Barack Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood
On September 1, Egypt’s largest newspaper had a screaming headline:
The article goes on to say that Khairat El-Shater, the number two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy—now in custody by the Egyptian military—has evidence that will put Obama is prison.
Kharirat El-Shater is singing like a bird, implicating our Muslim Brotherhood President, Barack Obama, but there’s no need. The Egyptian military, putting the horde of Muslim Brotherhood thugs on trial for murder, burning churches, and crucifying Christians, has found a treasure trove of documents, including proof that the Obama regime was funneling millions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood, having in hand the actual signed receipts.
But this is just small change compared to what Barack Obama has been up to. Khariat El-Shater signed an agreement with Obama about a little parcel of land known as the Sinai Peninsula. As reported by Egypt Daily News, Obama secretly transferred a staggering $8 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the Muslim Brotherhood’s terrorist wing Hamas.
Why would Obama want Hamas to take over the Sinai Peninsula, an area of land larger than the entire state of Israel? The only explanation, as crazy as it sounds, is to set up Israel for annihilation.
Hamas openly vows that its ultimate goal is to finish the job Hitler started—to bring about a total extermination of the Jewish people. Talk about an anti-Semitic President!
It’s a good thing Barack Obama’s BFF, former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi, is no longer in power. But this is only the beginning. Obama has his fingers in every aspect of the Muslim Brotherhood pie, including the Brotherhood’s mercenary army, al-Qaeda—Obama actually colluding with the the so-called “rebels” in Syria!
Watch our exclusive video for details.
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time for legal action?
One has to seriously wonder WHY the arrests have not ALREADY taken place. WHAT MORE IS IT GOING TO TAKE TO GET THE JOB DONE? What is the provost marshall, the military and sheriffs and militia waiting for? Seems our bikers have more sense and more balls than these guys.
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