CGI's FengShuiSerenity: Dinarians Come Into the Open ~ The
RV Up Close and Personal
In my deepest intuition, when contemplating the Reval, and what it will look like, how it will BE, I always come to the same conclusion: I do not think it will be an isolated event, it will not occur in a vacuum detached and distant from the rest of the world and global energy. I believe it will be part of a bigger, grander event of which everyone can partake. But it will be one of the more significant changes in the chain of events, particularly for the countries from whence the newly valued currencies are derived. They will see a much deserved new day. And their lives will be changed forever.
The second half of this recent development of Dinarians coming into the open is the Blog Talk Radio interview ( of Scott Mowry ( conducted by Dave Schmidt, on the launch of Dave's new radio show The interview is outstanding for the information it provides - practical, understandable and based on factual evidence as to how and why the RV is inevitable. If you are new to all of this, then this radio show lays a great foundation from which to start exploring this topic. If you are not new to all of this, then the interview further reinforces what so many already know is on the way to becoming a reality.
As with so much of what is taking place right now, tread cautiously, but remain open. Do your due diligence and go into your own heart space. Don't over-pontificate, but do not get emotional either. Find balance and choose what resonates for you and yours by trusting where you are on your path.( If you enter POOF in the search window at the top left corner of the home page here, you can catch up by reading POOF's [now ZAP's] intel updates.)
P.S. One of the fun things of doing the blog is searching for photos and images; links for the images often bring me to sites that I would not otherwise find that have cool and fun information. Here is one such example, what I found when looking for a snapshot of the Dinar:
With Love in Oneness,
Sharda Chaitanya
It is worth pondering one would think....
I have never gotten such strong promptings about something. Archangel Gabriel has also appeared to many in dreams.
At pennies on the dollar, it's wise to own them at the least...
I would like to hear what you know about AA Gabriel. She was the first one who prompted me in the direction of listening to my inner voice.
As for the Dinar, etc, who knows when it will happen. But there certainly is no harm in spending a few USD for what some are certain will be a grand return.
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