Saturday, August 13, 2016

This one is for the famous Tom Heneghan and the male love of his life

Is Al Gore Hissing At Her?

Al Gore attending an opening for homeless children’s centre didn’t go over as well as it should have when this photo surfaced the following day.

HOW could a tiny child cause such a reaction in what is SUPPOSED to be a mature experienced career politician?!

Perhaps the REAL Gore (reptilian blood drinking vial carried in his briefcase) is coming through??

Just one more clue about the REAL Al Gore! 


Anonymous said...

Though I do not trust or care for all climate change gore.
This picture was obvious by photo shopped

Anonymous said...

If that is 'photo shopped,' I'll eat it. WHY is it that someone thinks - because they don't agree with a picture - that is HAS to be photo shopped?! Gore is right in the child's face, and research the web for all the articles regarding Gore's visits to the numerous children's facilities.

Anonymous said...

The good news is we didn't get Gore. The bad news is we got Bush. Just sayin'!

Anonymous said...

It would not have made any difference. neither one are making any decisions, just puppets. Which is why Heneghan's reports are all bs fluff acting as diversions from the real problems. Heneghan and Gore are cabal shills.

Anonymous said...

it could be a sneeze or a laugh or a number of things. A photo taken of anyone only captures a split second and does not say what is really going on. by the way, i'm no gore fan either. just saying paparazzi can catch the most compromising photo and exploit it

Anonymous said...

The Story Behind The Story