‘Charleston Harbor’ Be the Site of a Coming Nuclear False Flag?
Will diabolic factions embedded
within the U.S. Government implements a plot to bomb the ‘Charleston Harbor’ in
a massive nuclear false flag effort set-up by key power-players to blowout
what’s left of the already decimated Republic?
SC – Harbor (Photo by Streeter Lecka/Getty Images)
By Shepard Ambellas
September 7, 2013
During a bombshell broadcast on the “Alex Jones Radio
Show” Friday, a caller who claimed to be former Naval personnel on the “USS
Greenfish” (USS351) admitted how the ship also carried a “Mark-45 Nuclear
Warhead in the aft torpedo room” that could be deployed to “not just take out a
ship, but an entire fleet”. The caller also described how the U.S. Naval fleet
retreated South of Pearl Harbor, away from Japan, days before the attacks,
signifying the U.S. Government possessed foreknowledge of the impending attack
on Pearl Harbor, which took place on December, 7, 1941.
As the broadcast carried on Alex Jones asked the caller
known only as “John”, “Bottom line why would they want to sneak nuclear weapons
out of West Texas and into South Carolina…. what does your gut tell you is
going on here?”
The caller
replied, “It tells me this is a false flag operation, a major false flag that’s
about ready to occur… the globalists want to inflict a maximum amount of damage
on themselves and to our ability to retaliate in any kind of attack”. Jones
then hit the nail on the head talking about how the globalists are likely trying to
set America up.
I myself was told by a well-connected friend of mine
15-years ago that the globalists had a plan to “blowout America”.[1]
Even more
startling are U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham’s comments eluding that a future bombing might take place in the
“Charleston Harbor”. In fact CBS Charlotte reported, “Graham told reporters in
Goose Creek on Tuesday that taking action against Syria in response to the
situation is not a question of yes or no, but rather a question of bad or worse
He says if there is no
U.S. response, Iran will not believe America’s resolve to block Iran from
developing nuclear weapons. Graham also says those nuclear weapons in the hands
of terrorists could result in a bomb coming to Charleston Harbor.”[2]
However, a nuclear false flag is not all we have to
worry about. Remember the recent remarks from Janet Napolitano, former DHS head? She warned of an
impending cyber attack, one that would cripple America.
And you know what? It’s surprising to know that 99% of all
military facilities in America are powered by commercial investment oriented,
municipal, or in some cases third-party power generation stations (i.e. nuclear
generation facilities).
In fact, we are all set-up to receive the perfect cyber
attack on our power grid as some facilities are not secure. There is commercial
technology and there is household technology, both can be hacked.
The NYTimes.com reported how some facilities, “rely on
Windows-based control systems that are common to many industries. Some of them
run on in-house networks, but computer security experts say they are not
confident that all the connections to the public Internet have been discovered
and secured. Many may be vulnerable to software — known as malware — that can
disable the systems or destroy their ability to communicate, leaving their
human operators blind about the positions of switches, the flows of current and
other critical parameters. Experts say a sophisticated hacker could also damage
hard-to-replace equipment.
In an effort to draw utilities and the government closer,
the industry recently established the Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating
Council, made up of high-level executives, to meet with federal officials. The
first session is next month.
Preparation for the November drill comes as Congress is
debating laws that could impose new standards to protect the grid from
cyberattacks, but many in the industry, some of whom would like such rules,
doubt that they can pass.
The drill is also being planned as conferences, studies
and even works of fiction are raising near-apocalyptic visions of catastrophes
involving the grid.”[3] The multi-national “cyber drill” is set for
sometime November.
If you take and couple all of this information together,
we can then start to see the writing on the wall. The picture now comes into
In fact, I wrote Friday, “According to circling
information at least four U.S. Navy Destroyers are waiting to unleash a
hellacious blitzing melee of Tomahawk Cruise Missiles while long-range B2 and
B-52 Bombers implore selective carpet-bombing likely reducing Syria to a pile
of rubble. The reports claim that Obama plans to wage a much larger strike than
initially thought.
The coming attack is
projected by some to cause more damage to the Syrian President’s resources and
defenses then all attacks Syria has suffered in the past few years.According to PressTV.ir, “The B-2 and B-52 bombers are equipped with joint air-to-surface missiles, designed to destroy both mobile and fixed targets. The missiles’ primary advantage is that they allow pilots to operate outside the lethal range of most hostile air defense systems.”
Even scarier yet, is the fact that Infowars.com broke a story Tuesday, exposing the fact that nuclear warheads have indeed been transferred to the East Coast, possibly “South Carolina”, off a West Texas base in preparation for some type of impending attack. Alex Jones and Anthony Gucciardi wrote, “According to the high level military source, who has a strong record of continually being proven correct in deep military activity, the Dyess Air Force Commander authorized unknown parties to transfer the nuclear warheads to an unknown location that has been reported to be South Carolina, where the warheads will then be picked up and potentially utilized.
This is of particular interest not only due to the fact that the Syrian situation has escalated to the point of a very realistic hot war scenario, but due to the fact that Dyess has repeatedly denied the existence of nuclear warheads inside the base.”[4]
What do you think is headed down the pipe?
[1] Is Charleston, SC The Next Pearl Harbor? - YouTube.com
[2] Graham: Nukes In Hands Of Terrorists Could Result
In Bomb Coming To Charleston Harbor -
CBS Charlotte
[3] As Worries Over the Power Grid Rise, a Drill Will
Simulate a Knockout Blow - NYTimes.com
[4] U.S. NAVY Destroyers, Air Force B-2 and B-52
Bombers All-Set - Intellihub.com
For those that live in Charleston that know when those war ships are there, they should keep an eye on when they leave.
If there has not been a day when those war ships were gone for more than 6 hrs, and now they ALL disappear for 12 hrs or more then we know when there will be an attack, as they want those ships as far away as possible!
For those government offices that most of the higher up officials are not there then we know for sure an Attack is coming!
There have been reports of MANY dreams, visions and words from our Lord about the coming nuke attack(s)on America. One of the more predominant such warnings has been of an attack on an east coast naval facility WITH THE SHIPS IN HARBOR - NOT AWAY FROM THE BASE - BUT IN THE BASE. ALL SHIPS ARE LOST.
If Nibiru is coming they would know it, there fore there would be no need for a nuke. false flag. So which is it? If the good guys are winning and the good military is in place the bad guys couldn't do a nuke. The good military would stop it. If the good guys were winning Kerry would not have replaced Clinton,obummer would have been arrested along with the congress and senate.
We are on our own period. We as children of God can fight and die or submit and die we have no other choice. I chose to fight!!!
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