Friday, May 8, 2015

U.S. Army Is Planning For Martial Law

Even Now The U.S. Army Is Planning For Martial Law

Think martial law couldn’t happen here? Think again.

Thanks to a number of watchdog groups here in the U.S., the cat is out of the bag and the government’s plans for implementing martial law are no longer secret.

Will U.S. troops train their guns on the citizenry when martial law is imposed?

The smoking gun? A U.S. Army Military Police training manual entitled Civil Disturbance Operations. It breaks down, in frightening detail, how the U.S. military will be used within these United States to quash demonstrations and unrest, seize private weapons protected by the 2nd Amendment, prevent Americans from their Constitutionally protected rights of free assembly, and more.

And get this. According to this shocking document, American citizens can be rounded up and put into internment camps. This hushed-up document even details how American citizens will be “re-educated” while in these internment camps. And if that isn’t chilling enough, the manual authorizes the use of deadly force against American citizens.

We saw during Hurricane Katrina how authorities misused their power to strip law-abiding Americans of their Constitutional rights. With cities all across the nation on the verge of bankruptcy, with the middle class fed up and not willing to take it anymore, will we soon see an eruption of protest across the land that will be clamped down upon with martial law? The U.S. military is planning for it. 
When martial law is imposed, the best thing you can do is to become as inconspicuous as possible, to lay low, keep your head down, while protecting your home and family. But would you really know how?

You will if you have this essential reference guide, Understanding and Surviving Martial Law.

Obama is on record as saying he can do “whatever he wants” in his second term. Will he impose martial law? And will you be ready?

One wrong step under martial law and you could lose your property, your livelihood, your loved ones, even your life. Under these circumstances, you don’t dare make even the smallest mistake.

Click here now to order your copy now of Understanding and Surviving Martial Law.

Bill Heid, President
Solutions From Science 


This article is provided solely for your information.  NESARA does NOT make any monies from your decision to purchase.  God bless!


Anonymous said...

I can see it now .. mom and dad being led away at gunpoint and in handcuffs by their son or daughter.

Anonymous said...

Just a bunch of nonsense. No one I know would comply with any such order. I don't think anyone here would either. Obozo would have to go underground and stay there because a few hundred million Americans will be hunting him down.

Freewill said...

I agree

Anonymous said...

As do I.