Monday, May 16, 2016

Putin Warns Military Commanders: “If It’s Hillary Clinton, It’s War!”

THE EUROPEAN UNION TIMES: A grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that during President Putin’s meeting earlier today with Aerospace Defense Forces (ADF) commanders where he ordered them to accelerate the deployment of at least two more missile attack early warning system satellites, he further warned these military leaders about the facts regarding the American presidential election by stating to them: “If it’s Hillary Clinton, it’s war”.

According to this report, President Putin’s decision to launch the Angara-class heavy carrier rocket from the Plesetsk Spaceport by the end of December to deploy these missile attack early warning system new-generation satellites ahead of a new US president taking office in January, 2017, is in direct response to the Obama regimes activation on the Western Front, in Romania, yesterday, of its European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) missile system that Russia warns is a direct threat, leading some online commentators to warn that Romania might be reduced to “smoking ruins”.

With President Putin having already ordered a Western Front military buildup in January to counter the Obama regime’s and NATO’s aggression against the Federation, this report continues, Kremlin experts are also warning that there are “no illusions” about Russia being the intended target of this EPAA missile system, especially when viewed in the light of the statements made recently by NATO’s new commander in Europe, US Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, who lied to the press telling them that Russia is a threat.

As both the Obama regime and NATO continue to pour troops into Eastern Europe and conduct overtly hostile military maneuvers on the Federation border, this report states, President Putin was also forced barely a fortnight ago to order the MoD to form three new divisions to counter them. [Note: 3 Russian military divisions equal around 40,000 troops.]

President Putin’s fears that war will be the result if Hillary Clinton is elected as the next US president, this report explains, is based upon her being a war-hawk adherent to the Permanent War Economy the United States instituted in the closing years of World War II to sustain its global economic power, which since its institution in 1944 has led to the deaths of millions of innocent people the world over and left entire nations in ruin and abject poverty.

Standing opposed to Hillary Clinton, this report continues, is the American billionaire business tycoon Donald Trump—about whom, this past week, the Security Council (SC) reported his “master plan” to free America from its cycles of wars, that has left European leaders stunned—but has been barely been reported on in the US.

As to how hard it will be for Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton, this report concludes, it is not fully known yet—but was made even harder yesterday when the Obama regime shockingly ordered every school in America to start making boys and girls go to the bathroom and start taking showers together even if their parents object, or their religion forbids it. A crude device, MoD experts say, to divert the American peoples attentions away from the “unknowable” Hillary Clinton’s real crimes, and that appears to be succeeding.


Anonymous said...

Perverts in a position of power make rediculous decisions, and every parent needs to go to the principle of the school, and the board of education and object to this ludicrous decree from king pervert!

Anonymous said...

Open up a school for queers and call it Babylon School of Education for the unique. (queers...people who do not fit into normal society)

Anonymous said...

Putin is going to have to wait in line; we've got first dibs on the bitch!