Dirty Laundry 2
Sep 25, 6:05 AM (ET)By
NEW YORK (AP) - Campaign politics shadowing every word, President Barack Obama on Tuesday will challenge the world to confront the root causes of rage exploding across the Muslim world, calling it a defining choice "between the forces that would drive us apart and the hopes we hold in common."
All full circle and all Obama's Dirty Laundry, second load.
The William Casey Associates cleaned up this Obama mess while attempting to turn Obama's wag the dog back on hisself. They should have picked a real American in Sarah Palin, instead of just watching the coup de tat initiated against her by the Rovians and Obama.
None of this is going to go well, when one has piles of bodies covering up other piles of bodies as no one in this Age of Obama is an honest broker.
agtG 224, 260
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