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Dave McGowan's Laurel Canyon Series - Are Project Paperclip Nazis The Hidden Hand Behind It All?
Posted By: Arleigh
Date: Saturday, 7-Sep-2013 08:11:02
I was rereading a post by the author of the website In Search of Black Assassins and was struck by the following paragraph:
"I suspect that Lookout Lab was the result of yet another secret Nazi and U.S. Government collaboration. It was an extension of Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels’ Nazi Propaganda Machine into America. Reichsminister Goebbels had been largely responsible for creating the Nazi mass media propaganda program to control public and world opinion to among other things; spin the rise of the mythic Fuehrer, expand Nazi Germany’s Wotan (Aryan Supremacy) Paganism and mask and veil its vast military and intelligence global aggression war machine for world domination; racial genocide of Jews and People of Color."
Readers will recall that Nazi Dr. Mengele is the father of modern MK Ultra programs, having advanced his research considerably through the use of concentration camp internees. You'll also recall that he was brought over to North America after the war to continue his research.
The Lookout Mountain facility in Laurel Canyon had as one of its major components a fully operational Hollywood studio and is rumored to be the location where MK Ultra training films were originally shot. (Marilyn Monroe was a frequent visitor to the studio, ostensibly to shoot military propaganda and training films, but I would bet that the studio mainly used her to demonstrate MK Ultra training strategies and also, of course, to shoot pornography, probably while she was in an altered state. Remember the theme of the movie L.A. Confidential about "lookalikes" of Hollywood starlets in black market pornographic movies? In the days before the Internet that kind of material would have commanded a great deal of money.)
What is also interesting to note is Laurel Canyon's reputation as a central hub of Satanic practice in the Los Angeles area. One major component of Nazi history that has not been widely reported is its obsession at the elite level with Satanic rituals. (Adolf Hitler had a copy of H.P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine on his bedside table throughout the war. The secret doctrine, according to Blavatsky's theology is that Lucifer is the true "redeemer" of humanity; this is the supposed revelation that her book offers.)
Another aspect of Lookout Mountain is its involvement in programming MK Ultra slave, Charles "Tex" Watson, widely believed to be the main butcher in the Sharon Tate killings. "Tex" lived within blocks of the facility for many months prior to the murders. Given that one of Manson's stated objectives was "Helter Skelter", a massive race war, it makes perfect sense that it was a military op designed by Nazi black magicians. "Helter Skelter" was a Satanic spell at its core. (Manson is also widely rumored to be an MK Ultra slave.)
I'm providing the link to the article for those McGowan readers who would like to do more research on the Nazi angle of Lookout Mountain, but please be warned. There are several very graphic and gory crime scene photos of the Sharon Tate killings. The link is here:
The Khazars adapted Judaism, moved into Eastern Europe, became the Banksters in Frankfurt, took over the world banking system infiltrating everything including the Vatican, and London finance, and they funded Hitler who was a relative of the Khazar banking families...
Therefore... for the thousandth time... The False Jews ARE and WERE the NAZIS... AshkeNAZIm Jew... get it people? There is a coin from the time that has the star of david on one side and the swastika on the other... The Zionists are Talmudic and wanted a Homeland namely Jerusalem... keeping with their AntiChrist true beliefs and the true tribe of Shem (semite Jews, real Jews) believed in the Torah to be a wandering people as cast out by God...
The Zionists posing as Jews killed the real Jews off in the camps... The Khazars were pagan mercenaries and con artists... think Gypsy... this is why that particular settled region had gypsies gifted in con artistry and illusion, phallic and blood worship, black magic (Blavatsky and Vlad the Impaler who Prince Charles claims lineage proudly) All characteristics of Luciferianism, Satanism and Illuminati...
The masquerades in Eyes Wide Shut and Halloween characterise their methodology of deception, con game, gypsy practice of trickery... Mossad's---by deception we shall do war... So therefore they wore the mask of real Jews and blamed an entire country... The Germanic people as being supremacists when the true Nazi is the Zionist...
Whose true faces run all the major institutions of the world...
Sure there were some Germans who were psychopaths and were easily swept up into the killing but just as Jews don't like to get singled out, Germans, Islam, Christians, Armenians and whatever other culture does not like to get singled out either...
there is a timeline and migration and the Khazars were the phallic worshipping sodomites who buggered children and engaged in sacrifice... (a secret fraternity of child molesters by religious practice) chased out of Asia for a reason but ruthless and cunning.... Deeply attached to an underground religion of serpentry...
Most of the surviving Jews are related as the false Jew lineage whether Jew or Catholic or even Muslim or some other off shoot of a slick confidence game... I myself am of these Khazar blood lines... as a Catholic -- the Jesuit is the Jew Suit... get it? (The costumed Jew is the fake Christ-believing Roman Catholic Tentacled control grid) because I am Catholic-- it does not make me guilty of atrocity it makes my ancestors guilty of it.... nor does it make all Jews guilty--- and all I can do is try to unravel the confusing puzzle for people so the same people don't use the same tricks for World War III----- and the tired old lie of the persecuted Jew --- is a key psychological weapon... Think about it... It's like a safe zone on a board game... an untouchable zone.... where is the best place to plain sight with immunity.... the cry of everybody hates us and controlling the media and mantra for a hundred years allows them that safe zone....
and most of them are just as innocent but confused and entrenched in the indoctrinating lies and secret society type pledges and inner circlism as told--- protects the vicious wolves that hide among them...
If people do not give up this fantasy of world war II being one bad man who tried to take over the world and a bunch of Audie Murphys who John Wayned the crazy Germans then what is going to happen next is World War III already 20 years into the 100 year wars planned in the middle east culminating in Jerusalem where TADAH... The antChrist takes his bow in the new temples and says HAHA tricked you...
Does it not make sense that those who control banks, government, mafias, media are the ones who are cloaked in the persecution complex of poor us everybody hates us because we are smart and successful and Jews... who are really NOT JEWS or CHRIST BELIEVERS or anything above board...who else would have the power to create that illusion but those with the power?
and who else mastered illusion like the Khazar gypsies, the tribes cast out and called the Synagogue of Satan? Who else created all the secret bonding rituals of blood drinking, cannabalism, and child sex and sacrifce?
This doesn't excuse all the other psychos of every other country religion and culture but it identifies the tippy top of the trick pyramid...
There may be one more layer that lies within our cross breeding of mammal and reptile that is hidden--- but that is harder to prove at this juncture than the timeline and migration and who became the owners of the right to print and control and bank world wealth and major religious institutions such as the Jesuit/Jewsuit Vatican...... those families have funded all of it and it wasn't just Bush, he is just one of many with the Zionist/Nazi /Khazar/Sodomite/Luciferian roots... and one more thing... they replace key ACTORS with doubles so they can keep the script from going off the path of Jerusalem as the final prize...
Repeating the lie is what has to stop... Even if we can't beat them and it is too late... the one freedom you have left is not to perpetuate the lie by repeating it...
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