was done
to individuals who volunteer for the experiments." Overseas interrogations
utilizing a combination of sodium pentothal and hypnosis after physical and
psychiatric examinations of the subjects were also part of ARTICHOKE. The Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), which studied scientific advances by hostile powers, initially led BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE efforts. In 1952, overall responsibility for ARTICHOKE was transferred from OSI to the Inspection and Security Office (I&SO), predecessor to the present Office of Security. The CIA's Technical Services and Medical Staff's were to be called upon as needed; OSI would retain liaison function with other government agencies. The change in leadership from an intelligence unit to an operating unit apparently reflected a change in emphasis; from the study of actions by hostile powers to the use, both for offensive and defensive purposes, of special interrogation techniques-primarily hypnosis and truth serums.
Representatives from each Agency unit involved in ARTICHOKE met almost monthly to discuss their progress. These discussions included the planning of overseas interrogations s as well as further experimentation in the U.S.
Information about project ARTICHOKE after the fall of 1953 is scarce. The CIA maintains that the project ended in 1956, but evidence suggests that Office of Security and Office of Medical Services use of special interrogation" techniques continued for several years thereafter.
MKNAOMI was another major
CIA program in this area. In 1967, the CIA summarized the purposes of MKNAOMI:
(a) To provide for a covert support
base to meat clandestine operational requirements.
(b) To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division].
(c) To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials.
(d) To provide for 'the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under operational conditions.
Under an agreement
reached with the Army in 1952, the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort
Detrick was to assist CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological
agents and delivery (b) To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division].
(c) To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials.
(d) To provide for 'the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under operational conditions.
systems. By this
agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to
develop biological weapons suited for CIA use. SOD developed darts coated with biological agents and pills containing several different biological agents which could remain potent for weeks or months. SOD also developed a special gun for firing darts coated with a chemical which could allow CIA agents to incapacitate a guard dog, enter an installation secretly, and return the dog to consciousness when leaving. SOD scientists were unable to develop a similar incapacitant for humans. SOD also physically transferred to CIA personnel biological agents in "bulk" form, and delivery devices, including some containing biological agents.
In addition to the CIA's interest in biological weapons for use against humans, it also asked SOD to study use of biological agents against crops and animals. In its 1967 memorandum, the CIA stated:
Three methods and systems for
carrying out a covert attack against crops and causing severe crop loss have
been developed and evaluated under field conditions. This was accomplished in
anticipation of a requirement which was later developed but was subsequently
scrubbed just prior to putting into action.
MKNAOMI was terminated in
1970. On November 25, 1969, President Nixon renounced the use of any form of
biological weapons that kill or incapacitate and ordered the disposal of
existing stocks of bacteriological weapons. On February 14, 1970, the President
clarified the extent of his earlier order and indicated that toxins-chemicals
that are not living organisms but are produced by living organisms-were considered
biological weapons subject to his previous directive and were to be destroyed.
Although instructed to relinquish control of material held for the CIA by SOD,
a CIA scientist acquired approximately 11 grams of shellfish toxin from SOD
personnel at Fort Detrick which were stored in a little-used CIA laboratory
where it went undetected for five years.
MKULTRA was the principal
CIA program involving the research and development of chemical and biological
agents. It was "concerned with the research and development of chemical,
biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine
operations to control human behavior." In January 1973, MKULTRA records were destroyed by Technical Services Division personnel acting on the verbal orders of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Chief of TSD. Dr. Gottlieb has testified, and former Director Helms has confirmed, that in ordering the records destroyed, Dr. Gottlieb was carrying out the verbal order of then DCI Helms.
began with a proposal from the Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, Richard
Helms, to the DCI, outlining a special
mechanism for highly sensitive CIA research and development projects that
studied the use of biological and chemical materials in altering human
behavior. The projects involved:
Research to develop a capability in
the covert use of biological and chemical materials. This area involves
production of various physiological conditions which could support present or
future clandestine operations. Aside from the offensive potential, the
development of a comprehensive ability in this field of covert chemical and
biological warfare gives us a thorough knowledge of the enemy's theoretical
potential, thus s enabling us to defend ourselves against a foe who might not
be as restrained in the use of these techniques as we are.
