Friday, August 12, 2016

Toward A More Complete Understanding

by Anna Von Reitz

It is important for everyone to understand that we are engaged in a process--- a learning and fact-finding and research and legal process that is ongoing.  Every day we learn more.  Every day we connect dots that we didn't know about before.
This necessarily gives the impression of two steps forward and one step back, because that is what it is.  It's a process of discovery.  We don't have a road map.  We are obliged to go down many rabbit holes to find out where they go and if they connect and precisely how they connect. 
In most cases the path isn't just complex.  It has been deliberately obscured to make it difficult and even nigh-unto impossible to unravel.  There are cinch points in this process that resemble a tangled ball of yarn or a knotted necklace chain.  It takes time, diligence, knowledge, and sometimes great perseverance to move past these points.
Nobody just automatically "knew" that our earthly estates had been probated when we were still children and that we had been declared "civilly dead" and that the State Bar Associations had taken over as "Administrators" of our accounts acting in behalf of the STATE OF WHICHEVER corporations that then claimed to be the Beneficial Owners of our property. 
Who could even imagine all that?  Perhaps a lawyer familiar with probate would glance at it and know immediately--- but none of them told us, did they?  That would undermine their usurped position of power over us.  After all, we were born the General Executors of our own estates and it is only by mischaracterizing us as "incompetent wards of the STATE" that they get a handle with which to jerk us around and steal our property both public and private.
On top of the self-interest involved for members of the Bar, there has also been the very real fear that if people knew what was going on and knew what was being taken from them under color of law, they would rise up and murder lawyers and bankers by the bushel.
So mum has been the word.  We have had to dope out every stinking detail of this fraud on our own and it has not been a speedy, easy, or straight forward process.  Forgive us all those of you out there who are used to being spoon-fed everything like Fast Food and who expect to have all the answers neatly and readily available, complete with action steps to take for a certain and complete and easily accessible remedy.
It doesn't work that way.  Not at all.  Instead, what works in one state doesn't work in another.  The law of one county and its procedures and standards are different from the 3100 others.  And every judge and every court in America is different, too.  So on top of the difficulty in discerning and proving and acting upon the basics of the fraud itself, there is also the problem of addressing how all the various "State Bar Associations" administer it and how all the various "Counties" and "Boroughs" administer it. 
Like a virus that got into our government Main Frame, it has morphed out of the root stem of the program and into a million variations, all of them serving the same basic purpose, but in a million permutations on the same basic themes.  Yes, we are here to mischaracterize, control, and defraud you.  Yes, it is going to be done along the same basic paths and guidelines.  But no, it is not going to be exactly the same at all times and places and applications. 
Nearly every day I have someone call me up and offer to ream me out because they tried some course of action I recommended two years ago and in their particular instance and situation it didn't help. 
A number of things must be brought to everyone's attention--- first of all, I (and everyone else involved) have learned a lot in the past two years, including information that has led to different understandings of basic facts.  It therefore behooves everyone to follow along in the current thread to get the most up-to-date take on things.
Second, these rats are not stupid.  They make their livings off this fraud.  When we push through a gate and find a pathway of escape, they are close behind trying to close off that opportunity.  They simply amend their operations, come up with a new "agency" rule or push through a new bit of code, and voila, the sheep are penned again.
Third, if you want to claim back the General Executorship of your own estate, which is what we need to do, all paths lead to the probate court and nowhere else.  These vermin have defrauded you by misrepresenting who and what you are and by seizing control of your assets---including these ACCOUNTS which appear under your NAME via fraud upon the probate courts in the states and counties where you were born.
Fourth, now that these basics are known, it is time for you to contact every politician, judge, banker, lawyer, hospital administrator, and police officer involved in administering and profiting from this scam.   Communication is the only way it can be resolved short of gibbeting.
