Bush Crime Syndicate Extortion and Child Trafficking Today Pt 1
By Stew Webb on February 2, 2015
Not every American child stolen by Daddy Bush’s minions is sacrificed to the Bush family god Satan, or shot down as sport and recreation by Dick Cheney’s friends.
Not every American child stolen by Daddy Bush’s minions is sacrificed to the Bush family god Satan, or shot down as sport and recreation by Dick Cheney’s friends. Some children are just sold through courts or given as gifts. Others are farmed out to Big Pharma through state social service agencies controlled by Bush/Millman organized crime syndicate stooges for human drug experiments, or to shake down the Department of Treasury and the states through Medicaid fraud.
Gather around these campfires, Marines, Shipmates, Troopers, and Airmen. as we mass online for the day, tomorrow or the next, when we take back our once mighty nation and its great institutions, including our legislatures and courts from the infiltration of organized crime.
I am going to tell you about a few of the heroic people who are right now giving their lives and professional reputation in sacrifice for the Rule of Law — the basic idea that America was founded upon, that we are a nation of Law, not of men.
We do not answer to dictators. We govern — and those we elect and pay to run public agencies are our servants.
You may have been distracted or have given too much of your attention to professional sports or to our own pursuit of happiness to have upheld the responsibilities passed down to us from our Fathers to protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.
As Veterans’ Today readers, I know that you, like I, answered the call of Captain Jack to meet down by the railroad tracks, when we have heard that rally cry. And, we all now know that mainstream media is controlled by organized crime, so that — to their shame — we did not hear about the dangers to our nation from within, nor about the few people bravely fighting and dying on our behalf to save our country from organized crime.
I know that you are gathering here like I am, because we are going to set things right, uphold our constitution, and cast out criminals from our public offices, like Jesus cast the money changers out of the Temple.
I host, Veterans Today Radio News Reports Mondays 6-8pm and Thursdays 8-10pm Eastern Time on Freedomslips.com http://www.freedomslips.com Studio B and live by phone at 716-748-0112.
Several times recently on my radio show, our Chairman and esteemed editor Gordon Duff, himself a Vietnam War combat veteran, has observed that from World War I onward, we have fought in our nation’s wars in service to foreign bankers and organized crime against people very much like ourselves, and often against people inspired by our founding fathers like George Washington (who greatly influenced the North Vietnamese in their revolutionary war against the French Colonial Occupation of their country, and later against American occupation).
We have been lied to repeatedly by our own newspapers, television and other mainstream media whenever organized crime needs to use our military forces and American blood to enforce its control over Bankster-targeted civilian populations.
That same media deliberately ignores the conduct of organized crime within our Congress and the control international organized crime, in partnership with the rogue state of Israel, exerts over our nation’s institutions and public offices, including various military commands and intelligence agencies which have been infiltrated by the enforcers.
And, most important, mainstream media blacks out any news revealing the mass corrupting out of our courts and legal system by this same crime force, the Bush/Millman crime syndicate started by President George H. W. Bush (“Daddy Bush” or “Poppy Bush”, if you are like Jeb Bush and have the misfortune of being related to him by blood) and my former father-in-law Leonard Millman, who was Daddy Bush’s roommate at Yale.
Today I am going to tell you the story of a man who came to my aid when no one else would, and at the risk of his own life, when I was being targeted for assassination by the same public agencies financed by your taxes and mine, but which have fallen to the infiltration of the Bush/Millman crime syndicate.
Some people have said it was because he had nothing left to lose, as if to excuse their own inaction or personal cowardness, even while they were drawing a US Treasury check and were sworn officers of the law, having the responsibility to investigate and prosecute crimes, such as kidnapping and racketeering. But, when I had no place to hide and was being hunted down on the roads and highways, I was sure glad Bret Landrith arranged for a place for me to rest, helped me find a little work, and get back on my feet.
…All from a guy who had been destroyed by the Bush/Millman crime syndicate stooges in the Kansas State government.
