The Rumor Mill News Reading Room
FEMA Warns GridEX May Go Hot....(Also) -- Like Many Of Their Previous "Exercises"
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 6-Nov-2013 18:06:50
On today’s John Moore show, John shares with us that several of his sources, including a high level FEMA source, are expressing great concern over the upcoming GridEx2 drill that will simulate a power outage over much of North America. John shares with us that there have been many previous ‘drills’ that have turned into live disasters/events the very same day and informs us that his sources are warning that this drill too may go ‘hot’. More on this latest possible false flag below video. This segment starts at the 3 minute 30 second mark.
North American nations are now planning on coming together in an attempt to devise a contingency plan. A special $4.5 billion program – GridEx2 – has until recently been keep under wraps. Government leaders from the United States, Canada, and Mexico have come together to stage an emergency drill called GridEx2 which purports to see how governments and utility companies might react to a massive national power grid failure – caused by anything from solar flares to EMP attacks – and collapse. This November’s GridEx2 drill will bring together “thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico” in order to prepare are for an emergency drill “that will simulate physical attacks and cyberattacks that could take down large sections of the power grid.”
The official in charge of the drill, Brian M. Harrell of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, known as NERC explained the GridEx2 drill is working from a different assumption than all that came before it. Previous exercises were based on the erroneous belief that the grid “would be up and running relatively quick” following a major attack. That simply isn’t reality according to experts.
Each of you that have a business, primarily, banks, hospitals, and medical facilities, that wish to prepare for this as you want to run your generator to have electrical power, go to your city, county, or state officials and ask what you need to do.
If you are prohibited from doing anything to stay running then ask what would happen if you did run your generator.
If they say that you would be arrested and criminally charged for polluting the air with those generators, then tell them that you are a hospital and people will die if you don't run them in the Grid Shutdown.
Can we be criminally charged for that too? And they say 'Yes' then you have a Right to have them criminally charged for declaring that you WILL go to Prison Either way you act!
John Moore is a fruitcake and fear monger. Not one thing he has ever said has come true or even close. No doubt he works as a disinfo agent for the cabal.
If Obama allows this drill to take place, he'll have to take up residency on the moon to escape all of the litigations, he'll be impeached for sure, possibly arrested one could only hope!
Jackie Blue
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