Monday, May 16, 2016

Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate – Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, by Anna Von Reitz

I am not an activist. I am a Judge of the Alaska State Superior Court, and
the Alaska State is one of Several States guaranteed the land jurisdiciton
of Alaska by Statehood Compact. That means that what I did here in Alaska
directly impacts what applies to every other State on the land of the
Continental United States including Washington State.

If no properly convened Washington State Court (not State of Washington
which is a “State of State” — a Federal State– operating in the
international jurisdiction of the sea) overturns my findings and Public
Order, you will find that I already addressed the criminality of the North
American Power Alliance and their subsidiaries. See attached Public Order
and Notice to Law Enforcement (including Judges).

If you would like to get to the heart of this matter and put an end to such
encroachment upon the land jurisdiction of your state and its citizenry,
there are some (relatively) simple steps to be taken.

1. Everyone must choose their proper citizenship. Do you want your
birthright citizenship on the land of the Washington (or other) State on
the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States guaranteed to the
United Colonies and carrying with it all your guarantees to the Bill of
Rights, etc., or do you want to adopt “corporate citizenship” as a
franchise owned and operated by other corporate entities and operate as a
debt slave in international jurisdiction of the sea for the benefit of the

2. All those who wish to retain their birthright — gather together and
begin operating your County and State on the Land, known as Washington
State, not “State of Washington”. Notify the Registrars operating in the
Counties where you were born with a sworn affidavit that you are above the
age of 21 and are the rightful Entitlement Holder of [YOUR NAME IN ALL
CAPITAL LETTERS] ESTATE. To prove this you will need at least two
competent witnesses who know you and know your family and who can identify
you in a photo included as part of the Witness Affidavit and verify your
current address and at least the town address of where you were born.
Typically this will be an older friend or family member— “I am the
natural person John William Wiley, a family friend and physican of the
McClusky Family of Duluth, Minnesota, for the past thirty-nine years. I was
the attending physician when….” or “I am John Bruce Richards, older
Counsin of Lilian Diane Cooper. I was 19 when Lilian-Diane was born and
have a complete recollection of her parents, birth in Peoria, Illinois, and
her life ever since. I can competently identify the woman in the photo
shown below as Lilian Diane Cooper, now married to Joshua Rayburn Clarke,
of Piedmont Park, California.”

Your current address will have to be corrected— you are zip code exempt,
write out the whole state name, and if you have a Post Office Box change it
to a General Post Office Box (Whatever number) via a change of address

You will also need a long form Birth Certificate that has been
Authenticated by the Secretary of State of the Birth State for use in a
non-Hague Convention Country like Indonesia or Taiwan. In most States you
can just order the BC from Vital Statistics and for an extra fee request
that it be sent to the Secretary of State for the Authentication and then
all sent to you without going back and forth. Once you get the
authenticated BC you never let it out of your hands again.
You make copies of the BC and the Authentication and write “For
Administrative Use Only” in red on the face of these copies and then on the
back you write (also in red) “I certify as Document Holder that this is a
true and correct copy of the Birth Certificate and Authentication on
file.” — Signed Upper and Lower Case, all rights reserved, and sealed on
the Signature with your thumbprint, also in red.

Copies of the self-certified Authenticated BC, the Witness Affidavits
signed before a public notary under a statement to the effect “Witness by
Notary does not change Jurisdiction from the Land” written above the Notary
block, and your own Affidavit should be entered on the public record of the
probate court in the county of your birth. Request certified copies of the
public record created.

3. Once this process is completed and your claim is received, posted on the
public record of the probate court, and you have your certified copy of the
action, you are the recognized Executor of your own ESTATE trust. You
really always were the lawful Entitlement Holder— the rats just
“misunderstood on purpose” in order to defraud you and control your assets.

4. Now you are the Executor of the ESTATE and they have to do exactly what
you tell them to do and they cannot interfere whatsoever. They can no
longer harass you or presume upon you or make false claims against you. No
judge can act as an Executor de Son Tort with regard to your assets.

5. You, meanwhile, have fully realized that there are three versions of
“United States” in play. There’s the Continental United States (land) for
example, Ohio State, and there’s the Federal United States (sea) for
example, the State of Ohio, and the Corporate United State, also known as
the Municipal United States, which also operates in the international
jurisdiction of the sea, for example, the STATE OF OHIO. The actual nation
is the State which holds land jurisdiction, All the others are
corporations— “inchoate States” that exist on paper only— and which as
Federal “States” have *no authority on the land except* that which directly
pertains to their own Federal Citizens (federal civilian and military
employees, African-Americans, those born in DC, Guam, etc., welfare
recipients, and political asylum seekers) or actual federal property—
docks, customs houses, arsenals, etc. that have been officially granted to
the federal union.

6. Standing as the Lawful Entitlement Holder and as an American State
Citizen on the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States, you are
empowered to serve as a juror of the Continental United States so long as
you are not a member of the Bar Association and have attained the age of
21. If you meet the other requirements (age, education, etc.,) that were
established for public offices of the land-based State prior to 1860 or
meet those requirements adopted by the local citizens of the County now,
you may operate as a Judge, Sheriff, Grand Juror, Coroner, or in any office
of the State on the land or the County or the Township, so long as you are
not a member of the Bar Association.