MKULTRA was approved by
the DCI on April 13, 1953 along the lines proposed by ADDP Helms.
of the rationale for the establishment of this special funding mechanism was
its extreme sensitivity. The Inspector General's survey of MKULTRA in 1963
noted the following reasons for this sensitivity:
a. Research in the manipulation of
human behavior is considered by many authorities in medicine and related fields
to be professionally unethical, therefore the reputation of professional
participants in the MKULTRA program are on occasion in jeopardy.
activities raise questions of legality implicit in the original charter. c. A final phase of the testing of MKULTRA products places the rights and interests of U.S. citizens in jeopardy.
d. Public disclosure of some aspects of MKULTRA activity could induce serious adverse reaction in U.S. public opinion, as well as stimulate offensive and defensive action in this field on the part of foreign intelligence services.
Over the ten-year life of the program, many "additional avenues to the control of human behavior" were designated as appropriate for investigation under the MKULTRA charter. These include radiation electroshock, various fields of psychology, psychiatry, sociology, and anthropology, graphology, harassment substances, and paramilitary devices and materials."
The research and development of materials to be used for altering human behavior consisted of three phases: first, the search for materials suitable for study; second, laboratory testing on voluntary human subjects in various types of institutions; third, the application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings.
search for suitable materials was conducted though standing arrangements with
specialists in universities, pharmaceutical houses, hospitals, state and
federal institutions, and private research organi-
zations. The annual
grants of funds to these specialists were made under ostensible research
foundation auspices, thereby concealing the CIA's interest from the
specialist's institution. The next phase of the MKULTRA program involved physicians, toxicologists, and other specialists in mental, narcotics, and general hospitals, and in prisons. Utilizing the products and findings of the basic research phase, they conducted intensive tests on human subjects.
One of the first studies was conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health. This study was intended to test various drugs, including hallucinogenics, at the NIMH Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The "Lexington Rehabilitation Center " as it was then called, was a prison for drug addicts serving sentences for drug violations.
i The test subjects were volunteer prisoners who, after taking a brief physical examination and signing a general consent form, were administered hallucinogenic drugs. As a reward far participation in the program, the addicts were provided with the drugs of their addiction.
LSD was one of the materials tested in the MKULTRA program. The final phase of LSD testing involved surreptitious administration to unwitting nonvolunteer subjects in normal life settings by undercover officers of the Bureau of Narcotics acting for the CIA.
The rationale for such testing was "that testing of materials under accepted scientific procedures fails to disclose the full pattern of reactions and attributions that may occur in operational situations."
to the CIA, the advantage of the relationship with the Bureau was that
test subjects could be sought and
cultivated within the setting of narcotics control. Some subjects have been
informers or members of suspect criminal elements from whom the [Bureau of
Narcotics] has obtained results of operational value through the tests. On
the other hand, the effectiveness of the substances on individuals at all
social levels, high and low, native American and foreign, is of great
significance and testing has been performed on a variety of individuals within
these categories. [Emphasis added.]
A special procedure,
designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA materials
abroad. Such materials were used on a number of occasions. Because MKULTRA
records were destroyed, it is impossible to reconstruct the operational use of
MKULTRA materials by the CIA overseas; it has been determined that the use of
these materials abroad began in 1953, and possibly as early as 1950.
were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials
were also used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes. According to
an Inspector General Survey of the Technical Services Division of the CIA in
1957 -- an inspection which did not discover the MKULTRA projects involving the
surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting, nonvolunteer
subjects -- the CIA had
developed six drugs for operational use and they had been used in six different
operations on a total of thirty-three subjects. By 1963 the number of operations
and subjects had increased substantially. In the spring of 1963, during a wide-ranging Inspector General survey of the Technical Services Division, a member of the Inspector General's staff, John Vance, learned about MKULTRA and about the project involving the surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting, nonvoluntary human subjects. As a result of the discovery and the Inspector General's subsequent report, this testing was halted and much tighter administrative controls were imposed on the program. According to the CIA, the project was decreased significantly each budget year until its complete termination in the late 1960s.
