Thursday, August 30, 2012


LINDA MARSHALLCharlottesville, Virginia

August 28, 2012
"Open to the gates of righteous ; I will go through them . And I will praise the Lord . This is the gate of the Lord, through which the righteous shall enter." Psalm: 118:19-20

" Lift up your heads, Oh you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! That the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle. " Psalm: 24: 7-8

Gates and doors that have been previously shut, are now beginning to open for those who have set their faces like flint to seek Me, My purposes, and My will. Bronze gates and iron bars, that have been used by the enemy to thwart my will and purposes in the earth are now being broken, dismantled, and destroyed. " I will break in pieces bronze gates and cut iron bars. I will give treasures of darkness. And hidden riches in secret places. That you may know that I am the Lord, who has called you by name." ( Isaiah 45: 2-3)

Passages ways and ancient paths are being opened today, as My people cry out :
"Save, now, Oh Lord, I pray ....and send prosperity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We have blessed you from the house of the Lord." (Psalm 118:
25-26) Selah.

For there is a pushing out, a breaking out, and a release, which will bring great furtherance to My Kingdom plans and purposes, says the Lord. So as My people set themselves to seek My face and will in their lives, individually and corporately, the anointing upon their prayers will be a mighty force which will be like the breaking forth of a dam. For as when David had been anointed King and went up against the force of the Philistine army at Baal Perazim, and was given a mighty breakthrough, so it shall be for those whom I have anointed this day, to breakthrough all resistance of the enemy and to set a path for My Kingdom plans , purposes, and Kingdom building for the future.

I will cause great favor to rest upon My chosen people at this time, for there is much that must be accomplished in this hour. And much that must be set in place for the future, so that many will be saved, delivered, and brought into My Kingdom. " You shall arise and have mercy on Zion, For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time has come, For Your servants take pleasure in her stones, And show favor in her dust. So the nations shall fear the name of the Lord. And all the kings of the earth Your glory. He shall regard the prayer of the destitute. And shall not despise their prayer....For He looked from the height of the sanctuary. From heaven the Lord viewed the earth. To hear the groaning of the prisoner: To release those appointed to death. And to declare the name of the Lord in Zion. And His praise in Jerusalem..." (Psalm: 102:13-21)

For this is a"bench mark" day of great kingdom violence and great kingdom force. And those who have been called to understand the times and seasons will know how to maneuver in this season. " ...the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.." ( 1 Chronicles 12:32). These days will be days of great upheaval , shaking, and moving. For just as it was in the days of John the Baptist, so it shall be in this day. "And from the days of John the Baptist, until now, the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. " (Matthew 11:12).

For My people have been called to stand, to seek, to hear,see, and advance My Kingdom purposes in the earth in this hour. And as the men and women of old were moved by faith , (see Hebrews 11), so it shall be this day. " ....who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped lions mouths, escaped the edge of the sword. Out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens....." ( Hebrews 11:33-35)

It is an hour like no other to hear My voice, to be made battle ready, to stand before Me front and center, to hear and receive My assignments in this hour; to put on the full armor of God , and to go forth with purpose, resolve, courage, and strength. For the days ahead shall be marked with uncertainty and upheaval, for those who choose to remain and walk in the darkness of this world. But for those who have chosen to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts." ( Roman : 13:14 ), it shall be a day of great excitement, victory, and rejoicing, as I lead My "Bride in combat boots" into great Kingdom building and end time harvest, says the Lord of Hosts.


Anonymous said...

Revelations 2:9 and 3:9

Anonymous said...

And don't forget Deuteronomy 28... There is never a mention of national repentance in these messages. Why?

princesirki2012 said...

You must know and understand the Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Love, Mercy, Justice, Splendour, Prophecy, Victory, Foundation, and Kingdom of God, are revealed in the Torah, specifically to the People of Torah--to Israel, to those who respond to the intelligent energy life-force of Torah--and not to those who reject Torah, either intentionally or through ignorance. The purpose of Torah was to reveal the invisible Presence of The Endless One, to a people who would accept it as their Source of Life. That was then, and is now its eternal purpose, and "Israel" applies to any person who studies Torah for its own sake. The message of repentance is only directed to the people who have accepted Torah, turned away from the Light, and have the ability to return. All three major religions of the world have been given Torah--Judaism, Islam, and Christianity--and the blessing or curses mentioned in the Torah, are based purely on one's relationship to Torah, as the One and Only Law of Spirit Life. According to Torah, and the writings of historians and prophets, known as Tanach, national repentance only became necessary when people of Torah rejected its spiritual Source, and Divine judgment was pronounced on the idolatrous nation. Prophecy was and is always conditional, meaning that repentance would nullify the prophetic declaration of judgment. The mission of the prophets would be to turn people back to the Light of Torah, and the same is true to this day. America is not a nation of Torah, and yet there are people of Torah in this land, whose study of Torah is what sustains the earth and all of her people.