Report submitted by M. Juan Miguel Petit, Special Rapporteur, on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/92. ADVANCE EDITED VERSION 6 January 2003. The UN report was based on fraud and coercion taking place in private commercial adoptions with anecdotal information chiefly related to Kansas adoptions.
David Price repeatedly met with the US Attorney for Kansas at the time, Eric Melgren who had been appointed by George W. Bush.
But USA Eric Melgren refused to investigate the kidnapping of Price’s infant son, Baby C, who was taken across state lines and placed in the Colorado home of “adoptive parents” by the well-connected Kansas adoption attorney Austin K. Vincent, a Republican, before David Price’s parental rights were terminated. This fraud was facilitated by misrepresenting the adoptive parents’ home in Stratton, Colorado, as “Stratton, Kansas” on the paperwork. The residence of the parents is required by law to be filed with the Kansas Department of Children and Family Services, so as to guard against Interstate Child-Trafficking for private adoptions, a for-profit industry.
The Kansas adoption attorney Austin K. Vincent kept these incriminating documents out of the court record and refused any request by David M. Price to obtain them in discovery.
After first being targeted for firing by Karl Rove and then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney Melgren begged to keep his job and pledged to refrain from the “misconduct of prosecuting any activity of the Crime Syndicate.” In reward for his service in the Bush/Millman Crime Syndicate, Eric Melgren was made a federal judge in the last days of the George W. Bush Administration.
Later, the Kansas judges would come back for Price’s sixteen year old daughter who was on the honor roll at school, and traffic her out for statutory rape, while causing her to miss the remainder of her high school junior and senior years, and while fraudulently concealing her absences in violation of a court order.
Price would not fall for the deceit of his attorney Craig E. Collins, a Kansas attorney desperately seeking survival points with the State of Kansas Attorney Discipline Administrator, Stanton A. Hazlett. So, then the Kansas judges appointed a young Washburn Law School graduate to represent Price, Catherine Woodward Wick. When she saw first-hand how corrupt the Kansas judicial branch child-stealing racket was, Wick left Kansas altogether.
Two other appointed attorneys for Price, Cleo G. Murphy and Kendall M. McVay also withdrew from representing Price when the official extortion of their licenses to practice law was too great a risk to continue representing Price’s interest, or to enter an appearance on Price’s federal habeas corpus petition. Yet, Attorney Kendall M. McVay made an affidavit of the frauds on the court by “The Farm” — a State of Kansas social services contracting corporation receiving the foster care funds and the Kansas Department of Children and Families — in order to keep Price’s daughter beyond the one-year mark. This mark maximizes the US Treasury funds received by the Kansas Judicial Branch Officials.
Without realizing that the adoption attorney Austin K. Vincent enjoyed powerful political protection for his repeated involvement as an adoption attorney in cases where Kansas children were kidnapped pursuant to a private for profit adoption and the natural parents were obstructed from vindicating their rights in State of Kansas courts — Landrith undertook to represent Price in a pro bono appeal in the ABA model rules’ required conduct. Landrith was also representing Medical Supply Chain Inc, in a major antitrust action that would have ended what was then $80 Billion a year being skimmed from American hospitals and the Veterans’ Administration by the Novation LLC cartel.
Also, unknown to Landrith, Novation LLC was the only private sector client Alberto Gonzales ever had, and the central instrumentality of Jeb Bush’s family crime syndicate takeover of American healthcare and insurance rackets. It was mistakenly going after the Springfield Missouri hospital chain Cox Health System that caused Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales to fire my US Attorney Todd Graves in Kansas City, even though Todd Graves was loyal Bush family supporter and represented Mob Crime Boss Leonard Millman after leaving his US Attorney position.
David M. Price eventually figured out and now believes that all the US Treasury funds going to the State of Kansas Department of Children and Family Services — (hundreds of millions of dollars, plenty to kill someone over in a state where a private detective got some film on some Shawnee County judges and was found dead in his rented house and with no film, when Sheriff’s investigator Franklin Williams got notice of the crime and recounted this information to others) — were being funneled to a private investment banking account in Kansas City Missouri.