The Testing of LSD by the Army
There were three major phases in the
Army's testing of LSD. In the first, LSD was administered to more than 1,000
American soldiers who volunteered to be subjects in chemical warfare
experiments. In the second phase, Material Testing Program EA 1729, 95
volunteers received LSD in clinical experiments designed to evaluate potential
intelligence uses of the drug. In the third phase, Projects THIRD CHANCE and
DERBY HAT, 16 unwitting nonvolunteer subjects were interrogated after receiving
LSD as part of operational field tests.
The Rationale for the Testing Programs
The late 1940s and early
1950s were marked by concern over the threat posed by the activities of the
Soviet Union, the People's Republic of China, and other Communist bloc
countries. United States concern over the use of chemical and biological agents
by these powers was acute. The belief that hostile powers had used chemical and
biological agents in interrogations, brainwashing, and in attacks designed to
harass, disable, or kill Allied personnel created considerable pressure for a
"defensive" program to investigate chemical and biological agents so
that the intelligence community could understand the mechanisms by which these
substances worked and how their effects could be defeated."18
particular concern was the drug LSD. The CIA had received reports that the
Soviet Union was engaged in intensive efforts to produce LSD, and that the
Soviet Union had attempted to purchase the world's supply of the chemical. As
one CIA officer who was deeply involved in work with this drug described the
climate of the times: [It] is awfully hard in this day and age to reproduce how
frightening all of this was to us at the time, particularly after the drug
scene has become as widespread and as knowledgeable in this country as it did.
But we were literally terrified, because this was the one material that we
had ever been able to locate that
really had potential fantastic possibilities if used wrongly."
But the defensive
orientation soon became secondary. Chemical and biological agents were to be
studied in order "to perfect techniques. . . for the abstraction of
information from individuals whether willing or not" and in order to
"develop means for the control of the activities and mental capacities of
individuals whether willing or not." One Agency official noted that drugs
would be useful in order to "gain control of bodies whether they were
willing or not" in the process of removing personnel from Europe in the
event of a Soviet attack. In other programs, the CIA began to develop, produce,
stockpile, and maintain in operational readiness materials which could be used
to harass, disable, or kill specific targets.22
of research and development in the Soviet Union, the People's Republic of
China, and the Communist Bloc countries provided the basis for the
transmutation of American programs from a defensive to an offensive
orientation. As the Chief of the Medical Staff of the Central Intelligence
Agency wrote in 1952:
There is ample evidence in the
reports of innumerable interrogations that the Communists were utilizing drugs,
physical duress, electric shock, and possibly hypnosis against their enemies. With
such evidence it is difficult not to keep from becoming rabid about our
apparent laxity. We are forced by this mounting evidence to assume a more
aggressive role in the development of these techniques, but must be cautious to
maintain strict inviolable control because of the havoc that could be wrought
by such techniques in unscrupulous hands.
order to meet the perceived threat to the national security, substantial
programs for the testing and use of chemical and biological agents --including
projects involving the surreptitious administration of LSD to unwitting
nonvolunteer subjects "at all social levels, high and low, native American
and foreign" -- were conceived, and implemented. These programs resulted
in substantial violations of the rights of individuals within the United
the CIA recognized these effects of LSD to unwitting individuals within the
United States, the project continued.24 As the
Deputy Director for Plans, Richard Helms, wrote the Deputy Director of Central
Intelligence during discussions which led to the cessation of unwitting
While I share your uneasiness and
distaste for any program which tends to intrude upon an individual's private
and legal prerogatives, I believe it is necessary that the Agency maintain a
central role in this activity, keep current on enemy capabilities the
manipulation of human behavior, and maintain an offensive capability.
were no attempts to secure approval for the most controversial aspects of these
programs from the executive branch or Congress. The nature and extent of the
programs were closely held secrets; even DCI McCone was not briefed on all the
details of the program involving the surreptitious administration of LSD until
1963. It was deemed imperative that these programs be concealed from the
American people. As the CIA's Inspector General wrote in 1957:
Precautions must be taken not only
to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these
activities from the American public in general. The knowledge that the Agency
is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious
repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to
the accomplishment of its mission.
