Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Action Alert!!....All States..// LET'S DO THIS!!! - emailed by a reader

READ ALL BELOW ...Take action in your own State too.
When Injustice Becomes Law,
Resistance Becomes Duty.
To all Florida vets/citizens
                       call Governor Scott’s office 850-488-7146 or send him an email at Rick.Scott@eog.myflorida.com
 Urge him to be aggressive in taking 10th Amendment authority by advising Obama to stuff his transgender tyranny......he must join other governors in rolling back the Obama Administration, particularly North Carolina as they fight the U.S Justice Department to keep transgender out of  bathrooms of “fantasy sexual identity”. 
Biology determines sex identity.
Patriots of other States should do the same.........contact your Governor to exercise 10th Amendment protection of citizens and particularly our children.
Contact local Boards of Education and urge aggressive resistance to any movement toward transgender bathrooms. 
Everyday it becomes more clear why Trump has taken the republican lead...he has the guts to listen and carry water for America.  
Harry Riley;  Colonel US Army retired
Silver Star
Crestview, FL

When Injustice Becomes Law
Resistance Becomes Duty


Anonymous said...

Demand that a third option of "dedicated" transgender bathroom only be supplied to these people paid for by them and their parents! Then they can either wait in line for the loo or fight off girls that think they are guys and guys who think they are girls!

Anonymous said...

Let them wait in line for the loo.
When it's their time, shut down the bathroom until everyone leaves, let them use it until they are done and then reopen the bathroom.

The stupidity of it all is everyone has to go.
And those who want a Republic and are still stuck on separate but equal, will put us right back in this situation, were aspects of our natural lives are controlled, in a couple of generations.

Your mind is locked if you have issues with people deciding or not deciding to be what someone tells them to be.

I say, set up lines women only, men only, and others.
Whenever an other is in line, then everyone out, so they can have the bathroom to their self, for the people who do not share.

The stupid thing is, when you use a public, and I said public, yes public, did I forget to say public? bathroom, you do not know who was in there before you an hour, a day, two minutes before you decided to go.

If they take men and women off the door and put other, will you go inside and use it?

If all of us get hit on the head and become others overnight, from GMO, chemtrails, or even some emergency announcement that sent a tone to our brains making us not gender identify, can we say you can't come into our bathroom because you identify with male or female?

Can we say you should not have been created because you aren't like the rest of us?

This is just not something we should be discussing.
Everyone has to go. Nature has a what goes in, must come out policy.

The separatists, may belong in their own Democracy of control and leaders, stick them behind a fence or wall so they can keep their structured lives and separate bathrooms.

The rest of us, let us populate the planet before buildings were built and words put on doors to tell you which one you can enter to go to the restroom.

marie said...

You have so many analogies that you have lost your point. I am hoping that you are really trying to say that women and children should NOT have to be subjected to someone else's sexual identity confusion issue. It is not anyone else's problem that the person stating that they are transgender has an identity issue. [not all have gone through surgery so we might be talking about JUST CROSS-DRESSERS SO THEY MIGHT STILL HAVE A PENIS IN THE BATHROOM WITH A YOUNG GIRL] BRUCE JENNER AKA CAITLIN STILL LIKES ADMITTEDLY LIKES WOMEN SO THEIR IS A HUGE CONFUSION AND MY NIECES OR MY NEPHEWS SHOULD NOT BE SUBJECTED TO THIS ISSUE BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR ISSUE. I have an issue that I do not want anyone in the bathroom while [I] am in the bathroom while in public or private. BATHROOMS SHOULD BE SECURE AND PRIVATE. IT IS ONLY A PRIVACY ISSUE. SO DO I GET MY OWN BATHROOM BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I NEED? NO, I DEAL WITH IT JUST AS THE TRANSGENDERS MADE A DECISION AND THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH ANY CONSEQUENCES. WHEN PERSONAL DECISIONS ARE MADE THEN YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THOSE PERSONAL DECISIONS. THIS IS AN AGENDA BEING PUSHED ON THE CHILDREN WHOM ARE [NOT] CONFUSED ABOUT WHO THEY ARE AND THEY DO NOT HAVE TO BE SUBJECTED TO IT OR MADE TO GO ALONG WITH THE TRANSGENDER AGENDA.

marie said...


Anonymous said...

Your Fake Governor is probably a Robotoid puppet for the NWO satanist devil regime.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 1:19pm. This is just more of the satanist communists infiltration techniques to confuse (God is not the author of confusion) the public, especially the children, and to divide and "attempt" to conquer society for their "new" dictatorship and extermination of humans. Do you know what you are dealing with here? You are dealing with Dragons !!
Evil, soulless, cunning, crafty Reptilians who have been hiding under (In the middle of) the earth since the flood when God cleansed the earth from most of this evil filth. Don't get caught up in this controversy , but demand that YOUR children NOT be lured into participation with this perversion and not be subjected to viewing this confused identity perversion. Then go and figure out how to slay the dragons!!! Knights !!!(you know who you are). It's time to SLAY the Dragons !!!