I only thought I was dodging bullets, death rays, and assassination attempts when I made my way back to North East Kansas, near the state I had grown up in and where my father had lived. (He had had a Q-clearance and had spent his life working on the hardware that helped keep America secure from every external enemy since World War II.)
Kansas Children for Sale and the Men who make it Possible
By Stew Webb
Not every American child stolen by Daddy Bush’s minions is sacrificed to the Bush family god Satan, or shot down as sport and recreation by Dick Cheney’s friends. Some children are just sold through courts or given as gifts. Others are farmed out to Big Pharma through state social service agencies controlled by Bush/Millman organized crime syndicate stooges for human drug experiments, or to shake down the Department of Treasury and the states through Medicaid fraud.
I am going to tell you about a few of the heroic people who are right now giving their lives and professional reputation in sacrifice for the Rule of Law — the basic idea that America was founded upon, that we are a nation of Law, not of men.
We do not answer to dictators. We govern — and those we elect and pay to run public agencies are our servants.
You may have been distracted or have given too much of your attention to professional sports or to our own pursuit of happiness to have upheld the responsibilities passed down to us from our Fathers to protect this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic.
As Veterans’ Today readers, I know that you, like I, answered the call of Captain Jack to meet down by the railroad tracks, when we have heard that rally cry. And, we all now know that mainstream media is controlled by organized crime, so that — to their shame — we did not hear about the dangers to our nation from within, nor about the few people bravely fighting and dying on our behalf to save our country from organized crime.
I host, Veterans Today Radio News Reports Mondays 6-8pm and Thursdays 8-10pm Eastern Time on Freedomslips.com http://www.freedomslips.com Studio B and live by phone at 716-748-0112.
Several times recently on my radio show, our Chairman and esteemed editor Gordon Duff, himself a Vietnam War combat veteran, has observed that from World War I onward, we have fought in our nation’s wars in service to foreign bankers and organized crime against people very much like ourselves, and often against people inspired by our founding fathers like George Washington (who greatly influenced the North Vietnamese in their revolutionary war against the French Colonial Occupation of their country, and later against American occupation).
The Story of Bret Landrith – A Good Man
That same media deliberately ignores the conduct of organized crime within our Congress and the control international organized crime, in partnership with the rogue state of Israel, exerts over our nation’s institutions and public offices, including various military commands and intelligence agencies which have been infiltrated by the enforcers.
And, most important, mainstream media blacks out any news revealing the mass corrupting out of our courts and legal system by this same crime force, the Bush/Millman crime syndicate started by President George H. W. Bush (“Daddy Bush” or “Poppy Bush”, if you are like Jeb Bush and have the misfortune of being related to him by blood) and my former father-in-law Leonard Millman, who was Daddy Bush’s roommate at Yale.
Today I am going to tell you the story of a man who came to my aid when no one else would, and at the risk of his own life, when I was being targeted for assassination by the same public agencies financed by your taxes and mine, but which have fallen to the infiltration of the Bush/Millman crime syndicate.
Some people have said it was because he had nothing left to lose, as if to excuse their own inaction or personal cowardness, even while they were drawing a US Treasury check and were sworn officers of the law, having the responsibility to investigate and prosecute crimes, such as kidnapping and racketeering. But, when I had no place to hide and was being hunted down on the roads and highways, I was sure glad Bret Landrith arranged for a place for me to rest, helped me find a little work, and get back on my feet.
A former attorney, Bret D. Landrith, lost the right to raise his own children (similar to my case during my parental termination after my ex-wife tried to murder my infant daughter; see: Kerre Millman Denver’s Illuminati Princess Manipulator Liar Attempted Murderer). Landrith was targeted for accepting the pro bono appeal of a parental rights termination case of a former Army Infantryman of American Indian descent, David M. Price.