2. The Death of Dr. Frank Olson
The most tragic result of
the testing of LSD by the CIA was the death of Dr. Frank Olson, a civilian
employee of the Army, who died on November 27, 1953. His death followed his
participation in a CIA experiment with LSD. As part of this experiment, Olson
unwittingly received approximately 70 micrograms of LSD in a glass of Cointreau
he drank on November 19,1953. The drug had been placed in the bottle by a CIA
officer, Dr. Robert Lashbrook, as part of an experiment he and Dr. Sidney
Gottlieb performed at a meeting of Army and CIA scientists.
after this experiment, Olson exhibited symptoms of paranoia and schizophrenia.
Accompanied by Dr. Lashbrook, Olson sought psychiatric assistance in New York
City from a physician, Dr. Harold Abramson, whose research on LSD had been
funded indirectly by the CIA. While in New York for treatment, Olson fell to
his death from a tenth story window in the Statler Hotel.
a. Background.-- Olson, an expert in
aerobiology, was assigned to the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the U.S.
Army Biological Center at Camp Detrick, Maryland. This Division had three
primary functions:
(1) assessing the vulnerability of
American installations to biological attack;
(2) developing techniques for offensive use of biological weapons; and
(3) biological research for the CIA.
Professionally, Olson was
well respected by his colleagues in both the Army and the CIA. Colonel Vincent
Ruwet, Olson's immediate superior at the time of his death, was in almost daily
contact with Olson. According to Colonel Ruwet: "As a professional man . .
. his ability . . . was outstanding." Colonel Ruwet stated that "during
the period prior to the experiment . . . I noticed nothing which would lead me
to believe that he was of unsound mind." Dr. Lashbrook, who had monthly
contacts with Olson from early 1952 until the time of his death, stated
publicly that before Olson received LSD, "as far as I know, he was
perfectly normal." This assessment is in direct contradiction to certain
statements evaluating Olson's emotional stability made in CIA internal
memoranda written after Olson's death. (2) developing techniques for offensive use of biological weapons; and
(3) biological research for the CIA.
b. The Experiment.-- On November 18, 1953, a group of ten scientists from the CIA and Camp Detrick attended a semi-annual review and analysis conference at a cabin located at Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. Three of the participants were from the CIA's Technical Services Staff. The Detrick representatives were all from the Special Operations Division.
According to one CIA official, the Special Operations Division participants "agreed that an unwitting experiment would be desirable." This account directly contradicts Vincent Ruwet's recollection. Ruwet recalls no such discussion, and has asserted that he would remember any such discussion because the SOD participants would have strenuously objected to testing on unwitting subjects.
May,1953, Richard Helms, Assistant DDP, held a status meeting which the Chief of
Technical Services Staff attended. At this meeting Helms "indicated that
the drug [LSD] was dynamite and that he should be advised at all times when it
was intended to use it." In addition, the then DDP, Frank Wisner, sent a
memorandum to TSS stating the requirement that the DDP personally approve the
use of LSD. Gottlieb went ahead with the experiment, securing the ap-
proval of his immediate supervisor.
Neither the Chief of TSS nor the DDP specifically authorized the experiment in
which Dr. Olson participated.35
According to Gottlieb. a
very small dose of LSD was placed in a bottle of Cointreau which was served
after dinner on Thursday, November 19. The drug was placed in the liqueur by
Robert Lashbrook. All but two of the SOD participants received LSD. One did not
drink; the other had a heart condition. About twenty minutes after they
finished their Cointreau, Gottlieb informed the other participants that they
had received LSD. Dr. Gottlieb stated that "up to the time of the experiment," he observed nothing unusual in Olson's behavior. Once the experiment was underway Gottlieb recalled that "the drug had a definite effect on the group to the point that they were boisterous and laughing and they could not continue the meeting or engage in sensible conversation." The meeting continued until about 1:00 a.m., when the participants retired for the evening. Gottlieb recalled that Olson, among others, complained of "wakefulness" during the night. According to Gottlieb on Friday morning "aside from some signs of fatigue, I observed nothing unusual in [Olson's] behavior." Ruwet recalls that Olson appeared to be agitated at breakfast, but that he "did not consider this to be abnormal under the circumstances."
c. The Treatment.-- The following Monday, November 23, Olson was waiting for Ruwet when he came in to work at 7:30 a.m. For the next two days Olson's friends and family attempted to reassure him and help him "snap out" of what appeared to be a serious depression.
