course, Aaron Alexis was hearing voices for weeks, as this blog pointed out
this was Operation NIGht City in discovering in 1960's MK ULTRA manipulation if
the Niggazi could be made to act out in Muslim rage.
The voices Alexis was hearing, were the same voices of the Colorado Joker, Sandy Hooker, Jarod Loughner and whatever else has been "indoctrinated by the psychiatric profession" as that is where all of these Manchurians end up after coming onto the rosters for further grooming in the experimental phase.
All of these Manchurian kooks manifest under treatment, but the profession is barred from outing them until the process is completed, and then it is too late by design.
The wave length which has been bombarding Americans have thee entire group hearing songs playing over and over again in their heads. That is the conditioning of the receptor, and a select group receive the voices which is not all schizoid manifestations. It has been proven they can put thoughts into people's heads, and Chris Dorner in his Chive On was another black candidate in I will remind you, the FBI said he was making phone calls from Washington state, stated that Dorner had people assisting him, and Dorner was in Mexico too. All of that was swept away like Sandy Hook magic bullets and the person who held the door open in the Colorado Joker shooting and the second shooter in the Sikh shootings and the second reported shooter in the Giffords shootings.
All of these shootings, including the Alexis operation have reports of second shooters who are minders to the event, and then disappear as local law enforcement get word to "let it drop" as that suspect was........well with the government and that agent was keeping tabs on the individual and it just sort of went bad...........
Here Mr. Chief O'Police have a bribe and a new SWAT tank to murder your subjects and just forget about it or you will be in jail with anal rapists you put there for exposing a secret government operation to protect the public from lunatics.
What do you think I was posting here in that fag kid of the Republican leadership and that fag kid of the Tea Party that split that group over sodomy? I told you that this group of MK experimenters were targeting people to advance political agendas. All of this is a directed effort from the Stanford and Tavistock protocols. The Kaiser said it was easy to find a lone nut for assassinations, and it is even more available now to design your triggers to accomplish exactly what the cartel requires.
I told you there were tens of thousands of these manufactured "veterans" from the Obama wars in being doped up and psyched out let loose in America. Most Veterans though commit suicide, but when a clinical study is necessary, an Aaron Alexis is created from the Holder cell at NSA, and it is just one more blood pool on the shipyard floor.
There are enough heavy metals in the human body to turn anyone into a radio to play whatever noxious notes any intelligence group cares to mindcast into a person on the edge.
Alexis had been suffering a host of serious mental problems, including paranoia and a sleep disorder, and had been hearing voices in his head, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the criminal investigation was still going on.
He had been treated since August by Veterans Affairs for his mental problems, the officials said.
The voices Alexis was hearing, were the same voices of the Colorado Joker, Sandy Hooker, Jarod Loughner and whatever else has been "indoctrinated by the psychiatric profession" as that is where all of these Manchurians end up after coming onto the rosters for further grooming in the experimental phase.
All of these Manchurian kooks manifest under treatment, but the profession is barred from outing them until the process is completed, and then it is too late by design.
The wave length which has been bombarding Americans have thee entire group hearing songs playing over and over again in their heads. That is the conditioning of the receptor, and a select group receive the voices which is not all schizoid manifestations. It has been proven they can put thoughts into people's heads, and Chris Dorner in his Chive On was another black candidate in I will remind you, the FBI said he was making phone calls from Washington state, stated that Dorner had people assisting him, and Dorner was in Mexico too. All of that was swept away like Sandy Hook magic bullets and the person who held the door open in the Colorado Joker shooting and the second shooter in the Sikh shootings and the second reported shooter in the Giffords shootings.
All of these shootings, including the Alexis operation have reports of second shooters who are minders to the event, and then disappear as local law enforcement get word to "let it drop" as that suspect was........well with the government and that agent was keeping tabs on the individual and it just sort of went bad...........
Here Mr. Chief O'Police have a bribe and a new SWAT tank to murder your subjects and just forget about it or you will be in jail with anal rapists you put there for exposing a secret government operation to protect the public from lunatics.
What do you think I was posting here in that fag kid of the Republican leadership and that fag kid of the Tea Party that split that group over sodomy? I told you that this group of MK experimenters were targeting people to advance political agendas. All of this is a directed effort from the Stanford and Tavistock protocols. The Kaiser said it was easy to find a lone nut for assassinations, and it is even more available now to design your triggers to accomplish exactly what the cartel requires.