In a conspiracy with the Kansas judges’ child-kidnapping rackett, Bruce Woolpert, Price’s former attorney, had taken over twenty thousand dollars of state funds to deliberately lose the trial for David Price, so that his infant son. Unbeknownst to the public, a ring of adoption attorneys gave kickbacks to the Kansas Judges’ Special Retirement Fund. A member of this well-connected ring, Alan Hazlett, was a former president of the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys, and is the brother of Stanton A. Hazlett, the State of Kansas Attorney Discipline Administrator.
The Kansas judges didn’t worry about the $20,000.00 of state taxpayers’ money for Price’s trial defense attorney (in a state where Millman Stooge, Senator Bob Dole got Big Agribiz big checks for not farming). Paying an attorney to not represent a client made sound financial sense. The State of Kansas — or more important, Kansas judges — received US Treasury funds, often more than $100,000.00 per child taken.
The Private Adoption Market specializes in Court-Kidnapped Children
If you are a State of Kansas judge and you admire Bill Gates for his wealth, all you have to do is steal more kids.
“As a result, a whole industry has grown, generating millions of dollars of revenues each year, seeking babies for adoption and charging prospective parents enormous fees to process paperwork.
…Report submitted by M. Juan Miguel Petit, Special Rapporteur, on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/92.”
The private adoption market has spawned a multimillion dollar industry in the United States recognized by The Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, Mr. Juan Miguel Petit, in his report for the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights:
“Regrettably, in many cases, the emphasis has changed from the desire to provide a needy child with a home, to that of providing a needy parent with a child. As a result, a whole industry has grown, generating millions of dollars of revenues each year, seeking babies for adoption and charging prospective parents enormous fees to process paperwork.”
“Regrettably, in many cases, the emphasis has changed from the desire to provide a needy child with a home, to that of providing a needy parent with a child. As a result, a whole industry has grown, generating millions of dollars of revenues each year, seeking babies for adoption and charging prospective parents enormous fees to process paperwork.”
David Price repeatedly met with the US Attorney for Kansas at the time, Eric Melgren who had been appointed by George W. Bush.
But USA Eric Melgren refused to investigate the kidnapping of Price’s infant son, Baby C, who was taken across state lines and placed in the Colorado home of “adoptive parents” by the well-connected Kansas adoption attorney Austin K. Vincent, a Republican, before David Price’s parental rights were terminated. This fraud was facilitated by misrepresenting the adoptive parents’ home in Stratton, Colorado, as “Stratton, Kansas” on the paperwork. The residence of the parents is required by law to be filed with the Kansas Department of Children and Family Services, so as to guard against Interstate Child-Trafficking for private adoptions, a for-profit industry.
The Kansas adoption attorney Austin K. Vincent kept these incriminating documents out of the court record and refused any request by David M. Price to obtain them in discovery.
After first being targeted for firing by Karl Rove and then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, US Attorney Melgren begged to keep his job and pledged to refrain from the “misconduct of prosecuting any activity of the Crime Syndicate.” In reward for his service in the Bush/Millman Crime Syndicate, Eric Melgren was made a federal judge in the last days of the George W. Bush Administration.
Payback Against American Veteran David Price
Price would not fall for the deceit of his attorney Craig E. Collins, a Kansas attorney desperately seeking survival points with the State of Kansas Attorney Discipline Administrator, Stanton A. Hazlett. So, then the Kansas judges appointed a young Washburn Law School graduate to represent Price, Catherine Woodward Wick. When she saw first-hand how corrupt the Kansas judicial branch child-stealing racket was, Wick left Kansas altogether.
Two other appointed attorneys for Price, Cleo G. Murphy and Kendall M. McVay also withdrew from representing Price when the official extortion of their licenses to practice law was too great a risk to continue representing Price’s interest, or to enter an appearance on Price’s federal habeas corpus petition. Yet, Attorney Kendall M. McVay made an affidavit of the frauds on the court by “The Farm” — a State of Kansas social services contracting corporation receiving the foster care funds and the Kansas Department of Children and Families — in order to keep Price’s daughter beyond the one-year mark. This mark maximizes the US Treasury funds received by the Kansas Judicial Branch Officials.