Tuesday, Olson again came to Ruwet and after an hour long con-
versation, it was decided that
medical assistance for Dr. Olson was desirable.
Ruwet then called
Lashbrook and informed him that "Dr. Olson was in serious trouble and
needed immediate professional attention." Lashbrook agreed to make
appropriate arrangements and told Ruwet to bring Olson to Washington, D.C.
Ruwet and Olson proceeded to Washington to meet with Lashbrook, and the three
left for New York at about 2:30 p.m. to meet with Dr. Harold Abramson. At that time Dr. Abramson was an allergist and immunologist practicing medicine in New York City. He held no degree in psychiatry, but was associated with research projects supported indirectly by the CIA. Gottlieb and Dr. [sic] Lashbrook both followed his work closely in the early 1950s. Since Olson needed medical help, they turned to Dr. Abramson as the doctor closest to Washington who was experienced with LSD and cleared by the CIA.
Ruwet, Lashbrook, and Olson remained in New York for two days of consultations with Abramson. On Thursday, November 26,1953, the three flew back to Washington so that Olson could spend Thanksgiving with his family. En route from the airport Olson told Ruwet that he was afraid to face his family. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that Olson and Lashbrook would return to New York, and that Ruwet would go to Frederick to explain these events to Mrs. Olson.
Lashbrook and Olson flew back to New York the same day, again for consultations with Abramson. They spent Thursday night in a Long Island hotel and the next morning returned to the city with Abramson. In further discussions with Abramson, it was agreed that Olson should be placed under regular psychiatric care at an institution closer to his home.
d. The Death.-- Because they could not obtain air transportation for a return trip on Friday night, Lashbrook and Olson made reservations for Saturday morning and checked into the Statler Hotel. Between the time they checked in and 10:00 p.m.; they watched television, visited the cocktail lounge, where each had two martinis, and dinner. According to Lashbrook, Olson "was cheerful and appeared to enjoy the entertainment." He "appeared no longer particularly depressed, and almost the Dr. Olson I knew prior to the experiment."
dinner Lashbrook and Olson watched television for about an hour, and at 11:00,
Olson suggested that they go to bed, saying that "he felt more relaxed and
contented than he had since [they] came to New York." Olson then left a
call with the hotel operator to wake them in the morning. At approximately 2:30
a.m. Saturday, November 28, Lashbrook was awakened by a loud "crash of glass."
In his report on the incident, he stated only that Olson "had crashed
through the closed window blind and the closed window and he fell to his death
from the window of our room on the 10th floor."
Immediately after finding
that Olson had leapt to his death, Lashbrook telephoned Gottlieb at his home
and informed him of the incident. Gottlieb called Ruwet and informed him of
Olson's death at approximately 2:45 a.m. Lashbrook then called the hotel desk
and reported the incident to the operator there. Lashbrook called Abramson and
informed him of the occurrence. Abramson told Lashbrook he "wanted to be
kept out of the thing completely," but later changed his mind and agreed
to assist Lashbrook. Shortly thereafter, uniformed police officers and some hotel employees came to Lashbrook's room. Lashbrook told the police he didn't know why Olson had committed suicide, but he did know that Olson "suffered from ulcers."
e. The Aftermath.-- Following Dr. Olson's death, the CIA made a substantial effort to ensure that his family received death benefits but did not notify the Olsons of the circumstances surrounding his demise. The Agency also made considerable efforts to prevent the death being connected with the CIA, and supplied complete cover for Lashbrook so that his association with the CIA would remain a secret.
Dr. Olson's death the CIA conducted an internal investigation of the incident.