I told you there were tens of thousands of these manufactured "veterans" from the Obama wars in being doped up and psyched out let loose in America. Most Veterans though commit suicide, but when a clinical study is necessary, an Aaron Alexis is created from the Holder cell at NSA, and it is just one more blood pool on the shipyard floor.
There are enough heavy metals in the human body to turn anyone into a radio to play whatever noxious notes any intelligence group cares to mindcast into a person on the edge.
Alexis had been suffering a host of serious mental problems, including paranoia and a sleep disorder, and had been hearing voices in his head, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the criminal investigation was still going on.
He had been treated since August by Veterans Affairs for his mental problems, the officials said.
First, it is amazing how all of your medical information is leaked to law enforcement with court orders and ends up in the press to prosecute the dead Niggazi, no one will stand up for, like Chris Dorner.......and second.
Kudos to the mind minders as barely a month in their custodial care, and they created a murdering maniac, who previously was only shooting out tires and holes in his neighbor's floor, but in just a few weeks of military happy pills and counseling, Alexis was transformed into a slaughter machine.
Who the hell needs 6 weeks of basics or Muslim suicide bomber school, as this DC group of MK Ultra popped out Sirhan Sirhan in under 30 days.
I will whisper here that little self inflicted suicide of Aaron Swartz, that Jewish Diaspora who knew too many Pentagon secrets and was moved by this same conditioning to "do the deed". Yes Pilgrims, I think I will call you brats now all my Pilgrims in the richtards and screeners, as you are all so clueless in not figuring out the savages in your midst are setting each of you up for a fall.......there are psychological profiles on every one of you in your buying habits, surfing habits, and you are on short lists "if necessary" that some Boston Blow Job goes double cross or an "event" is required in your paradigm for you to become the next Joker or Naval Plunker.
You just keep hiding and hanging onto your money, thinking
it can not happen to you. Your burn notice is just waiting
The Washington Navy Yard is a sprawling, 41-acre labyrinth of
buildings and streets protected by armed guards and metal detectors, and
employees have to show their IDs at doors and gates. More than 18,000 people
work there.
Did not this blog note this yesterday, and then Pete Williams of NBC came out with the propaganda that there were NOT any scanning devices and people just had to swipe an ID to get in?
Yes the Lame Cherry exposed something exclusively from the start, and that start is still the reality in someone let Aaron Alexis into this LABYRINTH, and that word has deliberately been included in the AP story for a specific reason. You figure it out as the millionaires are not donating the big bucks in 350,000 in just one to pony up yet. You will though, as you know you want to as your deepest desire.
Oh yes this too,
Witnesses on Monday described a gunman opening
fire from a fourth-floor overlook, aiming down on people on the main floor,
which includes a glass-walled cafeteria. Others said a gunman fired at them in
a third-floor hallway.
Yes I informed you, that Mr. Mindcast was shooting from a 4th story, which due to physical dynamics of trajectory he would have had to aim at the groin of people to hit them correctly......and yes first reports I received this was an AK 47 aimed at Vladamir Putin........and by miracle as in Sandy Hook, it patterned a pistol, a shotgun and now an AR 15 again as if by a patterned magic.
don't quite get that do you in Colorado Joker, Sandy Hook and now this
Mindcast, that there was a pattern of like firearms choices as if someone was
supplying those minds on psychiatric drugs and treatment those exact classes of
We are speaking of something like 20 pounds of steel, which somehow got through without being noticed. This was all staged for purpose in this mass experiment.......and what puppeteer comes out but Diane Feinstein talking gun control.
I put it that something else is trending in what this was preparation for. We shall see.
I do know that Google has wiped all Lame Cherry posts and just has this blog listed in links and not as a blog again. Someone is not pleased.
But hey, let's have this added in.........
We are speaking of something like 20 pounds of steel, which somehow got through without being noticed. This was all staged for purpose in this mass experiment.......and what puppeteer comes out but Diane Feinstein talking gun control.
I put it that something else is trending in what this was preparation for. We shall see.
I do know that Google has wiped all Lame Cherry posts and just has this blog listed in links and not as a blog again. Someone is not pleased.
But hey, let's have this added in.........
