Monday, September 16, 2013

Latest RTS Article: Universal Value Exchange & Project XIII

Here is the latest RTS articles.  This first one is very important and I would ask if you could please repost it as it has to do with the "New" Financial System that they are trying to put into place.

The second article is the release of Project XIII in alpha version for the desktop.  WHile PXIII is still just an alpha working version of the app, it still gives users a highly secure messaging system even in just it's alpha version:


Anonymous said...

Your good military intel is full of shit. No troops have been moved from Fort Hood to Egypt. The new head of the Federal Reserve will be worse than Bernanke. The galactics are not making preliminary contacts. They're getting the hell out of Dodge. The gurus will never be silent. Their livelihood depends on reporting Bullshit. Go ahead and call the banks and bug the hell out of them.

Anonymous said...

VISA? Look up who owns VISA.

Anonymous said...

You gotta read this article carefully but before you do... read the VISA patent first. D completely misconstrues the VISA patent information. The pattent effectively allows you to take currency, stocks, reward points, loyalty points, game points, and exchange it. The exchange is dependent on FINE PRINT clauses of any merchant or corporation. You might NOT be able to turn reward points into money. You might NOT be able to turn gift cards into stocks. You might NOT because the FINE print does not allow it. You might take 25k frequent flyer miles and be able to turn it into 250 dollars. But, how many flights can 250 dollars buy you versus the miles? It exchanges value. If you read the patent - the value is not based on the individual. It is NOT based on the potential of the individual neither. It is based on what each individual produces and/or it's loyalty which is rewarded through points(which is usually not monetized but through this system it can be).

D completely twist the patent. IVALUE is barter - plain and simple. It is an online barter system. Your value traded with someone for their value. But... it is not the value of the individual.... it is the value of the good or service you are trading for and what you consider it worth. IValue attempts to place all the value on the individual and none on the item or service - yet in the end - the individuals are not being traded - IS THE VALUE AND SERVICE WHICH IS BEING TRADED.