7. Be aware that the Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified prior to the
Civil War and incorporated into the actual equity contract known as The
Constitution for the united States of America is still in effect and it
still prohibits Bar Association Members from holding any public office of
the Continental United States. All these “courts” you see and all these
“judges” operating them are operating in a purely private capacity — as
corporate administrative tribunals and as military tribunals. The proof of
this is plain to see— all “State Statutes” they use are privately
copyrighted and so, are not public documents. The flags in their
courtrooms are all “Executive Flags” of the Commander in Chief—- they are
operating in “Special Admiralty”— and falsely presuming that you are an
“Enemy Combatant” or “POW” ,etc., instead of recognizing that you are a
civilian. Once you put this nonsense to rest by reclaiming your ESTATE
from the probate court, they face court-martial and death penalty criminal
charges if they continue to take such actions against you.

8. As the Lawful Citizenry of the Continental United States you each have
more civil authority in your little finger than the entire “federal
government”. You hold plenary jurisdiction over the land and its assets.
Any attempt to boss you around while you are standing on State land or on
your own property is a breach of jurisdiction. Any crime committed on
federal property is of course another matter. If you engage in actual
international commerce the federales have something to say about it, but
most Americans are only engaged in peaceful trade among other organic
states of the union. The federal union may only promote and regulate trade
among the States *so as to encourage and expedite such trade. *They are *not
allowed to restrict *our internal trade.

9. Start reading The Constitution for the united States of America —- the
actual Constitution not the corporate fake called the Constitution of the
United States of America. The real Constitution is very brief — ten
Articles, three Amendments, including the Titles of Nobility of Amendment
which the later corporates fakes do not include. This document is the only
treaty and equity contract tying us to the British-controlled Federal
United States. *The United Colonies still hold the complete and plenary
jurisdiction and extends it to every “State” formed, whether on the land or
the sea (corporate). *

*10. Bear in mind that the land jurisdiction includes all actual material
associated with the land— soil, plants, minerals, people, buildings,
animals— all land assets and you have plenary jurisdiction on the land of
the nation States. The Federal United States has plenary jurisdiction on
“the High Seas and Inland Waterways” and otherwise has only the right to
speak to its own Federal Citizens who are “residing” on the land. You
don’t “reside” on the land— you “inhabit” the land. The problem has been
that they have been “offering” to contract— actually racketeering and
press-ganging on the land jurisdiction and forcing American State Citizens
to contract with them under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic
deceit, allowing them to falsely claim that we are corporate franchisees or
even corporate franchises of their foreign federation and its various
corporations. *

*11. Now you begin to see where your power lies and how you must exercise
it. We have been swamped with pirates and armed marauders who are our
employees operated under diabolical misappropriation by governmental
services corporations that are in turn owned and operated by international
banking cartels. *

*Here’s an example— the FEDERAL RESERVE newly organized as a franchise of the UNITED NATIONS, INC. is fronting its own franchise doing business as
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. This entity has created hundreds of
millions of “public utilities” operated under the given names of living
Americans — you can recognize these new corporate franchise dopplegangers
because they all use names in this form: JOHN Q. PUBLIC.*

*So, are you a public utility owned and operated by a franchise subsidiary
of the FEDERAL RESERVE banking cartel operated by the UNITED NATIONS,
INC.? *

*No? *

*Time to stand up and shove this baloney. *

*12. The effort is underway to put an end to this criminal fraud scheme
and seize back the assets of the Continental United States that have been
stolen and plundered by the Federal United States corporations and
misdirected employees. You can help by donating time, money, and skills to
educate others and to document and prosecute claims. Also time to
repudiate the Odious “National Debt” and reclaim the credit and assets
which have been purloined by various “State of” franchises via fiduciary
trust fraud and fraudulent convertible debt.*


Anonymous said...

Anna von Reitz writes well, but everything she writes is nonsense.

Freewill said...

I suppose that would be true to an IQ below 89!

Freewill said...

They do not allow cops to be hired if their IQ is over 89... we can see why!

Anonymous said...

If a person can't comprehend the truth then how will they ever know the truth?

Looks like you are starting out at 0 so it seem that you need to study more.

Everyone should know at least 50% of what she is talking about but wouldn't expect you to know as much as Anna that has seriously been studying all this for more than 30 years. Ken T.

Freewill said...

Ken, that Anonymous poster is a paid troll...

Anonymous said...

The 12 step seems like a good idea and at the very least they can not hurt. With that being said, why do we need to do even one step to claim what is our birthright. Some say the government claims to own the people, their property, and land. If that is true, it can not be proven in their courts, nor will the government admit it. Why do we need to refute a fraud? A fraud can not stand when exposed and corporate government agents, officers, employees, ect... are nothing more than public servants. They need reminded of this almost constantly, some more than others. The government on all levels works like the mob did except they use what they call laws to force people in to compliance. I was watching an old black n white tv show called the "Untouchables" were Elliot Ness saved the people from extortion from the local mob. See the mob got paid for protection the people did not really need. I had what is called an epiphany as to how government took the place of the mob for protection and in disguised as law. Forced the people to get licenses, insurance, permits, taxes, ect... for protection by government. At least with the mob the people knew what to expect, but with government's ever changing ways to come up with more ways protect(extort) people out of their money. With out government where would we be, at the very least we would have more to spend.