Lame Cherry says this is
a black-ops social engineering experiment ...
1 hour ago - Lame Cherry's story contains
some racial references which I find unpleasant, so be warned. But the bottom
line is that LC says this was a social
Of course smear the Lame Cherry in "racial references" as you steal from me, but this blog is course the problem in pointing out the reality of what is being done to BLACKS IN AMERICA who are being treated as lab rats in being subhuman.
Yes I stand up for the Negroid, but this poster finds what is here unpleasant.........not the regime offering up blacks as political fodder.
...and no LC did not say this was a social experiment. LC
plainly informed you this was a scientific forensic testing of the ability to
turn sloven blacks into outraged Muslim mass murderers.
Oh and more Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter which has all been missed here as I get attacked again for things, but the information here is too juicy to not quote to prop up those who desire a stage............exactly as I stated in, "Yes fuck the whore and then look down on her afterwards for making your dick dirty".
The exclusive in forensic psychology..........NO ONE ELSE WILL HAVE.
Aaron Alexis went up. People who are suicidal tend to go down as they are depressed. Shooters who go up, do so because of superior nature in becoming godlike in passing judgment. The elevation psychologically points like Chris Dorner to a superior view of themselves.
Alexis was climbing from each floor shooting, until he attained a 4th story overlook to pass judgment, in a most ineffective way, as he knew nothing of ballistics and trajectories.
If you are going to steal from me, at least stop being mind controlled yourself in repeating "social engineering" proving where your information has been sucked out of. This was a test of refining protocols and nothing to do with social engineering like all those who are so afraid now to use words and like little gulag snitches have to produce caveats as they are not adult enough to stand up for what they steal.
This was an advanced test, nothing more. It was a success to be celebrated by the blondes which they did in they initiated this poodle to herd sheep like a shepherd when all the other poodles were just looking pretty.
To those who do not like the content, stay the hell off my site as you were told before. If you are so coward you can not post anything without backstabbing me, then go find another source to quote as THERE ARE NONE.
This is impossible enough to do this job without the constant erosion by those taxing me.
My cup is fulled of righteous indignation over all of this to overflowing. God provide the reckoning as your debts are full.
Here I will save some time for all of you in the two links, in you can leave the dirty whore of me alone and quote the sources you will not have to apologize for.
Oh and more Lame Cherry exclusives in matter and anti matter which has all been missed here as I get attacked again for things, but the information here is too juicy to not quote to prop up those who desire a stage............exactly as I stated in, "Yes fuck the whore and then look down on her afterwards for making your dick dirty".
The exclusive in forensic psychology..........NO ONE ELSE WILL HAVE.
Aaron Alexis went up. People who are suicidal tend to go down as they are depressed. Shooters who go up, do so because of superior nature in becoming godlike in passing judgment. The elevation psychologically points like Chris Dorner to a superior view of themselves.
Alexis was climbing from each floor shooting, until he attained a 4th story overlook to pass judgment, in a most ineffective way, as he knew nothing of ballistics and trajectories.
If you are going to steal from me, at least stop being mind controlled yourself in repeating "social engineering" proving where your information has been sucked out of. This was a test of refining protocols and nothing to do with social engineering like all those who are so afraid now to use words and like little gulag snitches have to produce caveats as they are not adult enough to stand up for what they steal.
This was an advanced test, nothing more. It was a success to be celebrated by the blondes which they did in they initiated this poodle to herd sheep like a shepherd when all the other poodles were just looking pretty.
To those who do not like the content, stay the hell off my site as you were told before. If you are so coward you can not post anything without backstabbing me, then go find another source to quote as THERE ARE NONE.
This is impossible enough to do this job without the constant erosion by those taxing me.
My cup is fulled of righteous indignation over all of this to overflowing. God provide the reckoning as your debts are full.
Here I will save some time for all of you in the two links, in you can leave the dirty whore of me alone and quote the sources you will not have to apologize for.
US Sec of Navy admits they oversee mind control ...
below is a link to a document, made available on the web by the Federation of
American Scientists, in which the Secretary of the U.S. Navy admits in
writing ...
Kos: Navy authorizes new Mind Control Experiments, Why ...
2, 2006 - I am sure this diary is going to make some people in
government mad, but I have to look at the greater good of publishing this.
Secrecy ...
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