Monday, August 8, 2016

America - this is what is in store for you

America - this is what the criminal U.S.A./NWO/UN/NATO cabal 'government,' working together with the Muslim Brotherhood imbedded in all branches of the U.S.A. 'government', have in store for you. Remember the LIE that islam is all about PEACE?  What are you going to do about it?  ........................

Gay  Muslims  Kidnap  Man,  Rape  Him,  Rip  His  Intestines  Out,  And  Stab  Him  So  Many  Times  That  The  Blades  Get  Stuck  In  His  Body

2016-08-05 19:30:38-04

A woman carrying a sign that reads, "Queer, Muslim and Proud" marches during the Gay Pride parade in Toronto July 1, 2012.    REUTERS/Mark Blinch (CANADA - Tags: SOCIETY) - RTR34H49Posted in FeaturedGeneral
By Theodore Shoebat A gang of gay Muslims in Turkey kidnapped a man, raped him, ripped his intestines out and stabbed him so violently that some of the blades broke inside of his body. It turns out that the victim was also homosexual, so this was a homosexual on homosexual crime. I did a whole […]

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In  Muslim  Turkey  They  Are  Beating  People  Forcing  Them  To  Take  “The  Mark  Of  The  Beast”

2016-08-05 20:16:48-04

cPosted in FeaturedGeneral
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special ‘in advance‘) If you want to visit Turkey, you could run into Erdogan worshippers who might stop you and ask you to give allegiance to their mark: the Turkish crescent flag or else, you might get beaten up, very badly. The says that in Turkey: “Vigilantes walk the streets and […]

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2016-08-08 03:07:16-04

EternityPosted in General
It is with great sadness that I must write this article. I believe that there are many sincere Christians in the mainstream Evangelical/Protestant churches that do not subscribe nor support the agenda of Sodom and Gomorrah in their churches. However, due to such weakening of the mainstream Evangelical and even mainstream Catholic Church in Australia […]

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Muslim  Father  Sells  His  Daughter  To  55 -Year -Old  Pedophile  In  Exchange  For  A  Goat

2016-08-08 08:19:13-04

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The girl is in the center Thankfully one of the girl’s relatives said something about this, and both her father and the pedophile have been arrested, but the fact remains that for these men, a little bit of food was worth more than the life of their own daughter: A six-year-old girl has been forced […]

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Man  Stands  Up  To  Muslim  Mass  Murderer,  Now  He  Is  Being  Prosecuted  For  ‘Insulting  The  Murderer’

2016-08-08 08:44:31-04

Pic shows: Pictures of Thomas Salbey, who exchanged words and insults with Ali Sonboly; The man who challenged the Munich shooter after he killed nine people could be charged by a prosecutor for insulting the killer. Thomas Salbey, 57, saw the shooting happening from his balcony in the Bavarian capital of Munich in Germany. His profanity-laced confrontation with the shooter, who was standing down his flat on a parking deck, went viral on the internet. Besides throwing insults at 18-year-old gunman Ali Sonboly, who had lured local teenagers to a McDonald’s restaurant to kill them, Salbey also hurled a beer bottle at the attacker in a desperate attempt to stop him. "All I had was a beer bottle to throw at him, but if I would have a gun I would have shot him in the head," the Munich resident said. But in a weird twist of German justice, it is now Salbey who is facing charges and not the killer Ali Sonboly who died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Spokesperson Florian Weinzierl from the State Prosecutor’s office of Munich confirmed that charges for insult have been pressed against Salbey. It has not yet been established what will be included in the charges. As the confrontation between Salbey and the Munich shooter took place after he killed nine persons, the exchange did not have any influence on the actions of Ali Sonboly, said Weinzierl. The charges should thus be regarded as "an insult to the detriment of the Dead." Acccording to Weizierl, a court review would therefore be completed very soon.Posted in Featured
You just can’t make this up. Thomas Salbey was one of the few people who stood up to and tried to stop Muslim mass shooter Ali Sonboly, who murdered 9 people before killing himself and who we wrote about here two weeks ago on Now in a sick twist, Mr. Salbey is being prosecuted for […]

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ISIS  Accused  Man  Of  Stealing,  They  Cut  His  Hand  Off  With  Meat  Cleaver  While  Crowds  Of  Muslims  Cheer  With  Excitement

2016-08-08 09:48:18-04

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In another act of barbarity, ISIS accused a man of stealing and as punishment, they cut off his hand in public with a meat cleaver while a cheering crowd looked on: This is the sickening moment ISIS thugs maimed a ‘thief’ for life by chopping off his hand with a cleaver while a baying crowd […]

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