Saturday, November 23, 2013



by Christopher Rudy /// Nov. 23, 2013
Archived with pictures and video at: 'ISON UPDATE'
Previous article: 'Comet Ison News'
This update has three parts. If you watched the videos at 'Ison News', you are aware of these three things:
1- The Nature of the Electric Universe and the Energy Model of Comets in the Quantum Source Field.
2- On Oct. 6-7th, less than two months ago, Comet Ison "electrified" the entire atmosphere of Mars when passing closer than NASA predicted.
3- On Thanksgiving, Nov. 28th, Ison is crossing between the Sun and Earth. This could cause a massive CME (solar flare) in the direction of Earth... or Ison could merely become "brilliant" (charged up) as it orbits towards Earth to 'light us up' like it just did to Mars... or Ison could disintegrate in a big light show... or something entirely different.
To be more specific... CONTINUED with all three parts at "ISON UPDATE":
Note: My job as the Host of Cosmic Love is as a 'watchman' and Netizen journalist ... to report what I see regarding the larger scheme of Earth's evolutions and all souls thereof. The quantum universe of 'GOD-SOURCE-LOVE' has methods, whether we know them or like them or not. And mature viewing audiences are aware that it is better to conscientiously know better so we can do better with whatever time we have left in this life or in dimensional worlds of cosmic LOVE without end.
Caution: "ISON UPDATE" is not recommended for immature viewing audiences who are susceptible to “FEAR” (False Evidence Appearing Real). The "inner truth" (Creator-Source) is 'the judgment' as challenges spiritual and intellection pride that falsely believes it knows better.
So keep the "FAITH" (Fearlessly Affirming Inner Truth Honorably). ~CR


Anonymous said...

Guess no one is going top have to worry about shopping on Black Friday.

Anonymous said...

perhaps November 28th is the Event that Cobra talks about when he says a flash of light will hit everyone on Earth.