A researcher into the use of "GLOSSA"--- the all capital letters sign-language used to disguise our ESTATE accounts--- took his copy of Black's 4th Edition Law Dictionary and his copy of the 16th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style--- into the office of the local Magistrate Judge yesterday and placed the facts under his nose. 
As a result, the Judge was clearly at a loss and forced to re-think the cases coming through his office and being submitted to him.  As a further result, we found out that these cases are being formatted by the police departments---- agencies that have no obvious expertise in the law or grammar at all. 
So today, that same researcher is taking his Dictionary and his Chicago Manual of Style to the Police Commissioner.....
This is the sort of action that is desperately needed.  We cannot hope to correct this situation without it.  These people have been doing these things on autopilot for so long that despite the fact that they are self-evidently fraudulent, their first impulse is to stare at you and mumble, "But, that's the way we do it.  That's the way we have always done it...." and their second response when presented with contrary fact is to begin thinking.
That's what we need--- for everyone on both sides of the fence to start thinking and then acting accordingly.
Is it fraudulent and deceptive to represent the ACCOUNT of an estate trust as the NAME of the victim in a foreign and corrupt language, and then embed this sign language into an English text to promote further misunderstanding?   Of course, it is. 
Is it improper for any action at law or in Law or even administratively to be taken on the basis of such documents?  Of course, it is. 
Is it fraudulent to stand behind a piece of paper signed by someone else (your uninformed Mother) and deny your right to act as the General Executor of your own estate?  And then while usurping your position as Executor to imprison you and steal you blind? 
What do you think? 
I am not here to tell anyone what to believe or not believe.  Anyone who has stepped foot in one of their "courts" has more than enough experience to come to their own conclusions. 
Instead, I am here to share what I have discovered in this long process of discovery, to share what other researchers have shared with me, and to encourage right-thinking and effective action to the extent possible.
The Accusers must themselves be accused.  They must be shown the error of their ways and brought to correction.  That is the only way that real progress can be made.  They must be made to understand that what they are doing and the way they are operating is wrong. That cannot be done overnight or with the stroke of a pen, and neither I nor anything I can merely tell you is going to do the heavy-lifting for you. 
You have to go buy your own reference books, see the truth for yourself, and then stomp on down to the office of the local magistrate judge.....and to the police commissioner....and to the mayor.....and to his general counsel....and to the local assemblyman.....and to the Governor of your state.....and......just keep going like the Energizer Bunny. 
That's what I do all day, every day, and that is what we all must do in order to properly engage the work that must be done.  Sitting around thinking that someone else can do it or blaming them (or me) because what they have done or attempted to do has been insufficient or ineffective, is like blaming the horse pulling your cart out of a mud hole because the goodness of its strength and heart is not quite enough to turn the wheels. 
Has it occurred to everyone yet, that you might have to get out of the cart and push for yourselves?
Not only do you have no cause to complain about the sufficiency or efficiency of the work others have pioneered, you have only the various officials and bureaucrats who are imposing upon and presuming upon you to blame. 

So-- in closing, please get your heads wrapped around the real problem and stop expecting "George" as in Washington, to do it all for you.  He has been dead over 200 years and as for me, I am a retiree in Alaska--- and I am already doing my best to resolve these issues.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website


Anonymous said...

In full agreement with Anna; following is an anti-war anthem, let's get back to diplomacy!
Eric Burdon - Sky Pilot

Leigh Smythe said...

Anna, I admire your tenacity and boldness in pursuing these crooks. I think of you and Donna Quixote. I hope you are successful in satisfying yourself, because the rest of us have the same work to do. It just seems that in so doing, we will, of necessity, repeat much of what you have already learned to be a waste of time. And you know they aren't making anymore of that.
My best!! Leigh Smythe

Anonymous said...


You are either the person accused or the affiant living (soul) man. This presumption actually has to be rebutted in court and denounced or you're assumed as the person and SOL. The living have no excuse to join in harmony with the dead.

Unknown said...

Anna..if you don't mind I would love to repost this along with your website so that it can go viral and reach as many people as possible.... Love to you and appreciate your work..thank you..