Saturday, September 7, 2013

Putin Sends A Letter To Americans!

Putin Sends A Letter To Americans!

Friday, September 6, 2013 16:55

(Before It's News)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent an open letter to Americans and what it says might make you look at him in an entirely different light. In fact, in reading his letter, I can only wish that Barack Obama thought much the same way as him on the most pertinent issues. Why is it that Barack Obama is supporting these same Unholy, Unruly, Jihadi Muslims that Vladimir Putin is hoping to crush? In fact, Putin’s interview below is quite thought provoking, especially when he admits that his good friend and ally Bashar Al-Assad IS capable of possible launching such an attack upon his own people. Putin also has called the US government ‘outlaws’ if they strike out at Syria as shared in the video at the bottom of the story. The first two sentences of Putin’s letter makes it plainly clear Putin is aiming much of his talk to the ‘sheeple’.


Dan said...

Maybe it's time for some of you that have the ability to write to Putin or Assad and have Assad invite Obama and other Americans Officials over to Syria to talk!
If Obama wants to believe that is just a ploy to commit his murder then Obama is the Jack-ass!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seems to me Putin is the only leader thinking clearly and is right on the money. 'Our' government is going to get us all killed unless the people in this country and with whatever means necessary remove this cabal from power NOW. If you and your families want to continue to live I suggest you think long and hard on this subject as we ARE talking World War Three. It is up to you. Putin appears correct in calling us 'dumb Americans', how else would you explain our allowing 'our' current "leadership", they are going to get us all killed! Wake up America, time is short. Very short indeed.

Freelance Web Developer said...

You sheeple don't seriously think this is real, do you?