Monday, February 4, 2013

Australia Takes Over U.S. Military As Obama War Crimes Fears Grow

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Sorcha Faal: Australia Takes Over U.S. Military As Obama War Crimes Fears Grow
Posted By: Jordon [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 4-Feb-2013 08:08:44


A stunning Foreign Military Intelligence Main Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that for the first time in United States history, a significant number of American military forces have been put under the command of a foreign general over fears President Obama may, at some future date, be charged with “crimes against humanity.”
According to this GRU report, during the past fortnight Australian Major General Richard Burr [photo 2nd left] was named by the Pentagon as the new Deputy Commanding General for Operations at United States Pacific Command (USARPAC) out of Hawaii, an action unheard of in all of American military history.
Major General Burr, this report continues, is one of Australia’s most distinguished military officers having spent the majority of his career with his nations Special Forces units, and with the USARPAC command he is now heading gives him total US military jurisdiction in Hawaii, Alaska, the Pacific Ocean, South Korea and Japan. USARPAC also performs missions in Southeast Asia, in the countries such as the Philippines and Bangladesh.
With the Obama regime announcing their plans in November, 2011 to establish a permanent military presence in Australia, for the first time since World War II, to counterbalance China’s growing power, this report says, Australian fears have grown over the US Presidents increasing use of “war methods” which have now brought him into direct conflict with the United Nations.
The “war methods” Obama is accused of in this report include, kill lists, rampant drone strikes upon civilian targets, and the supporting of torture methods and armaments outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
Unlike the United States, GRU military analysts say in this report, Australia, since 1 July 2002 is a signatory member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and should their troops be associated with Obama regime war crimes would face prosecution.
The ICC is a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression (in 2017) which the United States, under both the Bush and Obama regimes, has yet to ratify.
Even worse, this report says, is the Obama regime stating that they will not cooperate with the United Nations drone attack investigation, and which, also, led to the Federal Council (FC) last month considering laws labeling the government of the United States as a “criminal regime.”
This unprecedented placement of Major General Burr into direct control over US military personal, this report further states, is a measure insisted upon Australia in order to protect itself against both the ICC and UN as their nation has outlawed the “war methods” currently practiced by the Obama regime.
Read more:


Anonymous said...

Please someone tell Me why (although good) taking the military away from obummer and putting them in the hands of a foreign power is good. A power which has already enforced total U.N. gun control on it's people. Is Australia part of the Monaco Accord ? How is this good for freedom ? Any intelligent response is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Just can't resist this! Sure hope he isn't related to Aaron Burr!

Anonymous said...

Lieutenant General Francis J. Wiercinski is the Commanding General for Operations at United States Pacific Command (USARPAC).

This report is typical of Sorcha Faal.

Anonymous said...

Although the U.S. soldiers and most commanders would be of good character, in order to carry out an action against corruption here, Australian forces would be used to remove corrupt government officials in the U.S. by LEGAL means. Complicated for sure, so watch for any B.S. If it don't feel right, it may not BE right.