The Kansas judges solved the problem of Price — who had attempted to appeal the taking of his daughter through fraud and terminating his parental rights — by indefinitely jailing him for non payment of her child support. This was despite Price having been one of the original twelve Americans on America’s “Do Not Work List”.
Price was a transport industry worker, and his job was taken from him in retaliation. His wife’s disability from the US Postal Service paid the healthcare expenses of their daughter, while The Farm double-dipped Medicaid. Fraud is big business in Kansas and if you don’t have a Business Science degree you won’t keep up.And despite the Shawnee County Kansas Court being compensated from the US Treasury for the indigent parental rights defense costs of Kendall M. McVay, (the major contributor to Republican Governor Sam Brownback) — Price was repeatedly jailed to interfere with defending his daughter in court.
Also, unknown to Landrith, Novation LLC was the only private sector client Alberto Gonzales ever had, and the central instrumentality of Jeb Bush’s family crime syndicate takeover of American healthcare and insurance rackets. It was mistakenly going after the Springfield Missouri hospital chain Cox Health System that caused Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales to fire my US Attorney Todd Graves in Kansas City, even though Todd Graves was loyal Bush family supporter and represented Mob Crime Boss Leonard Millman after leaving his US Attorney position.
Price had identified the banking account as the Kemper Trust Fund, which is a banking family and “buffer” for the Leonard Millman/ Daddy Bush crime syndicate.
I was on the run from the Leonard Millman/ Daddy Bush crime syndicate and fleeing the property of a retired military flag officer, when even he had become too much in danger by my presence when I made it to North East, Kansas. I couldn’t yet move home to enjoy the last few years of my mother’s life, because it would have been too easy to target my parents.
Luckily, on every major battlefield, there are ghosts — people who instinctively know their work here is not yet done. Landrith listened to what I had experienced and recognized what I had witnessed. And he recognized the significance of the Chief Judge for the District of Wyoming being assigned to investigate whether the grand jury was warranted in 1995, and he made the determination, after hearing my testimony, that the grand jury should proceed.
Landrith suggested I go to the US Attorney for the District of Kansas since I had what he recognized appeared to be an open US Grand Jury case in the US District Court for the District of Colorado and was sharing with him evidence of the repeated bribes of the Colorado former US Attorney Michael J. Norton and the killing of the then Chief Judge Richard Matsch of Colorado US District court’s daughter by one of George H. W. Bush and Leonard Millman’s hit men. Since I knew Eric Melgrin, the Kansas US Attorney at the time had thrown his lot in with the Millman/ Daddy Bush crime syndicate, I knew that was hopeless, and that I could not get any US Attorney to proceed with the grand jury and allow my witnesses to present evidence of the crimes.
Bret Landrith agreed after my repeated pleas to volunteer and represent me before the grand jury and put on my evidence for $1.00US, if the US District Court for the District of Kansas ordered that he be allowed to, and suggested I make a motion to transfer the grand jury to the Kansas District Court at Kansas City, Kansas, where the Tenth Circuit headquartered in Denver had a courtroom on the Third floor.
But, Landrith refused to help me with the case until the Kansas District Court ordered that he be permitted to. When I bitched repeatedly that I could not produce a document fit for court, he suggested writing it with a crayon on Big Chief Tablet paper and filing in forma pauperis status since I could not afford the fees.
Once I filed the above complaint in federal court, my ex-father-in-law Leonard Millman and his main lieutenant “Buffer” Larry Mizel set about to make me job number One. The reader can see this on my web site StewWebb.com.
I have posted a few of the gruesome pictures, the wreckage of what was left of my tools of trade, the van that was my only real home for many years, then the next van they tried to take me out in sits totaled out in my driveway yet to be paid for by a criminal insurance company.