As part of his responsibilities in this investigation, the General Counsel
wrote the Inspector General stating:
I'm not happy with what seems to be
a very casual attitude on the part of TSS representatives to the way this
experiment was conducted and the remarks that this is just one of the risks
running with scientific experimentation. I do not eliminate the need for taking
risks, but I do believe especially when human health or life is at stake, that
at least the prudent, reasonable measures which can be taken to minimize the
risk must be taken and failure to do so was culpable negligence. The actions of
the various individuals concerned after effects of the experiment on Dr. Olson
became manifest also revealed the failure to observe normal and reasonable
a result of the investigation DCI Allen Dulles sent a personal letter to the
Chief of Technical Operations of the Technical Services Staff criticizing him
for "poor judgment . . . in authorizing the use of this drug on such an
unwitting basis and without proximate medical safeguards." Dulles also
sent a letter to Dr. Gottlieb, Chief of the Chemical Division of the Technical
Services Staff criticizing him for recommending the "unwitting application
of the drug" in that the the proposal did not give sufficient emphasis for
medical collaboration and for the proper consideration of the rights of the individual
to whom it was being administered.
The letters were hand
carried to the individuals to be read and returned. Although the letters were
critical, a note from the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence to Mr. Helms
instructed him to inform the individuals that: "These are not reprimands
and no personnel file notation are being made."
although the Rockefeller Commission has characterized them as such, these notes
were explicitly not reprimands. Nor did participation in the events which led
to Dr. Olson's death have any apparent effect on the advancement within the CIA
of the individuals involved.
3a On January 8,1953. Mr. Harold Blauer died of circulatory collapse and heart failure following an intravenous injection of a synthetic mescaline derivative while a subject of tests conducted by New York State Psychiatric Institute under a contract let by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps. The Committee's investigation into drug testing by U.S. intelligence agencies focussed on the testing of LSD however, the committee did receive a copy of the U.S. Army Inspector General's Report, iSsued on October 1975, on the events and circumstances of Mr. Blauer's death. His death was directly attributable tn the administration of the synthetic mescaline derivative.
18 Thus an officer in the Office of Security of the CIA stressed the "urgency of the discovery of techniques and method that would permit our personnel, in the event of their capture by the enemy, to resist or defeat enemy interrogation." (Minutes of the ARTICHOKE conference of 10/22/53.)
22 The Inspector General's Report of 1957 on the Technical Services Division noted that "Six specific products have been developed and are available for operational use. Three of them are discrediting and disabling materials which can be administered unwittingly and permit the exercise of a measure of control over the actions of the subject."
A memorandum for the Chief, TSD, Biological Branch to the Chief, TSD, 10/18/57 described two of the objectives of the CIA's Project MKNAOMI as: "to stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD" and "to maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials."
24 Even during the discussions which led to the termination of the unwitting testing, the DDP turned down the option of halting such tests within the U.S. and continuing them abroad despite the fact that the Technical Services Division had conducted numerous operations abroad making use of LSD. The DDP made this decision on the basis of security noting that the past efforts overseas had resulted in "making an inordinate number of foreign nationals witting of our role in the very sensitive activity." (Memorandum for the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from the Deputy Director for Plans, 12/17/63, p. 2.)
35 Gottlieb testified that "given the information we knew up to this time and based on a lot of our own self-administration we thought it was a fairly benign substance in terms of potential harm." This is in conflict not only with Mr. Helms' statement but also with material which had been supplied to the Technical Services Staff. In one long memorandum on current research with LSD which was supplied to TSD, Henry Beecher described the dangers involved with such research in a prophetic manner. "The second reason to doubt Professor Rothland came when I raised the question as to any accidents which had arisen from the use of LSD-25. He said in a very positive way, 'none.' As it turned out this answer could called overly positive, for later on in the evening when I was discussing the matter with Dr. W. A. Stohl Jr., a psychiatrist in Bleulera's Clinic in Zurich where I had gone at Rothland's insistence, Stohl when asked the same question, replied, 'yes' and added spontaneously `there is a case Professor Rothland knows about. In Geneva a woman physician who had been subject to depression to some extent took LSD-25 in an experiment and became severely and suddenly depressed and committed suicide three weeks later. While the connection is not definite, common knowledge of this could hardly have allowed the positive statement Rothland permitted himself. This case is a warning to us to avoid engaging subjects who are depressed, or who have been subject to depression.'" Dr. Gottlieb testified that he had no recollection of either the report or that particular section of it. (Sidney Gottlieb testimony, 10/19/75 p. 78.)
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