From the Washington Free Beacon:
Lamb currently leads Republican Rick Saccone by just 627 votes and there are still absentee and provisional ballots that have not been tabulated, but Republicans are already preparing for the likely recount and even a possible lawsuit regarding issues at polling sites, according to a Republican source familiar with the deliberations.
"We're actively investigating three instances and likely to file court action on them," the source said.
Among the listed concerns are "miscalibrated" voting machines in Allegheny County, the only county of four in the district that went for Lamb, according to the source, who said there have been many reports of voters who intended to vote for Saccone ending up casting a ballot for Lamb.
Furthermore, Republicans say their attorneys were ejected from polling sites as the absentee ballots were still being counted and that due to confusion caused by the Pennsylvania secretary of state website people were directed to the wrong polling locations.
Republicans have demanded that all ballots and voting machines be impounded in preparation for the likely recount.
Republican sources are circulating prior investigations into Allegheny County election officials by Pittsburgh's local ABC affiliate, which found the county was hiring people with criminal records and little election experience to manage polling sites on election day.
And yet Nothing Is Done About It , Nothing ! Way To go Republicans Another Spineless loss ! This is Why No one Votes Anymore !
Is this of any surprise? I pray heads roll when they get to the bottom of this. Democrats will stoop to all time lows to stay in power. They are their own enemy to themselves now. lol
The ballots were counted in machines after the voters had marked them. The machines did not cause someone who tried to vote one way to vote the other way.
One attorney, (not attorneys) was refused entry because he had no proof he represented the Republican campaign. When he obtained proof, he was admitted.
If the Republicans want a recount, they will have to pay for it.
So we have a liberal democrat supporter in our comment section... Sucks to be you anon,,,
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