There was the destruction and burning of a customer’s house October 2011 in Prairie Village, Kansas a suburban neighborhood by the Missouri Joint Federal State Task Force after rogue FBI agents had located where I was doing a whole house remodeling job, and the constant cyberwarfare against whatever small computer or phone I was fortunate enough to have been given or to have exchanged labor for. All these were reduced to e-Waste non-working junk by the hacking attacks and warrantless surveillance teams.
But losing the things you cannot photograph — like time with your loved ones — is what hurt the most.
I refused to quit though and I would figure out new ways to get the word out to government regulators, the investors in the publicly traded organized crime corporations, steadily increasing the costs to Larry Mizel and Leonard Millman for their infiltration and takeover of America. Millman was able to tank the case after the Kansas District Judges cowardly surrendered jurisdiction to a full time asset of the Leonard Millman/ Daddy Bush crime syndicate, then Missouri District Court Chief Judge Fernado J. Gaitan, Jr.
Even though Judge Gaitan tanked the case, honest American citizens who had unwittingly invested in the many Larry Mizel and Leonard Millman instrumentalities of fraud and corruption became concerned and attempted to exercise corporate governance. Larry Mizel was forced to help his boss Millman fake Millman’s death and relocate to Cuba and Ecuador with Millman’s old “cut out” and fraud man Robert Vesco.
Landrith however was still being kept from working even as a forklift operator, or truck driver, or in any other job that might allow him to help Samuel Lipari enter the hospital supply market with Medical Supply Chain.com and put at risk the now two Trillion Dollar hospital supply market controlled through the Bush/Millman Crime Syndicate cut outs like Novation LLC, Jeb Bush’s Tenet Healthcare, and even the big Republican contributor Cerner Corp.
Samuel Lipari never gave up trying to restore access to healthcare in our nation, but Missouri District Court Chief Judge Fernado J. Gaitan, Jr. and the whole Eighth Circuit based in St. Louis and Minneapolis were going to make sure that not even General Motors would be able to afford healthcare for its American employees. And, most important, the Eighth Circuit — with its own skeletons, out of professional courtesy to the Tenth Circuit — would never let any evidence be presented about what was done in Kansas District court to obstruct justice in Sam Lipari’s case.
Landrith was in the end forced to file in court just to get food stamps, and 15 minutes before his estimated arrival to his apartment, someone else was gun downed and murdered in Bret Landrith’s parking spot in a vehicle similar in color and style to Landrith’s.
Then, when the Kansas Government criminals and farm team thug operators for the Bush/Millman organized crime syndicate discovered that, they joined with the current US Attorney for the District of Kansas, Barry Grisom set out to destroy Landrith and have him sanctioned for even seeking even the clearly established right to relief from deprivations of federal statutory benefits.
While every shred of due process was denied Landrith for over two years just on food stamps, Landrith was convinced by others to report the participation of federal and state officials in crimes here to the incoming Director of the FBI and Assistant US Attorney all around good guy, James Comey. Comey had personally stood up even to Karl Rove and Alberto Gonzales just as the two were about to plunge the dagger into the heart of our nation’s constitution and kill it off for the Bush family, while Attorney General John Ashcroft was in a hospital bed undergoing major surgery.
November 6, 2013
Director James B. Comey
FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
RE: Report of Racketeering and Other Crimes Obstructing Courts in Kansas and Western Missouri
Dear Director Comey:
Director James B. Comey
FBI Headquarters
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
RE: Report of Racketeering and Other Crimes Obstructing Courts in Kansas and Western Missouri
Dear Director Comey:
I am writing to report corrupt and criminal activities by state and federal government officials within the District of Kansas and the Western District of Missouri. The continuing nature of this enterprise, and the severity in which it violates the public interest of the nation, requires your immediate action.
