Monday, August 1, 2016

They Stole Our Names.....And Now, They've Lost Them.

by Anna Von Reitz

What I am going to tell you all today is going to blow your minds--- if they aren't staggered already. 

First, the rats under FDR pretended that our Trade Names, the Upper and Lower Case names we were taught to use in grade school styled like this:  Felix Morton Morganthau ---- were actually Foreign Situs Trusts belonging to the "Federal Government" doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) and represented franchises of that bankrupt private, mostly foreign owned governmental services corporation. 
So, those entrusted to act as public servants instead acted as public hogs and placed false claims against the American nation-states and the American People.  And our parents and grandparents were so trusting they didn't catch on. 
Year after year, they toiled away, paying debts for crooks----debts they never owed. They didn't even get a thank you for it.  The perpetrators snuck off with their buddies in the Beltway and snickered to themselves and patted themselves on the back and sucked up and siphoned off the wealth of America while sending our young men and women off to war for profits---and not even profits for themselves, but profits for the perpetrators of these abuses. 
So they stole our names and bankrupted them and now, they've lost all record of them.  
You have to go back to court and do an adult name change from FELIX MORTON MORGANTHAU back to Felix Morton Morganthau. 
Even worse, they've done the same thing with the States.  
Where does this bunko stop?  Where in the name of Jesus does it end?  
You have to adopt your own given Name and then you have to seize upon and reconvey the bogus franchise trust NAMES, too.  And Expatriate them.  And bring suit against the rats in the proper venue.  
And you have to do this to save yourselves and your country.  
Do you hate this situation yet?  Do you feel betrayed yet?  
You've been subjected to the greatest fraud and identity theft in human history and the people you have relied upon to protect you and your interests and paid well to do so---- are the ones that have done this to you and yours.  

If you aren't righteously angry enough to get up off your couch and start talking and walking, too, then I don't know what I can say to you.  
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

VOTING in itself is a great sin and act of evil.
When you vote, you put yourself into the throes and auto matically convert yourself into a corporate structure.

It is then unknown that this corporate structure serves evil, and is granted nothing but privileges rather than rights...but that is exactly what happens.

If many of you have reason to play this game to get a slightly better lot for yourselves, go right ahead and do so. It won't change the fact that what is coming is going to shake every core.

For several years we have been overdue for a cataclysmic civil war. We already saw just how severe it gets with the revealing of planet Nibiru - this will kill tens of thousands, at the least turning all your worlds upside down.

As for the elites that remain, they too will be hit and wiped out.
As for those who walk beneath them and fight, a good question is who among them will survive. Those who do survive, will recognize there is zero safety inside the corporate machine.

I have heard it reiterated time and again...Voting is the definition of evil. It is stressed to be true regardless of who, as it is a vote for a continued corporate tyrant of slavery.

The system cannot and will not be saved, it can not be. The corporate tyrant known as the US will be utterly destroyed.

Are you with them, or opposed? Are you still inside them through the fraud of trade names?
Ponder these matters as they may be the only ones to count.

Anonymous said...

Part 1 of 2
I know contracts.
First in Time, First in Right.
No law impairing the obligations of contracts shall be made.
If you know how to push these things, even their municipal courts cannot put you in jail in their contract, if you are already in contract to be at work on certain days at certain times.
First in time, first in right.
Unless you sign yourself into jail in a new contract, you still have your first one.

Now back to Judge Anna.
In the Patriot movement, people got into trouble most because they taught things to people who were 'still in the system', and those people were 'still in the system' doing paperwork like they were 'not in the system'.
Still registered to vote,
Still claiming to be a US Citizen, checking those boxes days after filing some paperwork that they were not.
That kind of stuff.
If you are going to be in, you are in.
If you are going to be out, you are out.
you don't flip flop.
Now your parents never put on a birth certificate an all caps name.
They put upper and lower case.
You came first, the name you were called came first
The name they typed on the birth certificate came second,
the ALL CAPS name came third.

They own anything they create.
You own anything you create. I know, I know, people say you don't own your children. Not true, you don't own the person with the same name as your children.
They use the person to allow you to interact with them.
The person is a 'corporate' body.
Your children are the 'corporeal' body.
They take two unlike things and join them because the name your child is called is the name of their person on paper.
yeah, we got stuck with it, and they use it to our disadvantage.
Anyway, afterwards 'they' created the ALL CAPS NAME.

Everyone who's child is taken away signs a contract.
Don't fuss at me. There is always papers in all of this junk.
Even Judge Anna is talking about a lawsuit over names, and how do you sue? With paper.

People sign papers in jail. I've been there, I know. They love to 'process you'. But a clean signature means a clean agreement.
If I said I'd take your child if you don't sign, and you sign, you agree on paper. That paper is all someone sees.
'Yep, they signed it alright'. That paper holds up in court.
Now if I say, if you don't sign I'm going to take your child and you write,
He threatened to take my child, and then signed, well that paper is not as clear an agreement is it?

Anonymous said...

