8-Year-Old Becomes China's Youngest Lung Cancer Patient, Doctors Blame Pollution

China's rapid transformation seemingly overnight from a reclusive Maoist outpost to a modern economic powerhouse has not come without a high social price, as urban dwellers struggle to cope with choking smog and deteriorating health conditions.source
Bid For Mars Club: India Sends Mission To Red Planet
India has launched a rocket carrying a satellite towards Mars, a first interplanetary space mission for the Asian country. The spacecraft is expected to reach the Red Planet by September next year.source
'We Are Legion!' Anonymous Allies Stand Up Against Corruption In Global March

Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks to mark their support of the Anonymous hactivist movement are staging protests all around the world on Tuesday. The self-styled legion of activists is opposing corporate and government corruption.source
Man Locked Up In Jail For One Month Despite Having Video Evidence Of Innocence
In addition to simply claiming he had an alibi, Brown also said he could provide security video footage of him arriving and leaving the training session, a sign-in sheet with his name on it, and a witness to verify his claim.When Brown's attorney, Patrick Nightingale, tried to submit this evidence to the case's investigating officer at a preliminary hearing, the officer refused to listen. He would not take the witness' name or phone number, either.source
One-Third Of DC Covered By Acoustic Sensors
The Washington Post reported extensively on the ShotSpotter crime-fighting surveillance tool over the weekend and how the city's Metropolitan Police Department has invested millions of dollars into maintaining a network of sensors deployed across the District of Columbia.source
US Plans More Military Exercises Near China
Beijing is considering the Pentagon's focus to "pivot" increased US military presence in the Asia-Pacific as a strategy to counter China's increasing global influence.source
New Jersey Mall Gunman Found Dead Of Self-Inflicted Gun Wound
The shooter who opened fire at a New Jersey mall Monday night was found dead of apparent suicide, according to US authorities, who have provided a positive identification of the gunman.source
Computer Model Anticipates Crime Hot Spots
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- A unique collaboration between a University of California, Riverside sociologist and the Indio Police Department has produced a computer model that predicts, by census block group, where burglaries are likely to occur.Using the model, the Indio department has developed interventions to address the problem, and can better anticipate hot spots of criminal activity and deploy officers accordingly. The result is an 8 percent decline in thefts in the first nine months of 2013.source
Dianne Feinstein Cries 'Gun Control' In Wake Of LAX Shooting...What Else Is New?
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Officers Taser Man For Trying To Save 3-year-old Son From House Fire
Even though LAX airport was already considered a "gun-free zone" (aside from roving police patrols curiously removed from checkpoints for reasons unknown in the months leading up to the recent shooting), that didn't stop Senator Feinstein from going on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday to say she'd introduce another bill over it.
School "Bullies" 8-year-old Student & Threatens Suspension Over Drawing Of Ninja With Gun
The child's parents are furious with the school for threatening suspension. The father, Jeff, whose last name has not been released for the safety of his children, said the school "bullied" his son and "bullied the parents too."Jeff said, "In this situation, it's actually the principal of the school who bullied the parents -- so much that we couldn't even be safe in that environment. I think we really send our children the wrong message when we show that, as adults, we're so afraid of our shadow that an innocent picture -- that any 8-year-old might've drawn -- is cause for this kind of concern." [...]source
10 Corporations Control Nearly Everything You Buy, 6 Media Corporations Control Nearly Everything You Read Or Watch

Snowden Manifesto Released
While Edward Snowden may be reviled at the top echelons of Western developed nations and is wanted in his native US on espionage charges for peeling back the curtain on how the gargantuan government machine truly works when it is not only engaged in chronic spying on anyone abroad, but worse, on its own people, the reality is that his whistleblowing revelations have done more to shift the narrative to the topic of dwindling individual liberties abused pervasively in the US and elsewhere, than anything else in recent years. And alongside that, have led to the first reform momentum of a system that is deeply broken. Which also happens to be the topic of a five-paragraph opinion piece he released today in German weekly Der Spiegel titled "A Manifesto For The Truth" in which he writes that his revelations have been useful and society will benefit from them and that he was therefore justified in revealing the methods and targets of the US secret service.source
We're About To Lose Net Neutrality -- And The Internet As We Know It
Net neutrality is a dead man walking. The execution date isn't set, but it could be days, or months (at best). And since net neutrality is the principle forbidding huge telecommunications companies from treating users, websites, or apps differently -- say, by letting some work better than others over their pipes -- the dead man walking isn't some abstract or far-removed principle just for wonks: It affects the internet as we all know it.source
UK.Gov Bans iPads From Cabinet Over Foreign Eavesdropper Fears
[...] ministers in "sensitive government departments" were recently issued with soundproof lead-lined boxes to leave their mobiles in during meetings. The tactic mimics the tradecraft trick practised by Edward Snowden when he met reporters in Hong Kong and insisted they placed their phones in fridges before any meeting.The heightened security concerns about minister's mobile and fondleslabs is the unsurprising result of reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel's personal mobile had been bugged by the NSA for years until the operation was exposed last month.source
The Shocking Truth About Alien Abductions (Powerful Video Evidence)
Since the late 1950s, there have literally been millions of claims from people worldwide of being taken by extraterrestrial beings, often onboard a craft and into some kind of operating room where various invasive medical procedures are carried out.
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