US Contractor in State of Georgia Cited as Source for Syrian Chemical Attacks
It appears there is an ever-growing circle of friends contributing to this charade designed to invoke WWIII.
The American people should be outraged, but most don’t even know about this because they trust the corporate media to tell them what to think.
How many more innocent people will die before these psychopaths are stopped? This is how they use tax payers’ money. Americans are starving, have no jobs, are losing their homes, and the money the government steals from them goes to murder thousands in the Middle East; their current conquest.
Just look at the graphic below. This one is supposedly from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California, where part of their curriculum is TERRORISM STUDIES.
Check it out. “We prepare students to research, analyze, evaluate, and respond effectively to the domestic and international terrorist threats.”
Perhaps they should begin with “domestic” before going further afield. There’s a place called “Washington DC”. They could start there. ~ BP
US Chem Weapons Disposal Program Supplies WMD’s for Syrian Rebels
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today
Investigative journalists inside Georgia have traced shipments of chemical weapons to American controlled sources in the region.
Here, the weapons from Georgia are being deployed by US backed Al Qaeda terrorists.
Click on link to read full report:
It’s important to remember that back In June, the United Nations dismissed claims that Assad’s forces used Chemical weapons.
Testimony from victims provided strong evidence that it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin Nerve Gas, a senior UN diplomat finally admitted.
Carla del Ponte, a member of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.
But she said her panel had not yet seen any evidence of Syrian government forces using chemical weapons.
Damascus is facing growing Western accusations that its forces used such weapons, which US President Obama has described as crossing a Red Line. But Ms. del Ponte’s remarks may serve to shift the focus of international concern.
In addition, leaked phone conversations that emerged earlier this year between two members of the Free Syrian Army [terrorists] contain details of a plan to carry out a chemical weapons attack capable of impacting an area the size of one kilometer.
There are also multiple other examples of video footage which shows US-backed rebels preparing and using chemical weapons.
The last time the world believed the United States’ claims about Iraq’s non-existent WMD, hundreds of thousands of innocent people died as a result.
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