Mark Koernke of The Intelligence Report
broadcast over The Micro and Liberty Tree Radio on 8/4/16 in the 8am
hour broadcast (around 20 minutes in) that a teleconference, including the
State's Attorney's General of Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and
Massachusetts, along with DHS, FEMA, and the ADL, was broadcast open access,
NOT PRIVATE, to all agencies state and federal!
It is not known if someone risked their life
to get this conference public, hit the wrong switch by accident, or put this
info out to see who would leak it…………………
Bottom line, the plan was for the DHS, FEMA
and local police, with massive assets, to bull rush the gun owning citizenry of
these states, seize their weapons and execute this operation so quickly that there
could be no retaliation from pro-American forces to stop it in time.
that wasn't bad enough, those participating in the teleconference who were
planning this actually began to ridicule those front line people who would be engaged in this treason.
they even joked how easily it would be to throw the front line people under the
bus in the end so they could take the blame and the real planners would walk
away clean.
The teleconference was only open access to state and federal
agencies. Guess who just happened to be listening? The police! (We won't
say which….) They had access over their computers
in their squad cars.
We're told that they made disks of the 2 hour
meeting and are distributing them among other trusted police groups.
We're also told that they are not releasing this meeting to the media or public
as to not be the dupes who were given sensitive info and released it publicly
simply by TPTB to see who they can't trust….
Yup, makes sense to me.
NOW you know that there are illegal 'plans' underway to PUSH FORWARD for total illegal seizure of all Americans.
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bring it.
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