Landrith letter and Grand Jury demand
The letter and attachments referenced in Landrith Letter and Grand Jury Demand include two demands for federal criminal grand juries that were refused, and were sent to Director James Comey on November 6, 2013. Veteran’s Today readers know we have been in effect living under foreign Zionist enemy occupation for a while. Director Comey and the FBI have the power to initiate federal prosecutions taken from them.
Attorney General Eric Holder has never forgotten who he really works for. Under Holder’s watch, no banking organized crime was ever going to be prosecuted… no matter how bad things got for the nation. And, we are here at this moment because we have seen how bad things have gotten.
When no relief was forthcoming, Bret Landrith and Sam Lipari recognized the systemic failure in the federal courts to police themselves, and the effort initiated by the previous US Chief Justice William Rehnquist, they initiated an action for prospective injunctive relief in Washington D.C. They initiated this action in spite of knowing that, because of the breakdown in the courts’ ability to police themselves, any action in Kansas or Missouri would be futile for Landrith to recover the right to work and for Lipari to recover his property, enforce contracts and enter the nationwide market for hospital supplies.
Attorney General Eric Holder, however controlled the defense of the occupation government we have all lived under through actions of Bush appointee Chief Justice Roberts. Landrith and Lipari met with the same extrinsic fraud and retaliations against their family members in the District of Columbia District Court of Judge Amy Berman Jackson.
Stew Webb’s previous articles on how Jeb Bush, Daddy Bush, and Chief Justice Roberts gave over our nation’s courts to narcotics and child trafficking for the glorification of their god, Satan.
- George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress
- Federal Judges Coverup U.S. Attorneys Deaths tied to Jeb Bush Part1
- How Holder Lost Struggle for Social Justice (part 1 of 2)
- How Holder Lost Struggle for Social Justice (part 1 of 2)
- Leonard Millman and George HW Bush Narcotics Money Laundering
- Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado Dec 20-21
- Can’t Afford a Lawyer?
- Illuminati Justice ends Rule of Law
- The Big One (Eric Holder’s El Cid, U.S. Attorney Ron Machen Jr.,)
- Chief Justice Roberts Gets Personal Sanctions Motion
- Chief Justice Roberts Fails Attempt to Dismiss Lawsuit
That complaint adds Holder as a defendant and details the electronic interference with the the medicalsupplyline.com and LipariforSenate.com sites.
… To Be Continued
Stew Webb
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge.He is a General Contractor-Home Builder turned Federal Whistleblower-Activist of 30 years has been a guest on over 3,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams for in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings, the Denver International Airport Frauds hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. NYSE Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 hearings to name a few.
Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman is a member of the "Illuminati Council of 13"
Stew Webb Official Website
Veterans Today Radio News Reports Stew Webb Host
Mondays 6-8 PM Eastern
Listen Live: freedomslips.com Studio B
Thursdays 8-10 PM Eastern
Listen Live: freedomslips.com Studio B
Listen Live by phone 716-748-0112
Veterans Today Radio News Reports Archives
“Stew you’re the only person to go after the pinnacle of the Zionist Organized Crime Leonard Millman, your-ex-in-law and Larry Mizel, Millman's Buffer.” Gordon Duff, May 16, 2013
Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush-Millman-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman is a member of the "Illuminati Council of 13"
Stew Webb Official Website
Veterans Today Radio News Reports Stew Webb Host
Mondays 6-8 PM Eastern
Listen Live: freedomslips.com Studio B
Thursdays 8-10 PM Eastern
Listen Live: freedomslips.com Studio B
Listen Live by phone 716-748-0112
Veterans Today Radio News Reports Archives
“Stew you’re the only person to go after the pinnacle of the Zionist Organized Crime Leonard Millman, your-ex-in-law and Larry Mizel, Millman's Buffer.” Gordon Duff, May 16, 2013
Related Posts:
- Leonard Millman and George HW Bush Narcotics Money Laundering
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Watch videos "Octogon The Empire of Darkness", "The Pharaoh Show" and "Swiss Sleeper Agents in USA" about the enemy within and who they really are.
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