Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Few Thoughts From Freewill, or maybe a rant...

As I go through article after article in the evenings looking for content to post, I can't avoid shaking my head in disappointment at a majority of my fellow Americans who cry and want freedom but cannot seem to be able to get their minds right.  I hear those in De Facto public offices referred to as "leaders". What is a leader?

Definition of leader

  1. 1 :  something that leads: as 
    a :  a primary or terminal shoot of a plant  
    b :  tendon, sinew  
    c plural :  dots or hyphens (as in an index) used to lead the eye horizontally :  ellipsis 2  
    d chiefly British :  a newspaper editorial  
    e (1) :  something for guiding fish into a trap 
       (2) :  a short length of material for attaching the end of a fishing line to a lure or hook  
    f :  loss leader  
    g :  something that ranks first  
    h :  a blank section at the beginning or end of a reel of film or recorded tape
  2. 2 :  a person who leads: as  
    a :  guide, conductor  
    b (1) :  a person who directs a military force or unit  
       (2) :  a person who has commanding authority or influence  
    c (1) :  the principal officer of a British political party  
       (2) :  a party member chosen to manage party activities in a legislative body  
       (3) :  such a party member presiding over the whole legislative body when the party constitutes a majority  
    d (1) :  conductor  
       (2) :  a first or principal performer of a group
  3. 3 :  a horse placed in advance of the other horses of a team

Lets stop with this "leader" bullshit and start acting like Americans and start being the leaders! Those pretending De Facto office holders are pretend servants! Period! I am NOT lead around like a slave! You shouldn't either! Unless that is what you want. Learn to change your language and define your words and meaning as those who want to be slave owners feed on your ignorance and treat you as a slave because without realizing it, you are asking for it! Never refer to those scum bags as leaders. Never never never do that again!

When the De Jure republic rises, You the people have the power and directive for the public servants to function for the people, by the people, and of the people. You will have to learn this or what is the use in changing the problems of today?

Another thing that needs to be addressed is referring to that Bankrupt U.S. corporation as a government. That it is NOT a government!


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