Rand Paul, Judge Jeanine, Napolitano All Say “Lock Her Up”! The Gloves Are Off!
Published on Aug 12, 2016
Now it’s not just Trump supporters saying “Lock Her Up”, It’s a major US senator and two Judges. We have the DOJ saying they won’t allow a Clinton Foundation probe, FBI Comey wanting to indict on the Hillary emails but then doesn’t, new email leaks by Judicial Watch that show ambassador Steven’s schedule was hacked from Hillary Clinton emails, emails leaks that led to the assassination of a scientist and undercover agents, and Clinton Foundation ties to the State Department. Come on now!!! What does Hillary have to do to get indicted and prosecuted. Like Trump said earlier in his primary run, I could short someone in downtown NY and they would still support me. That’s the extent of criminality going on with Obama and the DOJ, as well as, Comey himself. The gloves are now off and the media and some politicians are turning against Hillary in a big way. The reports of her health issues are everywhere now. Unfortunately Trump needs all the help he can get, because he keeps stabbing himself in the back. Can either of them actually physically or mentally make it to the finish line? What if they both drop out
Lets do it NOW !
We need to lock Lynch and Comey up for dereliction of their duties. Maybe the Provost Marshall can do that but then they like to sit on their thumbs and do nothing, too! I wonder if an Attorney General can be impeached, removed or arrested for failure to preform her duties by enforcing the statutes? I cant say failure to enforce the law because the is no law in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. only color of law. Statures are an abrogation of law!
I agree with unknown... yesterday was too late... NOW or never...
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