Part 2 of 2
We aren't taught that other side.
You don't bring a lawsuit and sign like that, cause you brought the suit, and it's like you acting like someone forced you to do it.
but you do sign like that when someone is forcing you to do something you don't want to.
School enrollment gives the school all kinds of power, and parents love to, see how fast they can enroll their child and be done with it.
And when their kid is in jail for 'burping' in class, they want to sue, and the school trustees had written on one of those papers they had all rights, privileges, immunities, and protections, and you signed your 'student' (definition person) over to them without indicating your rights on their contract. Scared? Well if you were, you can only say you did it, they didn't.
Do not go to court and claim for yourself the all caps name, it already has a first in time first in right owner.
Let Judge Anna post her claim first.
Legal stuff like that, put a lot of people in jail.
You own your 'corporeal' body, and as long as you let them pretend it's a 'corporate' body with no mind, no soul, no conscience, they will take it and warehouse it like a sofa in a Public Storage.
Anna has not given enough information for you to take action.
Neither have I.
You have to seek this for years, and shelve a lot of info that doesn't make sense without tossing it out because you don't like it and don't agree with it. Over time, pieces get revealed and you learn more, like a disciple of your own teachings. Your awareness gets keener, and things that feel right start coming to you, and things that don't feel right, you put a caution sign on it, like this post, does not give enough info to take action claiming something you didn't create.
I am not replying to anyone's comment. Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

I concur with your central thesis.
The act of voting at all is evil.

To commit fraud by volunteer is to vote.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's how THEY
# their livestock, for future abduction.

The thing is people have been told over
and over that this is a crime, but they
don't seem to care. They look for a new
leader and this time its a Trump or Mendici.

It doesn't matter who, they look for someone
else to take care of it all. Have they not
any idea of the shame!?

22,000 Clinton emails released-many Classified,d.cGc

The huddled masses don't care what the truth
costs them. They think anyone, even a Johnson
or a Trump will save them. What little do they
know, that such a list is for the ELITE benefit!

Those same SAVIORS will no doubt be their undoing!
Once IS-RA-EL is blamed for 9-11 and the One New
World begins.

The REAL government during this time, will no
doubt call a convention of states. They will
approve actions of force, which make real
hair-raising changes since that's the
only way to subdue some of the bloodshed.

But the huddled mases, the coddled slaves..
Have they no idea the EVIL they support?
Have they no lasting shame?
To vote, is to vote for barbaras.
You will be locked up by the same
when the hour arrives.

Anonymous said...

they can keep up with papers hundreds of years old, but can keep up with names on paper for several hundreds of years. ha I don't fall for their lies, nothing comes out of their mouths but lies, lies, lies. Unless they deliberately lost them. Well God said he is going to destroy the evil corrupt people and I believe its coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Very unfortunately, the ones who are sounding off here are the most correct.

There is no way to win the Game of Spades. The Game of Spades is rigged and won from the beginning...including by those you may have "felt* you could trust like Alex Jones.

The only way to win the Game of Spades is to refuse to play.
Actually let me rephrase this in a more direct way.

The only way to win or survive the game, is to refuse to play.
Those who actually will make it through what's coming are not ever going to play the rigged game from Hades.

Every time you watch a Bruce Willis ppcorn flick, you vote. Every time you watch a Matt Damon movie/even ones with a good message that saturate cinema VOTE.

Every time you bank with a place like Bank of VOTE.

Imagine that voting is not only evil but that you do it each day.
Then notice how everyone including even Trump or Matt Damon do not ever say Islam is evil.

They always side-step and *shudder* just say it needs reform.
Then dare to ask why all these leaders claim the same!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Trump will pretty much be president after a brief election kerfluffle. The rigged parties will suddenly lose, with all amazed.

However, tragically those who say there is some less than savory characters attached to him will likely not be off the mark....particularly in their predictions.

But anyone who votes will have given their consent! These two elections were decided long, long ago one must remember.

Lets be ever vigilant have faith that in the good they will do, the eyes of these lost and blind sheep will be opened wide. Once the scales come off the eyes these men will do grave harm.

Anonymous said...

Well said! I have gotten three courts, Sessions, Chancery, and the Court of Appeals to state that I am not my name in all caps and am not liable for any debt of the all caps entity. It took years of studying to get that far and filing the proper paperwork. Everyone wants to feel free but no one is ready to unplug from their conveniences like debit cards, credit cards, etc. You are right when you state a lot of people try this and end up being indicted because they don't understand contract law, Trust law, or the fraud the Courts perpetuate when trying to bring claims in Admiralty against you when the STATE OF ..... is a foreign Corp. in chapter 11 receivership and the prosecutor in not a trustee assigned in bankruptcy to present any claims for the foreign Corp. I have gotten several people out of trouble only to have them jump right back into their mess by continuing to act as they always have, voting, banking, claiming they are Federal employees to the IRS, etc. No one should try to do what Anna is saying should be done until you become an expert on their system. When they learn that you can bring the brimstone down on their head, they will go out of their way to avoid screwing with you or trying to get you into their venue through contract. You have to be smarter than them to beat them. You have to be very careful about which battles you choose to engage in. The cards are still stacked in their favor and they hold the nuclear weapons while we have a silver stick, but sometimes a silver stick is enough.

penny4yerthoughts said...

well they did say there was a big fire in DTCC ;o)

keep in mind you are always free to REVOKE your signature in reference to private contracts and that is ALL i got to say about that, as per forest gump...

among equal equities the first in order shall prevail and superior equitable title by nature, im down with that